From b9155dd4018154aeba2c189ee995e798418664eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gurkengewuerz Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2020 23:03:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] removed outdated docs --- docs/CNAME | 1 - docs/Gemfile | 3 - docs/Gemfile.lock | 216 ---------------------------------- docs/_config.yml | 2 - docs/_layouts/layout.html | 66 ----------- docs/_layouts/wikipage.html | 75 ------------ docs/assets/css/style.scss | 13 -- docs/ | 54 --------- docs/wiki/ | 42 ------- docs/wiki/ | 45 ------- docs/wiki/ | 29 ----- docs/wiki/ | 23 ---- docs/wiki/ | 23 ---- docs/wiki/ | 34 ------ docs/wiki/ | 11 -- 15 files changed, 637 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 docs/CNAME delete mode 100644 docs/Gemfile delete mode 100644 docs/Gemfile.lock delete mode 100644 docs/_config.yml delete mode 100644 docs/_layouts/layout.html delete mode 100644 docs/_layouts/wikipage.html delete mode 100644 docs/assets/css/style.scss delete mode 100644 docs/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ delete mode 100644 docs/wiki/ diff --git a/docs/CNAME b/docs/CNAME deleted file mode 100644 index daca5f8..0000000 --- a/docs/CNAME +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ diff --git a/docs/Gemfile b/docs/Gemfile deleted file mode 100644 index d35b615..0000000 --- a/docs/Gemfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -source '' - 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It has two options, `Quit`, which exits ~~no need to press it :^)~~, and `About`, which contains licensing information: -![]( - -There is a second menu, namely `Screenshot`. It has two options, area, and fullscreen capture. See below. - -The third, `Utility`, menu has the color picker in it. - -The fourth and final menu, `Recording`, has a start and stop recording button. - -## The tray -![]( - -The tray consists of a small, but nice, icon made by @BriannaFoxwell. Upon right clicking it you get the context menu shown above. The menu is rather simple, containing basic controls, and screenshotting options. -These options will be explained below. - -## Screenshotting options -### Area capture -Area capture takes a snapshot of the screen, and shows you a fullscreen editor for you to select a region in. This editor is explained in a section below. - -### Fullscreen capture -Fullscreen capture takes a snapshot of the entire screen and skips the editor part. Straight to the destination (explained later as well). - -### Active window capture -Takes the active window and uploads it straight to your destination of choice - -## Crop Editor -Crop Editor is a window you can use to select the area of the screen to upload. It consists of a grey overlay and a re-sizable rectangle. The rectangle is resized by holding the mouse buttons. When you let go of the button, a new selection will start replacing the old one. On the first press the same thing happens. -Press `Escape` to cancel, and `Return`, or `Enter` to submit. -Oh. And you can draw with the bar that appears on the top. diff --git a/docs/wiki/ b/docs/wiki/ deleted file mode 100644 index b0da1ff..0000000 --- a/docs/wiki/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Destinations -categories: [wiki] -layout: wikipage ---- -# Destinations -Destinations determine where your image goes - -There is a set of default uploaders, two, to be exact. -## Default uploaders: -### imgur -Uploads your image to imgur. -### clipboard -Copies your image to clipboard. - -## Custom uploaders -Placed into `CONFIG PATH/KShare/uploaders` -Eg: `$HOME/.config/KShare/uploaders` -All uploaders have to be `.uploader` files! -Custom uploaders can be added, and are made with JSON, and follow this template: -```js -{ - "name": "", // String, required - "desc": "", // String, optional - "method": "", // String, default: "POST", for now, just POST. Request more if you need them - "target": "", // URL, required - "format": "", // String, default: "json", can be `x-www-form-urlencoded` or `json` or `multipart-form-data`. Setting to `PLAIN` will make the body ignored and only the image sent. - "base64": false, // Optional, makes the data base64 - "body": {}, // A JSON object, where one of the nodes can be a string in the format `/ANYTHING/`. In `ANYTHING`, `%contenttype` is replaced with the image type and `%imagedata` is replaced with the image encoded with `imageformat`. Unless you use multipart, see below - "return": "" // Return pathspec. `|` copies the entire body, `` copies the value of the node. The dot IS IMPORTANT. Without it, nothing happens. If one of the nodes is not a string, the string is copied, if one is an object, recursion continues, if one is null, nothing is copied, otherwise the node is JSON stringified. Only supports JSON for now. -} -``` -Note that QJson does not support comments. -### Multipart -Multipart is obviously made out of multiple parts. The way you define a multipart body is: -```js -[ - { - "__HeaderName": "HeaderValue", // No limit here. Must start with __, which is removed later. - "body": { /* same way you define it for anything json */ }, // Can be string. Strings matching `/.../` are processed same way as in a json field. - "name": "files[]" // Info to add to Content-Disposition (eg part name, filename, ...) - } -] -``` -This would go in the `body` field of the above JSON. diff --git a/docs/wiki/ b/docs/wiki/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9cb32db..0000000 --- a/docs/wiki/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Encoder Settings -categories: [wiki] -layout: wikipage ---- -# Encoder settings -The encoders used can be customized to a high degree. Every encoder besides GIF has some settings. -![]( - -## Image encoder settings -The only option here is quality, by default it uses the default for the format you use. You can change it by unticking format default. [More info]( - -## Video encoder settings -The common settings are bitrate and GOP size. - -GOP Size is the size of a group of pictures. -Bitrate is the target bitrate. - -### h264/h265 -The H.26[45] MP4 codec has a few presets to choose. The recommended is to choose the slowest one you can cope with. -I recommend medium. - -CRF is the constant rate factor of this video stream, and again I recommend leaving the default value, `23`. - -### VP9 -VP9 is the WebP codec. Only option it has is lossless encoding, and you want it off, trust me. - -### GIF -GIF has no options. It's terrible whatever you do to it. diff --git a/docs/wiki/ b/docs/wiki/ deleted file mode 100644 index 4dddc94..0000000 --- a/docs/wiki/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Hotkeys -categories: [wiki] -layout: wikipage ---- -# Hotkeys -Hotkeys are configured in the settings UI. -![]( -Currently available hotkeys are: -## Fullscreen image -This bind lets you take a fullscreen image and upload it instantly. -## Area image -Equivalent to `Take area shot` and `Screenshot -> Area`. Takes a snapshot and opens the crop editor. -## Active window -Equivalent to `Active window` and `Screenshot -> Active window`. Takes a snapshot of the active window and sends it. -## Color picker -Opens the color picker -## Recording start/stop -Starts and stops recording - -## Editing hotkeys -All binds can be modified using by double clicking the hotkey name. -You can either type the hotkey in or press record and press the key combination you want on your keyboard diff --git a/docs/wiki/ b/docs/wiki/ deleted file mode 100644 index db7d683..0000000 --- a/docs/wiki/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Settings -categories: [wiki] -layout: wikipage ---- -# Settings -## Destination -![]( -Select the active destination. Adding more is possible and explained it Custom Uploaders -**Default:** `imgur` -## Filename scheme -![]( -Used to generate filenames. Extensions are placed in place of `%ext`. `%(DATE FORMAT)date` can be used to replace the date format with a format as specified by [this documentation page]( -**Default:** `Screenshot %(yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss)date.%ext` -## Delay before taking a screenshot -![]( -Applies only to the buttons in menus. Hotkeys do not follow this rule. In seconds. Mostly used to let animations fade. -Min: `0.00` -Max: `99.99` -**Default:** `0.25` - -## Hotkeys -**Explained on a separate page.** diff --git a/docs/wiki/ b/docs/wiki/ deleted file mode 100644 index b8b1ac3..0000000 --- a/docs/wiki/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Tools -categories: [wiki] -layout: wikipage ---- -# Drawing -![]( -On-screen drawing is pretty simple. Right click in the crop editor to show a pen selection tool. When you click on a pen it will stay selected until you press `Reset`. - -You can move drawings around by Ctrl+Dragging them - -## Available pens: -### Free draw (pen icon) -Makes a path where your mouse went. -### Blur (badly made blurred rectangle icon) -Allows you to set a rectangle to blur out. -### Straight line -A line between where you start and end dragging -### Text -Asks you to insert some text. -**WARNING:** Avoid pressing esc -### Rectangle -Drag to draw a rectangle -### Ellipse -Drag to draw an ellipse -### Arrow -Draws an arrow from start to end of your drag -### Eraser[]( -Removes all items you drag your mouse over - -### Clear all drawings -Removes all drawings -### Reset -Allows you to choose a region to cut for the final result. diff --git a/docs/wiki/ b/docs/wiki/ deleted file mode 100644 index 384d708..0000000 --- a/docs/wiki/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: Index -categories: [wiki] -layout: wikipage ---- - -# Welcome to the KShare wiki! -The cross platform screenshotting utility - -# Usage -See the [`Basic usage`](/wiki/Basic-Usage.html) page