#ifndef _SB_NETWORK_ #define _SB_NETWORK_ #define SB_VERSION "1.0.4" #include #include #include #include "SBTypes.h" #include "SBNetwork_config.h" #include "SBDevice.h" #define BROADCAST_MAC (SBMacAddress(0x9E, 0x0E, 0x9E, 0x0E, 0x9E)) #define EMPTY_MAC (SBMacAddress(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)) class SBNetwork{ private: /* * Stores the uptime of the device */ unsigned long long _Uptime; /* * Stores the last time from millis() */ unsigned long _LastTime; /* * Stores the time when the device should ping to the master */ unsigned long _NextCheck; /* * Stores the connection state to a master device in case of it is a client device */ bool _Connected; /** * Here the payload will be stored for each frame receive */ uint8_t _ReceiveBuffer[MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE]; /** * Here the received message is stored after a full message receive (fragmented or not fragmented) */ uint8_t _ReadBuffer[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; /* * Store the times, when the slaves sent the last signal to the master */ unsigned long long _SlavePings[MAX_CLIENTS]; /* Points to the last message which was received */ void* _LastReceivedMessage; /** Stores the length of the last receives message */ uint8_t _LastReceivedMessageSize; /** Stores the mac of the sender of the last received message */ SBMacAddress _LastReceivedFromAddress; /** Enables or disables automatical client adding, when receiving a pairing resuest. This is false by default. */ bool _EnableAutomaticClientAdding = false; void initializeNetworkDevice(SBNetworkDevice &device, SBMacAddress mac); bool sendToDeviceInternal(SBNetworkFrame frame, bool waitForAck); bool sendToDevice(SBNetworkFrame frame); // Return false, if the package was handled internally and if it is not relevant for the end user bool handleCommandPackage(SBNetworkFrame *frame); bool sendMasterAck(SBMacAddress mac); bool sendPairingAck(SBMacAddress mac); bool receiveInternal(SBNetworkFrame *frame); bool receive(SBNetworkFrame *frame); bool receiveMessage(void **message, uint8_t *messageSize, SBMacAddress *mac); bool waitForAckFrom(SBMacAddress mac); bool sendAckTo(SBMacAddress mac); public: /* * Define the standard addresses for the sensor network */ SBMacAddress _BroadcastAddress = BROADCAST_MAC; SBNetworkDevice NetworkDevice; SBMasterStorage MasterStorage; RF24 radio; /* * Stores the runtime mode of the device true=Client, false=Master */ bool RunAsClient; /* * Constructor with setting the used pins for commnicate with the NRF24L01(+) chip. */ SBNetwork(bool client, uint8_t cePin, uint8_t csPin); /* * Constructor no settings. The used pins for commnicate with the NRF24L01(+) chip will be the standard pins. */ SBNetwork(); /* * Initializes the sensor / master */ void initialize(SBMacAddress mac); void initialize(byte mac[]) { initialize(SBMacAddress(mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4])); } /* * Resets the Sensors data (including the eeprom). * The sensor then will loos the connaction to the master. */ void resetData(); /* Sends a SBNetworkFrame to a device. */ bool sendToDevice(SBMacAddress mac, void* message, uint8_t messageSize); /* Check if a new incomming transmission is available */ uint8_t available() { return _LastReceivedMessageSize; } /* Returns a pointer to the buffer, where the last incomming transmission is stored */ void* getMessage() { return _LastReceivedMessage > 0 ? _LastReceivedMessage : NULL; } /* Returns the mac of the sender from the last receives package */ SBMacAddress getLastReceivedMac() { return _LastReceivedFromAddress; }; bool connectToNetwork(); bool checkMaster(); /* Adds a mac to the storage and returns the position in the storage. */ uint8_t addMac(SBMacAddress mac); /* Removes the mac from the storage. If the mac was stored, it returns the position of the mac, if not, it returns -1. */ uint8_t removeMac(SBMacAddress mac); bool pingDevice(SBMacAddress mac); /* Updates the uptime counter. If this device is a sensor, it pings the master after a time. The time is definded in the config under SENSOR_CHECK_INTERVAL. If SENSOR_CHECK_INTERVAL is set to 0, it will not ping the master. */ void update(); unsigned long long uptime(){ return _Uptime; } /** Enables or disables automatic client adding when receiving a pairing resuest. The default is false. If the flag is set to true and the master receives a pairing request or a search master broadcast, it will not respond. */ void enableAutomaticClientAdding(bool enable) { _EnableAutomaticClientAdding = enable; } /** Returns the flag, if the master will accept new clients automatically */ bool isAutomaticClientAddingEnabled() { return _EnableAutomaticClientAdding; } /* Returns the count of bytes that are reserved for SBNetworkLib in the internal flash. If you want to use the internal flash, get shure not writing into the storage of SBNetwork. */ uint16_t getFlashOffset() { return SB_NETWORK_FLASH_SIZE; } }; #endif