#ifndef _SB_NETWORK_ #define _SB_NETWORK_ #define SB_VERSION "1.0.4" #include #include #include #include "SBTypes.h" #include "SBNetwork_config.h" #include "SBDevice.h" #define BROADCAST_MAC (SBMacAddress(0x9E, 0x0E, 0x9E, 0x0E, 0x9E)) #define EMPTY_MAC (SBMacAddress(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) class SBNetwork{ private: /* * Stores the uptime of the device */ unsigned long long _Uptime; /* * Stores the last time from millis() */ unsigned long _LastTime; /* * Stores the time when the device should ping to the master */ unsigned long _NextCheck; /* * Stores the connection state to a master device in case of it is a client device */ bool _Connected; /** * Here the payload will be stored for each frame receive */ uint8_t _ReceiveBuffer[MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE]; /** * Here the received message is stored after a full message receive (fragmented or not fragmented) */ uint8_t _ReadBuffer[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; /* * Store the times, when the slaves sent the last signal to the master */ unsigned long long _SlavePings[MAX_CLIENTS]; /* Points to the last message which was received */ void* _LastReceivedMessage; /** Stores the length of the last receives message */ uint8_t _LastReceivedMessageSize; /** Stores the mac of the sender of the last received message */ SBMacAddress _LastReceivedFromAddress; /** Enables or disables automatical client adding, when receiving a pairing resuest. This is false by default. */ bool _EnableAutomaticClientAdding = false; void initializeNetworkDevice(SBNetworkDevice &device, SBMacAddress mac); bool sendToDevice(SBNetworkFrame frame); // Return false, if the package was handled internally and if it is not relevant for the end user bool handleCommandPackage(SBNetworkFrame *frame); bool sendMasterAck(SBMacAddress mac); bool sendPairingAck(SBMacAddress mac); bool receiveInternal(SBNetworkFrame *frame); bool receive(SBNetworkFrame *frame); bool receiveMessage(void **message, uint8_t *messageSize, SBMacAddress *mac); bool pingDeviceInternal(SBMacAddress mac, bool waitForAck); public: /* * Define the standard addresses for the sensor network */ SBMacAddress _BroadcastAddress = BROADCAST_MAC; SBNetworkDevice NetworkDevice; SBMasterStorage MasterStorage; RF24 radio; /* * Stores the runtime mode of the device true=Client, false=Master */ bool RunAsClient; /* * Constructor with setting the used pins for commnicate with the NRF24L01(+) chip. */ SBNetwork(bool client, uint8_t cePin, uint8_t csPin); /* * Constructor no settings. The used pins for commnicate with the NRF24L01(+) chip will be the standard pins. */ SBNetwork(); /* * Initializes the sensor / master */ void initialize(SBMacAddress mac); void initialize(byte mac[]) { initialize(SBMacAddress(mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4])); } /* * Resets the Sensors data (including the eeprom). * The sensor then will loos the connaction to the master. */ void resetData(); /* Sends a SBNetworkFrame to a device. */ bool sendToDevice(SBMacAddress mac, void* message, uint8_t messageSize); /* Check if a new incomming transmission is available */ uint8_t available() { return _LastReceivedMessageSize; } /* Returns a pointer to the buffer, where the last incomming transmission is stored */ void* getMessage() { return _LastReceivedMessage > 0 ? _LastReceivedMessage : NULL; } /* Returns the mac of the sender from the last receives package */ SBMacAddress getLastReceivedMac() { return _LastReceivedFromAddress; }; bool connectToNetwork(); bool checkMaster(); /* Adds a mac to the storage and returns the position in the storage. */ uint8_t addMac(SBMacAddress mac); /* Removes the mac from the storage. If the mac was stored, it returns the position of the mac, if not, it returns -1. */ uint8_t removeMac(SBMacAddress mac); bool pingDevice(SBMacAddress mac); /* Updates the uptime counter. If this device is a sensor, it pings the master after a time. The time is definded in the config under SENSOR_CHECK_INTERVAL. If SENSOR_CHECK_INTERVAL is set to 0, it will not ping the master. */ void update(); unsigned long long uptime(){ return _Uptime; } /** Enables or disables automatic client adding when receiving a pairing resuest. The default is false. If the flag is set to true and the master receives a pairing request or a search master broadcast, it will not respond. */ void enableAutomaticClientAdding(bool enable) { _EnableAutomaticClientAdding = enable; } /** Returns the flag, if the master will accept new clients automatically */ bool isAutomaticClientAddingEnabled() { return _EnableAutomaticClientAdding; } }; #endif