import schedule import time import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests import json import socket import CloudFlare import logging import smtplib import ssl import io logger = logging.getLogger('dns_updater') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y:%H:%M:%S') ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) log_capture_string = io.StringIO() ch2 = logging.StreamHandler(log_capture_string) ch2.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch2) OPENWRT_PATH = "/cgi-bin/luci/" INTERVAL = 60 userdata = dict() mqtt_data = dict() mail_data = dict() openwrt = dict() hosts = dict() dns = dict() firewall = dict() def readFile(): with open("settings.json") as json_file: global userdata global hosts global dns global firewall global mqtt_data global mail_data global openwrt global OPENWRT_PATH global INTERVAL data = json.load(json_file) userdata = {"apikey": data["apikey"], "username": data["user"]} INTERVAL = data["interval"] mqtt_data = data["mqtt"] mail_data = data["mail"] openwrt = data["openwrt"] OPENWRT_PATH = "http://" + openwrt["host"] + OPENWRT_PATH if "hosts" in data: z = hosts.copy() z.update(data["hosts"]) hosts = z if "dns" in data: z = dns.copy() z.update(data["dns"]) dns = z if "firewall" in data: z = firewall.copy() z.update(data["firewall"]) firewall = z readFile() def saveFile():"Saving settings.json file...") with open('settings.json', 'wt') as out: global userdata global hosts global dns global INTERVAL obj = { "apikey": userdata["apikey"], "user": userdata["username"], "interval": INTERVAL, "dns": dns, "hosts": hosts, "firewall": firewall, "mqtt": mqtt_data, "openwrt": openwrt, "mail": mail_data, } res = json.dump(obj, out, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))"File saved") schedule.every(2) def getPublicIP(): r = requests.get("") data = json.loads(r.text) return data.get("ip") def do_dns_update(cf, zone_name, zone_id, dns_name, ip_address, ip_address_type): """Cloudflare API code - example""""Update %s to %s" % (dns_name+"."+zone_name, ip_address)) try: prefix = "" if dns_name == "@" else dns_name+"." params = {'name':prefix+zone_name, 'match':'all', 'type':ip_address_type} dns_records = cf.zones.dns_records.get(zone_id, params=params) except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: logger.error('/zones/dns_records %s - %d %s - api call failed' % (dns_name, e, e)) updated = False changed = False # update the record - unless it's already correct for dns_record in dns_records: old_ip_address = dns_record['content'] old_ip_address_type = dns_record['type'] if ip_address_type not in ['A', 'AAAA']: # we only deal with A / AAAA records continue if ip_address_type != old_ip_address_type: # only update the correct address type (A or AAAA) # we don't see this becuase of the search params above logger.debug('IGNORED: %s %s ; wrong address family' % (dns_name, old_ip_address)) continue if ip_address == old_ip_address: logger.debug('UNCHANGED: %s %s' % (dns_name, ip_address)) updated = True continue # Yes, we need to update this record - we know it's the same address type dns_record_id = dns_record['id'] dns_record = { 'name':dns_name, 'type':ip_address_type, 'content':ip_address } try: dns_record = cf.zones.dns_records.put(zone_id, dns_record_id, data=dns_record) changed = True except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: logger.error('/zones.dns_records.put %s - %d %s - api call failed' % (dns_name, e, e)) logger.debug('UPDATED: %s %s -> %s' % (dns_name, old_ip_address, ip_address)) updated = True if updated: return changed # no exsiting dns record to update - so create dns record dns_record = { 'name':dns_name, 'type':ip_address_type, 'content':ip_address } try: dns_record =, data=dns_record) changed = True except CloudFlare.exceptions.CloudFlareAPIError as e: logger.error('/ %s - %d %s - api call failed' % (dns_name, e, e)) logger.debug('CREATED: %s %s' % (dns_name, ip_address)) return changed if openwrt["enabled"] == True: jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar() fw_login = requests.get(OPENWRT_PATH + "/rpc/auth", cookies=jar, json={ "id": 1, "method": "login", "params": [ openwrt["username"], openwrt["password"] ] }) if "result" not in fw_login.json() or fw_login.json()["result"] is None: exit("Incorrect OpenWrt Login") o = urlparse(OPENWRT_PATH) jar.set('sysauth', fw_login.json()["result"], domain=o.netloc, path=o.path) def setFirewall(section, key, new_ipv6): global jar"Updating firewall " + section + "." + key + "=" + new_ipv6) if not new_ipv6: logger.debug("Empty IPv6... Skipping...") return r = requests.get(OPENWRT_PATH + "/rpc/uci", cookies=jar, json={ "id": 1, "method": "get_all", "params": [ "firewall", section ] }) data = r.json() if not "result" in data or data["result"] is None: logger.warning("Unknown firewall section %s... Skipping..." % (section)) return result = data["result"] if not "family" in result or result["family"] is None: logger.debug("No family set in firewall section %s... Skipping..." % (section)) return if not key in result or result[key] is None: logger.debug("No %s set in firewall section %s... Skipping..." % (key, section)) return if result["family"] != "ipv6": logger.debuginfo("Section %s is no ipv6... Skipping..." % (section)) return if result[key] == new_ipv6: logger.debug("Section %s has same ipv6... Skipping..." % (section)) return r = requests.get(OPENWRT_PATH + "/rpc/uci", cookies=jar, json={ "id": 1, "method": "set", "params": [ "firewall", section, key, new_ipv6 ] }) logger.debug("updated = %s" % r.json()["result"]) return True def commitFirewall(): global jar r = requests.get(OPENWRT_PATH + "/rpc/uci", cookies=jar, json={ "id": 1, "method": "commit", "params": [ "firewall", ] }) def updateFirewall(): global hosts global dns global firewall global commitFirewall global setFirewall"Updating firewall") changed = False for section in firewall: for key in firewall[section]: value = firewall[section][key] ipv6 = hosts.get(value, dict()).get("ipv6", "") changed = setFirewall(section, key, ipv6) if changed == True:"Firewall set... Commiting...") commitFirewall()"Firewall commited") else:"Nothing changed. Skipping firewall commit...") return changed def updateDNS(): global hosts global userdata global dns global getPublicIP global do_dns_update"Updating DNS") cf = CloudFlare.CloudFlare(email=userdata["username"], token=userdata["apikey"]) PUBLIC = getPublicIP() if not PUBLIC or PUBLIC is None: logger.error("EMPTY PUBLIC IP?!") return False changed = False for domain in dns: params = {'name':domain} zones = cf.zones.get(params=params) zone = zones[0] zone_name = zone['name'] zone_id = zone['id'] for subdomain in dns[domain]: ipv4_host = dns[domain][subdomain].get("ipv4", "") ipv6_host = dns[domain][subdomain].get("ipv6", "") if ipv4_host.lower() == "public": ipv4 = PUBLIC else: ipv4 = hosts.get(ipv4_host, dict()).get("ipv4", "") ipv6 = hosts.get(ipv6_host, dict()).get("ipv6", "") dns_records = [] if ipv4: if do_dns_update(cf, zone_name, zone_id, subdomain, ipv4, "A"): changed = True if ipv6: if do_dns_update(cf, zone_name, zone_id, subdomain, ipv6, "AAAA"): changed = True return changed def sendMail(mail_data, title, content):"Sending mail to %s" % mail_data["receipent"]) # Create a secure SSL context context = ssl.create_default_context() # Try to log in to server and send email try: server = smtplib.SMTP(mail_data["host"], mail_data["port"]) server.ehlo() # Can be omitted server.starttls(context=context) # Secure the connection server.ehlo() # Can be omitted server.login(mail_data["username"], mail_data["password"]) message = "From: " + mail_data["username"] + "\n" message += "To: " + mail_data["receipent"] + "\n" message += "Subject: "+title+"\n" message += "\n" message += content server.sendmail(mail_data["username"], mail_data["receipent"], message) logger.debug("Mail send") except Exception as e: logger.error(e) finally: server.quit() def updateAll(): global updateDNS global updateFirewall global openwrt global log_capture_string global mail_data log_capture_string.truncate(0) changed = False if openwrt["enabled"] == True: if updateFirewall(): changed = True else:"Firewall update is disabled") if updateDNS(): changed = True if mail_data and "enabled" in mail_data and mail_data["enabled"] == True: if changed == True: sendMail(mail_data, "Info: DNS/Firewall Address Server", log_capture_string.getvalue()) else: logger.debug("No email. nothing changed") else:"Email is disabled") schedule.every(INTERVAL) def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): logger.debug("Connected with result code "+str(rc)) if rc != 0: logger.error("ERROR: Please check MQTT Login") client.subscribe("network/+/hostname") client.subscribe("network/+/ipv4") client.subscribe("network/+/ipv6") def on_message(client, userdata, msg): global hosts pl = str((msg.payload).decode("utf-8")).lower() logger.debug(msg.topic + ": " + pl) if msg.topic.startswith("network/") and (msg.topic.endswith("/ipv4") or msg.topic.endswith("/ipv6")): host = msg.topic.split("/")[1] if not host in hosts: hosts[host] = dict() hosts[host]["ipv4" if msg.topic.endswith("/ipv4") else "ipv6"] = pl client = mqtt.Client() client.username_pw_set(username=mqtt_data["username"], password=mqtt_data["password"]) client.connect(mqtt_data["host"], mqtt_data["port"], 60) client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.loop_start() try: while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as ex: saveFile() # #