#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import os import sys from hashlib import sha256 from github import Github import json import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Make a new ripme release on github") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="Path to the version of ripme to release") parser.add_argument("-t", "--token", help="Your github personal access token") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="Run in debug mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-n", "--non-interactive", help="Do not ask for any input from the user", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--test", help="Perform a dry run (Do everything but upload new release)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--skip-hash-check", help="Skip hash check (This should only be used for testing)", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() try: # This binds input to raw_input on python2, we do this because input acts like eval on python2 input = raw_input except NameError: pass # Make sure the file the user selected is a jar def isJar(filename): if debug: print("Checking if {} is a jar file".format(filename)) return filename.endswith("jar") # Returns true if last entry to the "changeList" section of ripme.json is in the format of $number.$number.$number: and # false if not def isValidCommitMessage(message): if debug: print(r"Checking if {} matches pattern ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+:".format(message)) pattern = re.compile(r"^\d+\.\d+\.\d+:") return re.match(pattern, message) # Checks if the update has the name ripme.jar, if not it renames the file def checkAndRenameFile(path): """Check if path (a string) points to a ripme.jar. Returns the possibly renamed file path""" if not path.endswith("ripme.jar"): print("Specified file is not named ripme.jar, renaming") new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), "ripme.jar") os.rename(path, new_path) return new_path return path ripmeJson = json.loads(open("ripme.json").read()) fileToUploadPath = checkAndRenameFile(args.file) InNoninteractiveMode = args.non_interactive commitMessage = ripmeJson.get("changeList")[0] releaseVersion = ripmeJson.get("latestVersion") debug = args.debug accessToken = args.token repoOwner = "ripmeapp" repoName = "ripme" if not os.path.isfile(fileToUploadPath): print("[!] Error: {} does not exist".format(fileToUploadPath)) sys.exit(1) if not isJar(fileToUploadPath): print("[!] Error: {} is not a jar file!".format(fileToUploadPath)) sys.exit(1) if not isValidCommitMessage(commitMessage): print("[!] Error: {} is not a valid commit message as it does not start with a version".format(fileToUploadPath)) sys.exit(1) if not args.skip_hash_check: if debug: print("Reading file {}".format(fileToUploadPath)) ripmeUpdate = open(fileToUploadPath, mode='rb').read() # The actual hash of the file on disk actualHash = sha256(ripmeUpdate).hexdigest() # The hash that we expect the update to have expectedHash = ripmeJson.get("currentHash") # Make sure that the hash of the file we're uploading matches the hash in ripme.json. These hashes not matching will # cause ripme to refuse to install the update for all users who haven't disabled update hash checking if expectedHash != actualHash: print("[!] Error: expected hash of file and actual hash differ") print("[!] Expected hash is {}".format(expectedHash)) print("[!] Actual hash is {}".format(actualHash)) sys.exit(1) else: print("[*] WARNING: SKIPPING HASH CHECK") # Ask the user to review the information before we precede # This only runs in we're in interactive mode if not InNoninteractiveMode: print("File path: {}".format(fileToUploadPath)) print("Release title: {}".format(commitMessage)) print("Repo: {}/{}".format(repoOwner, repoName)) input("\nPlease review the information above and ensure it is correct and then press enter") if not args.test: print("Accessing github using token") g = Github(accessToken) print("Creating release") release = g.get_user(repoOwner).get_repo(repoName).create_git_release(releaseVersion, commitMessage, "") print("Uploading file") release.upload_asset(fileToUploadPath, "ripme.jar") else: print("Not uploading release being script was run with --test flag")