"""Settings for audio reactive LED strip""" from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import os N_PIXELS = 60 """Number of pixels in the LED strip (must match ESP8266 firmware)""" GAMMA_TABLE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gamma_table.npy') """Location of the gamma correction table""" UDP_IP = '' """IP address of the ESP8266""" UDP_PORT = 7777 """Port number used for socket communication between Python and ESP8266""" MIC_RATE = 48000 """Sampling frequency of the microphone in Hz""" FPS = 60 """Desired refresh rate of the visualization (frames per second) FPS indicates the desired refresh rate, or frames-per-second, of the audio visualization. The actual refresh rate may be lower if the computer cannot keep up with desired FPS value. Higher framerates improve "responsiveness" and reduce the latency of the visualization but are more computationally expensive. Low framerates are less computationally expensive, but the visualization may appear "sluggish" or out of sync with the audio being played if it is too low. The FPS should not exceed the maximum refresh rate of the LED strip, which depends on how long the LED strip is. """ _max_led_FPS = int(((N_PIXELS * 30e-6) + 50e-6)**-1.0) assert FPS <= _max_led_FPS, 'FPS must be <= {}'.format(_max_led_FPS) MIN_FREQUENCY = 200 """Frequencies below this value will be removed during audio processing""" MAX_FREQUENCY = 12000 """Frequencies above this value will be removed during audio processing""" N_FFT_BINS = 30 """Number of frequency bins to use when transforming audio to frequency domain Fast Fourier transforms are used to transform time-domain audio data to the frequency domain. The frequencies present in the audio signal are assigned to their respective frequency bins. This value indicates the number of frequency bins to use. A small number of bins reduces the frequency resolution of the visualization but improves amplitude resolution. The opposite is true when using a large number of bins. There is no point using more bins than there are pixels on the LED strip. """ GAMMA_CORRECTION = True """Whether to correct LED brightness for nonlinear brightness perception""" N_ROLLING_HISTORY = 2 """Number of past audio frames to include in the rolling window""" MIN_VOLUME_THRESHOLD = 1e-7 """No music visualization displayed if recorded audio volume below threshold"""