2017-11-22 00:23:53 +01:00

88 lines
3.4 KiB

* Author - Marcel Schulz (alias Schullebernd)
* *************************************************************
* See further library details on
* *************************************************************
* This Getting started is prepared for using it with a Wemos D1 mini as a master device.
* If you want to use an Arduino, then change the line 36 "SBNetwork networkDevice(false, D2, D8);" to the correct pinout for an Arduino "SBNetwork networkDevice(false, 6, 7)".
* **************************************************************
* Step 1 - Prepare your device
* Connect a nRF24L01 transmitter to a Wemos D1 mini or an Arduino Device
* WEMOS > RF24 ARDUINO > RF24 --------------------------------------
* ------------ -------------- | GND # # VCC TOP VIEW |
* 3V3 > VCC VCC > VCC | CE # # CSN of nRF24L01 |
* GND > GND GND > GND | SCK # # MOSI |
* D2 > CE 6 > CE | MISO # # IRQ |
* D8 > CSN 7 > CSN | |
* D7 > MOSI 11 > MOSI --------------------------------------
* D6 > MISO 12 > MISO
* D5 > SCK 13 > SCK
* Step 2 - Build the sketch for the master device
* Connect the Wemos via USB to the PC, select the right board and COM interface in the tools menu and run the project.
* After building and loading up to the Wemos, the serial monitor should show some log data.
#include <SBNetwork_config.h>
#include <SBNetwork.h>
// Type in here the mac address of the device.
// This must be unique within your complete network otherwise the network will not work.
SBMacAddress deviceMac(0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05);
//SBMacAddress deviceMac(0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01);
// Create a new network device with Wemos D1 mini and set the _ce and _cs pin.
// The first argument defines the type of the device. false=master and true=client device
SBNetwork networkDevice(false, D2, D8);
//SBNetwork networkDevice(true, 6, 7);
void setup() {
// Init serial connection
// Initialize the network device
Serial.println(F("*** PRESS 'N' to reset the device"));
void loop() {
// This routine is for resetting the device
// All flash data will be deleted
if (Serial.available())
char c = toupper(;
if (c == 'N') {
// Call this in the loop() function to maintain the network device
// Check, if there are messages available
uint8_t messageSize = networkDevice.available();
if (messageSize > 0) {
byte* message = (byte*)networkDevice.getMessage();
Serial.print(F("Received Content from sensor: "));
if (strcmp((char*)message, "BME280") == 0) {
// We have received a BME280 transmission
float fTemp, fPressure, fHumidity;
memcpy(&fTemp, (void*)(message + 10), sizeof(float));
memcpy(&fPressure, (void*)(message + 10 + 4), sizeof(float));
memcpy(&fHumidity, (void*)(message + 10 + 4 + 4), sizeof(float));
Serial.print("Temperature: ");
Serial.print(fTemp, 2);
Serial.println(" degrees C");
Serial.print("Pressure: ");
Serial.print(fPressure, 2);
Serial.println(" Pa");
Serial.print("%RH: ");
Serial.print(fHumidity, 2);
Serial.println(" %");
} // Loop