#include "utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QColor utils::invertColor(QColor color) { return QColor(255 - color.red(), 255 - color.green(), 255 - color.blue()); } QPixmap utils::extend(QPixmap img, int extraSize, QColor hl) { QPixmap newImg(img.width() + extraSize * 2, img.height() + extraSize * 2); newImg.fill(hl); QPainter ptr(&newImg); ptr.drawPixmap(extraSize, extraSize, img); ptr.end(); return newImg; } QPixmap utils::fullscreen(bool cursor) { QPixmap image; QPainter painter; QPoint smallestCoordinate = smallestScreenCoordinate(); // Hack for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58110 #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX static QStringList qVer = QString(qVersion()).split('.'); if (qVer.at(0).toInt() == 5 && qVer.at(1).toInt() < 9) { image = window(0); painter.begin(&image); } else { #endif int height = 0, width = 0; int ox = smallestCoordinate.x() * -1, oy = smallestCoordinate.y() * -1; for (QScreen *screen : QApplication::screens()) { QRect geo = screen->geometry(); width = qMax(ox + geo.left() + geo.width(), width); height = qMax(oy + geo.top() + geo.height(), height); } image = QPixmap(width, height); image.fill(Qt::transparent); width = 0; painter.begin(&image); painter.translate(ox, oy); for (QScreen *screen : QApplication::screens()) { QPixmap currentScreen = window(0, screen); QRect geo = screen->geometry(); painter.drawPixmap(geo.left(), geo.top(), geo.width(), geo.height(), currentScreen); width += screen->size().width(); } #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX } #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_CAPABILITY_CURSOR if (cursor) { auto cursorData = PlatformBackend::inst().getCursor(); painter.drawPixmap(QCursor::pos() - std::get<0>(cursorData), std::get<1>(cursorData)); } #endif painter.end(); return image; } QPixmap utils::window(WId wid, QScreen *w) { return w->grabWindow(wid); } void utils::toClipboard(QString value) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(value); } QPixmap utils::fullscreenArea(bool cursor, qreal x, qreal y, qreal w, qreal h) { return fullscreen(cursor).copy(x, y, w, h); } QPoint utils::smallestScreenCoordinate() { QPoint smallestCoordinate; for (QScreen *screen : QApplication::screens()) { smallestCoordinate.rx() = qMin(smallestCoordinate.x(), screen->geometry().left()); smallestCoordinate.ry() = qMin(smallestCoordinate.y(), screen->geometry().top()); } return smallestCoordinate; } QPixmap utils::renderText(QString toRender, int padding, QColor background, QColor pen, QFont font) { QFontMetrics metric(font); QStringList lines = toRender.replace("\r", "").split('\n'); QSize resultingSize(0, padding * 2); int lineSpace = metric.leading(); for (QString line : lines) { QRect br = metric.boundingRect(line); resultingSize.rheight() += lineSpace + br.height(); resultingSize.rwidth() = qMax(br.width(), resultingSize.width()); } resultingSize.rwidth() += padding * 2; QPixmap renderred(resultingSize); renderred.fill(background); QPainter painter(&renderred); painter.setPen(pen); int y = padding; for (QString line : lines) { QRect br = metric.boundingRect(line); painter.drawText(padding, y, br.width(), br.height(), 0, line); y += lineSpace + br.height(); } painter.end(); return renderred; } QString utils::randomString(int length) { QString str; str.resize(length); for (int s = 0; s < length; s++) str[s] = QChar('A' + char(qrand() % ('Z' - 'A'))); return str; } void utils::externalScreenshot(std::function callback) { QString cmd = settings::settings().value("command/fullscreenCommand", "").toString(); QStringList args = cmd.split(' '); QString tempPath; for (QString &arg : args) { if (arg == "%FILE_PATH") { if (tempPath.isEmpty()) tempPath = "KShare-Ext-Screenshot." + randomString(5); arg = tempPath; } } QProcess *process = new QProcess; QObject::connect(process, QOverload::of(&QProcess::finished), [callback, process, tempPath](int code, QProcess::ExitStatus) { if (code != 0) { qCritical().noquote() << "Failed to take external screenshot: \n" << process->readAllStandardError(); } else { QPixmap pixmap; if (!tempPath.isEmpty()) pixmap.load(tempPath); else pixmap.loadFromData(process->readAllStandardOutput()); callback(pixmap); } if (!tempPath.isEmpty()) QFile(tempPath).remove(); }); QObject::connect(process, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [](QProcess::ProcessError err) { if (err == QProcess::FailedToStart) settings::settings().remove("command/fullscreenCommand"); }); process->start(args.takeFirst(), args); } void utils::externalScreenshotActive(std::function callback) { QString cmd = settings::settings().value("command/activeCommand", "").toString(); QStringList args = cmd.split(' '); QString tempPath; for (QString &arg : args) { if (arg == "%FILE_PATH") { if (tempPath.isEmpty()) tempPath = "KShare-Ext-Screenshot." + randomString(5); arg = tempPath; } } QProcess *process = new QProcess; QObject::connect(process, QOverload::of(&QProcess::finished), [callback, process, tempPath](int code, QProcess::ExitStatus) { if (code != 0) { qCritical().noquote() << "Failed to take external screenshot: \n" << process->readAllStandardError(); } else { QPixmap pixmap; if (!tempPath.isEmpty()) pixmap.load(tempPath); else pixmap.loadFromData(process->readAllStandardOutput()); callback(pixmap); } if (!tempPath.isEmpty()) QFile(tempPath).remove(); }); QObject::connect(process, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [](QProcess::ProcessError err) { if (err == QProcess::FailedToStart) settings::settings().remove("command/activeCommand"); }); process->start(args.takeFirst(), args); }