package de.mc8051.arma3launcher.repo.sync; import co.bitshfted.xapps.zsync.Zsync; import co.bitshfted.xapps.zsync.ZsyncException; import co.bitshfted.xapps.zsync.http.ContentRange; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.ArmA3Launcher; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.LauncherGUI; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.Parameter; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.Parameters; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.interfaces.Observable; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.interfaces.Observer; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.objects.AbstractMod; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.objects.ModFile; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.utils.Humanize; import de.mc8051.arma3launcher.utils.TaskBarUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import javax.swing.*; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * Created by on 25.03.2020. */ public class Syncer implements Observable, SyncListener { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(Syncer.class); private List observerList = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean stopped = false; private boolean paused = false; private boolean running = false; private ModFile currentDownload = null; private SyncList modlist; private boolean currentDownload_failed = false; private int failed = 0; private int success = 0; private long syncSize; private int syncCount; private long syncRealCount; private SyncObserver syncObserver; private long speedCalcSize = 0L; private long speedCalcTime = 0L; private long downloadStarted = 0L; private long downloadSize = 0L; private long currentDownloadDownloaded = 0L; private Zsync zsync; private LauncherGUI gui; private Map workshopFiles = new HashMap<>(); public Syncer(LauncherGUI gui) { zsync = new Zsync(); this.gui = gui; } public void sync(SyncList ml) { modlist = ml; stopped = false; paused = false; running = true; currentDownload = null; failed = 0; success = 0; syncRealCount = 0; syncSize = ml.getSize(); syncCount = ml.getCount(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { gui.syncDownloadProgress.setMaximum(100); gui.syncDownloadProgress.setValue(0); gui.syncDownloadFileProgress.setMaximum(100); gui.syncDownloadFileProgress.setValue(0); TaskBarUtils.getInstance().normal(); }); final Parameter workshopParameter = Parameters.USE_WORKSHOP.toParameter(); if(workshopParameter.getValue() != null && (Boolean) workshopParameter.getValue()) workshopFiles = WorkshopUtil.workshopFiles(); boolean lastPause = false; while (running) { if (stopped) { running = false; break; } if (modlist.isEmpty()) { running = false; break; } if (paused) { if (!lastPause) { lastPause = true; notifyObservers("syncPaused"); } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error(e); } continue; } else if (lastPause) { lastPause = false; notifyObservers("syncContinue"); } if (currentDownload != null) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error(e); } } AbstractMod abstractMod = modlist.get(0); ModFile mf = null; if (abstractMod instanceof ModFile) { mf = (ModFile) abstractMod; } if (mf != null) {"ZSync - Sync file {}", mf.getLocaleFile().getAbsolutePath()); final Path mfPath = mf.getLocaleFile().toPath(); final String mfModPath = mf.getModPath(); if(!workshopFiles.isEmpty()) { try { final String modfilePatj = mf.getModfileString().replace("/", File.separator).toLowerCase(); Map.Entry workshopFile = workshopFiles.entrySet() .stream().filter(e -> e.getKey().toAbsolutePath().toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(modfilePatj)).findFirst().get(); if(workshopFile.getValue() == mf.getSize()) {"ZSync - Found file in {}. Copy.", workshopFile.getKey()); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(mfModPath + ": Found in Steam-Workshop. Copy.")); Files.copy(workshopFile.getKey(), mfPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);"ZSync - Copied"); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(mfModPath + ": Copied")); success++; long lastMotified = mf.getLastModified() * 1000; if (mf.getLocaleFile().setLastModified(lastMotified)) { logger.debug("ZSync - set last motified to {}", lastMotified); } else { logger.debug("ZSync - Failed to set last modified!"); } finnishCurrent(); continue; } } catch (NoSuchElementException | IOException ignored) {} } Zsync.Options o = new Zsync.Options(); o.setOutputFile(Paths.get(mf.getLocaleFile().getAbsolutePath())); o.setUseragent(ArmA3Launcher.USER_AGENT); try { currentDownload = mf; currentDownload_failed = false; downloadStarted = 0; syncObserver = new SyncObserver(this); zsync.zsync(URI.create(mf.getRemoteFile() + ".zsync"), o, syncObserver); } catch (ZsyncException | IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.error(e); } } else { modlist.remove(0); } } deleteFiles(); cleanUpEmptyFolders(); if (stopped) { notifyObservers("syncStopped"); } else { notifyObservers("syncComplete"); } } public void finnishCurrent() { modlist.remove(0); currentDownload = null; } public void deleteFiles() { modlist.getDeleted().stream() .filter((p) -> p.toFile().exists()) .filter((p) -> p.toFile().canRead()) .filter((p) -> p.toFile().canWrite()) .forEach((p) -> { ? "ZSync - Deleted file {}" : "ZSync - Error deleting file", p); }); } public void cleanUpEmptyFolders() { try { String modPath = ArmA3Launcher.user_config.get("client", "modPath"); if (modPath == null) modPath = ""; if (modPath.isEmpty()) return; Files.find(Paths.get(modPath), Integer.MAX_VALUE, (filePath, fileAttr) -> fileAttr.isDirectory()) .filter((p) -> p.toFile().canRead()) .filter((p) -> p.toFile().canWrite()) .filter((p) -> p.toFile().list().length == 0) .forEach((p) -> { ? "ZSync - Deleted empty folder {}" : "ZSync - Error deleting empty folder", p); });; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } } @Override public void zsyncStarted(Zsync.Options options) {"ZSync - started " + options.getOutputFile()); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(currentDownload.getModPath() + ": Sync started")); } @Override public void zsyncFailed(Exception exception) { currentDownload_failed = true; logger.error("ZSync - failed", exception); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(currentDownload.getModPath() + ": Sync failed")); } @Override public void zsyncComplete() {"ZSync - complete"); if (currentDownload_failed) failed++; else success++; syncRealCount += currentDownloadDownloaded; final int i = success + failed; final String modPath = currentDownload.getModPath(); if(!currentDownload_failed) { long lastMotified = currentDownload.getLastModified() * 1000; if (currentDownload.getLocaleFile().setLastModified(lastMotified)) { logger.debug("ZSync - set last motified to {}", lastMotified); } else { logger.debug("ZSync - Failed to set last modified!"); } } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { gui.syncDownloadFileProgress.setValue(0); gui.syncDownloadFileProgress.setString(""); gui.syncFileCountLabel.setText(i + "/" + syncCount + " (" + failed + " failed)"); if (currentDownload_failed) gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(modPath + ": Sync failed"); else gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(modPath + ": Sync finished"); }); finnishCurrent(); } @Override public void controlFileDownloadingStarted(Path path, long length) { logger.debug("ZSync - control file downloading started: length {} bytes", length); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(currentDownload.getModPath() + ": Get Header")); } @Override public void controlFileReadingComplete() { logger.debug("ZSync - control file downloading complete"); } @Override public void outputFileWritingStarted(long length) { logger.debug("ZSync - output file writing started: {} bytes", length); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(currentDownload.getModPath() + ": Writing File")); } @Override public void outputFileWritingCompleted() { logger.debug("ZSync - output file writing completed"); } @Override public void inputFileReadingStarted(Path inputFile, long length) {"ZSync - input file reading started: {} bytes", length); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(currentDownload.getModPath() + ": Reading File")); } @Override public void inputFileReadingComplete() { logger.debug("ZSync - input file reading complete"); } @Override public void controlFileDownloadingComplete() { logger.debug("ZSync - control file downloading complete"); } @Override public void remoteFileDownloadingInitiated(List ranges) { downloadStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("ZSync - remote file downloading initiated"); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncStatusLabel.setText(currentDownload.getModPath() + ": Downloading")); } @Override public void remoteFileDownloadingStarted(long length) {"ZSync - remote file downloading started: {} bytes", length); } @Override public void remoteFileDownloadingComplete() {"ZSync - remote file downloading complete"); } @Override public void bytesDownloaded(long bytes) { } public boolean isStopped() { return stopped; } public boolean isPaused() { return paused; } public boolean isRunning() { return running; } public void stop() { this.stopped = true; } public void setPaused(boolean paused) { this.paused = paused; } public int getCountFailed() { return failed; } public int getCountSuccess() { return success; } @Override public void addObserver(Observer observer) { observerList.add(observer); } @Override public void removeObserver(Observer observer) { observerList.remove(observer); } @Override public void notifyObservers(String obj) { for (Observer obs : observerList) obs.update(obj); } @Override public void bytesToDownload(long bytes) { downloadSize = bytes; currentDownloadDownloaded = 0; speedCalcSize = 0; speedCalcTime = 0; logger.debug("Must download {} bytes", bytes); } @Override public void downloaded(long bytes) { if(downloadStarted == 0) return; currentDownloadDownloaded += bytes; final int percentageFile = (int) (Long.valueOf(currentDownloadDownloaded).doubleValue() / Long.valueOf(downloadSize).doubleValue() * 100); final String humanCurrent = Humanize.binaryPrefix(currentDownloadDownloaded); final String humanDownloadSize = Humanize.binaryPrefix(downloadSize); final long downloadProgress = syncRealCount + currentDownloadDownloaded; final String humanProgress = Humanize.binaryPrefix(downloadProgress); final long finalSize = syncRealCount + modlist.getSize(); final String humanfinalSize = Humanize.binaryPrefix(finalSize); final int percentage = (int) (Long.valueOf(downloadProgress).doubleValue() / Long.valueOf(finalSize).doubleValue() * 100); speedCalcSize+=currentDownloadDownloaded; speedCalcTime+=System.currentTimeMillis()-downloadStarted; if (speedCalcSize > 20 * 1024 * 1024) { final double speedByte = ((double)speedCalcSize)/((double)speedCalcTime /1000); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> gui.syncDownloadSpeedLabel.setText(Humanize.binaryPrefix(Double.valueOf(speedByte).longValue()) + "/s")); speedCalcSize = 0L; speedCalcTime = 0L; } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { gui.syncDownloadFileProgress.setValue(percentageFile); gui.syncDownloadFileProgress.setString(humanCurrent + "/" + humanDownloadSize); gui.syncDownloadProgress.setValue(percentage); gui.syncDownloadProgress.setString(percentage + " %"); gui.syncSizeLabel.setText(humanProgress + "/" + humanfinalSize); TaskBarUtils.getInstance().setValue(percentage); }); } }