# Custom ArmA 3 Launcher This is the official launcher/download-client of the-town.net. This launcher uses a differential download method called zsync. This means that only changes between any old versions of the files on the computer and the files provided online are downloaded. > An optimised client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm. It allows updating of files from a remote web server, with efficiency approaching that of rsync -z, without requiring a special remote server application. ### Configure If you want to use our launcher for your project, **please change the icons**! Open ``gui/src/main/resources/arma3launcher.json`` and edit the variables as you need. To configure your logo replace the _logo\*_ files inside the ``gui/src/main/resources/icons/`` folder. ### Build To build this project simply run ```bash mvn package ``` After building the package you find the universal auto patcher inside ``patcher/target/patcher.jar``. Inside ``gui/target/`` you find the gui as jar, jar with dependencies, jar wrapper build with launch4j and an assembled zip file. ### Distribute After building the package you find inside the ``gui/target/`` folder an zip file. This zip file contains an empty ``jre/`` and an empty ``logs/`` folder. Bundle your own JRE with minimum JRE12 and put it in the ``*.zip/jre/``. The ``jre/`` folder should then contain ``{bin,conf,lib}/``. Linux/Mac users can run the *arma3launcher-gui.jar*. Windows users can simply run the *arma3launcher.exe* and the launch4j wrapper prioritize the local JRE else use the bundled jre. ### Server side setup For the server side you need a simple webserver with no special configuration. The server side setup/configuration is done inside the ``/.sync/`` folder. Upload the files from ``linux/.sync/`` to ``/.sync/``. #### generateRepo.sh The *generateRepo.sh* is very important to run after every update of mods. Add new mods simply to ````. You should generate the repository locally and update the changes via rsync. On Windows choose mingw or the linux subsystem. ````bash rsync -a --exclude 'generateRepo.sh*' ./ remote_user@remote_host_or_ip: ```` #### modset.json The *modset.json* file is generated automatically by running the generateRepo.sh. It is containing the folder structure as well as the file sizes and sha1 sums. #### server.json The *server.json* file contains all server as well as the modsets. The modsets are simply strings that should equal the corresponding folder. Please see the example file. ### changelog.txt The *changelog.txt* is a plain text file to write your changelogs for the modpacks, client or what ever. The file is caches for 5 minutes and only loaded if the user switches the tab to the changelog tab. #### version.txt The *version.txt* is used for the autoupdater. It contains one line: ``` x.x.x:FILE.jar ``` *x.x.x* is the new version. *FILE.jar* is the new file that the client will download inside the ``/.sync/`` folder. #### patcher.jar The *patcher.jar* is a universal patcher and should not need to be updated. The client download the patcher just once the ``%APDATA%/`` directory and only if a new version is available. If the *patcher.jar* already exists, the client skips the download. #### arma3launcher.jar The *arma3launcher.jar* is only a representation of the *FILE.jar*. See **version.txt**. ## Screenshots server server server server