from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import time import numpy as np from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui import pyqtgraph as pg import config import microphone import dsp import led def rainbow(length, speed=1.0 / 5.0): """Returns a rainbow colored array with desired length Returns a rainbow colored array with shape (length, 3). Each row contains the red, green, and blue color values between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- length : int The length of the rainbow colored array that should be returned speed : float Value indicating the speed that the rainbow colors change. If speed > 0, then successive calls to this function will return arrays with different colors assigned to the indices. If speed == 0, then this function will always return the same colors. Returns ------- x : numpy.array np.ndarray with shape (length, 3). Columns denote the red, green, and blue color values respectively. Each color is a float between 0 and 1. """ dt = 2.0 * np.pi / length t = time.time() * speed def r(t): return (np.sin(t + 0.0) + 1.0) * 1.0 / 2.0 def g(t): return (np.sin(t + (2.0 / 3.0) * np.pi) + 1.0) * 1.0 / 2.0 def b(t): return (np.sin(t + (4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi) + 1.0) * 1.0 / 2.0 x = np.tile(0.0, (length, 3)) for i in range(length): x[i][0] = r(i * dt + t) x[i][1] = g(i * dt + t) x[i][2] = b(i * dt + t) return x _time_prev = time.time() * 1000.0 """The previous time that the frames_per_second() function was called""" _fps = dsp.ExponentialFilter(val=config.FPS, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.01) """The low-pass filter used to estimate frames-per-second""" def frames_per_second(): """Return the estimated frames per second Returns the current estimate for frames-per-second (FPS). FPS is estimated by measured the amount of time that has elapsed since this function was previously called. The FPS estimate is low-pass filtered to reduce noise. This function is intended to be called one time for every iteration of the program's main loop. Returns ------- fps : float Estimated frames-per-second. This value is low-pass filtered to reduce noise. """ global _time_prev, _fps time_now = time.time() * 1000.0 dt = time_now - _time_prev _time_prev = time_now if dt == 0.0: return _fps.value return _fps.update(1000.0 / dt) def update_plot_1(x, y): """Updates pyqtgraph plot 1 Parameters ---------- x : numpy.array 1D array containing the X-axis values that should be plotted. There should only be one X-axis array. y : numpy.ndarray Array containing each of the Y-axis series that should be plotted. Each row of y corresponds to a Y-axis series. The columns in each row are the values that should be plotted. Returns ------- None """ global curves, p1 colors = rainbow(config.N_CURVES) * 255.0 for i in range(config.N_CURVES): curves[i].setPen((colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2])) curves[i].setData(x=x, y=y[i]) p1.autoRange() p1.setRange(yRange=(0, 2.0)) _EA_norm = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1e-4, config.N_PIXELS), 0.005, 0.25) """Onset energy per-bin normalization constants This filter is responsible for individually normalizing the onset bin energies. This is used to obtain per-bin automatic gain control. """ _EA_smooth = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.15, 0.80) """Asymmetric exponential low-pass filtered onset energies This filter is responsible for smoothing the displayed onset energies. Asymmetric rise and fall constants allow the filter to quickly respond to increases in onset energy, while slowly responded to decreases. """ def interpolate(y, new_length): """Intelligently resizes the array by linearly interpolating the values Parameters ---------- y : np.array Array that should be resized new_length : int The length of the new interpolated array Returns ------- z : np.array New array with length of new_length that contains the interpolated values of y. """ x_old = np.linspace(0, 1, len(y)) x_new = np.linspace(0, 1, new_length) z = np.interp(x_new, x_old, y) return z # Individually normalized energy spike method # Works well with GAMMA_CORRECTION = True # This is one of the best visualizations, but doesn't work for everything def update_leds_6(y): """Visualization using per-bin normalized onset energies Visualizes onset energies by normalizing each frequency bin individually. The normalized bins are then processed and displayed onto the LED strip. This function visualizes the onset energies by individually normalizing each onset energy bin. The normalized onset bins are then scaled and Parameters ---------- y : numpy.array Array containing the onset energies that should be visualized. The """ # Scale y to emphasize large spikes and attenuate small changes # Exponents < 1.0 emphasize small changes and penalize large spikes # Exponents > 1.0 emphasize large spikes and penalize small changes y = np.copy(y) ** 1.5 # Use automatic gain control to normalize bin values # Update normalization constants and then normalize each bin _EA_norm.update(y) y /= _EA_norm.value """Force saturated pixels to leak brighness into neighbouring pixels""" def smooth(): for n in range(1, len(y) - 1): excess = y[n] - 1.0 if excess > 0.0: y[n] = 1.0 y[n - 1] += excess / 2.0 y[n + 1] += excess / 2.0 # Several iterations because the adjacent pixels could also be saturated for i in range(6): smooth() # Update the onset energy low-pass filter and discard value too dim _EA_smooth.update(y) _EA_smooth.value[_EA_smooth.value < .1] = 0.0 # If some pixels are too bright, allow saturated pixels to become white color = rainbow(config.N_PIXELS) * 255.0 for i in range(config.N_PIXELS): # Update LED strip pixel led.pixels[i, :] = np.round(color[i, :] * _EA_smooth.value[i]**1.5) # Leak excess red excess_red = max(led.pixels[i, 0] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_red led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_red # Leak excess green excess_green = max(led.pixels[i, 1] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_green led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_green # Leak excess blue excess_blue = max(led.pixels[i, 2] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_blue led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_blue led.update() _prev_energy = 0.0 _energy_flux = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.05, alpha_rise=0.9) _EF_norm = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.05, 0.9) _EF_smooth = dsp.ExponentialFilter(np.tile(1.0, config.N_PIXELS), 0.1, 0.9) # Individually normalized energy flux def update_leds_5(y): global _prev_energy # Scale y y = np.copy(y) y = y ** 0.5 # Calculate raw energy flux # Update previous energy # Rectify energy flux # Update the normalization constants # Normalize the individual energy flux values # Smooth the result using another smoothing filter EF = y - _prev_energy _prev_energy = np.copy(y) EF[EF < 0] = 0.0 _EF_norm.update(EF) EF /= _EF_norm.value _EF_smooth.update(EF) # Cutoff values below 0.1 _EF_smooth.value[_EF_smooth.value < 0.1] = 0.0 color = rainbow(config.N_PIXELS) * 255.0 for i in range(config.N_PIXELS): led.pixels[i, :] = np.round(color[i, :] * _EF_smooth.value[i]) # Share excess red excess_red = max(led.pixels[i, 0] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_red led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_red # Share excess green excess_green = max(led.pixels[i, 1] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_green led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_green # Share excess blue excess_blue = max(led.pixels[i, 2] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_blue led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_blue led.update() # Modulate brightness of the entire strip with no individual addressing def update_leds_4(y): y = np.copy(y) energy = np.sum(y * y) _energy_flux.update(energy) energy /= _energy_flux.value led.pixels = np.round((color * energy)).astype(int) led.update() # Energy flux based motion across the LED strip def update_leds_3(y): global pixels, color, _prev_energy, _energy_flux y = np.copy(y) # Calculate energy flux energy = np.sum(y) energy_flux = max(energy - _prev_energy, 0) _prev_energy = energy # Normalize energy flux _energy_flux.update(energy_flux) # Update pixels pixels = np.roll(pixels, 1) color = np.roll(color, 1, axis=0) pixels *= 0.99 pixels[0] = energy_flux led.pixels = np.copy(np.round((color.T * pixels).T).astype(int)) for i in range(config.N_PIXELS): # Share excess red excess_red = max(led.pixels[i, 0] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_red led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_red # Share excess green excess_green = max(led.pixels[i, 1] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_green led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_green # Share excess blue excess_blue = max(led.pixels[i, 2] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_blue led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_blue # Update LEDs led.update() # Energy based motion across the LED strip def update_leds_2(y): global pixels, color y = np.copy(y) # Calculate energy energy = np.sum(y**2.0) onset_energy.update(energy) energy /= onset_energy.value # Update pixels pixels = np.roll(pixels, 1) color = np.roll(color, 1, axis=0) pixels *= 0.99 pixels[pixels < 0.0] = 0.0 pixels[0] = energy pixels -= 0.005 pixels[pixels < 0.0] = 0.0 led.pixels = np.copy(np.round((color.T * pixels).T).astype(int)) for i in range(config.N_PIXELS): # Share excess red excess_red = max(led.pixels[i, 0] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_red led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_red # Share excess green excess_green = max(led.pixels[i, 1] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_green led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_green # Share excess blue excess_blue = max(led.pixels[i, 2] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_blue led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_blue # Update LEDs led.update() def update_leds_1(y): """Display the raw onset spectrum on the LED strip""" y = np.copy(y) y = y ** 0.5 color = rainbow(config.N_PIXELS) * 255.0 led.pixels = np.copy(np.round((color.T * y).T).astype(int)) for i in range(config.N_PIXELS): # Share excess red excess_red = max(led.pixels[i, 0] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_red led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_red # Share excess green excess_green = max(led.pixels[i, 1] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_green led.pixels[i, 2] += excess_green # Share excess blue excess_blue = max(led.pixels[i, 2] - 255, 0) led.pixels[i, 0] += excess_blue led.pixels[i, 1] += excess_blue led.update() def microphone_update(stream): global y_roll, median, onset, SF_peak, NWPD_peak, RCD_peak, onset_peak # Retrieve new audio samples and construct the rolling window y = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.int16) y = y / 2.0**15 y_roll = np.roll(y_roll, -1, axis=0) y_roll[-1, :] = np.copy(y) y_data = np.concatenate(y_roll, axis=0) # Calculate onset detection functions SF, NWPD, RCD = dsp.onset(y_data) # Update and normalize peak followers SF_peak.update(np.max(SF)) NWPD_peak.update(np.max(NWPD)) RCD_peak.update(np.max(RCD)) SF /= SF_peak.value NWPD /= NWPD_peak.value RCD /= RCD_peak.value # Normalize and update onset spectrum onset = SF * NWPD * RCD onset_peak.update(np.max(onset)) onset /= onset_peak.value onsets.update(onset) # Update the LED strip and resize if necessary if len(onsets.value) != config.N_PIXELS: onset_values = interpolate(onsets.value, config.N_PIXELS) else: onset_values = np.copy(onsets.value) led_visualization(onset_values) # Plot the onsets plot_x = np.array(range(1, len(onsets.value) + 1)) plot_y = [onsets.value**i for i in np.linspace(1, 0.25, config.N_CURVES)] update_plot_1(plot_x, plot_y) app.processEvents() print('FPS {:.2f} / {:.2f}'.format(frames_per_second(), config.FPS)) # print('{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}'.format(SF_peak.value, # NWPD_peak.value, # RCD_peak.value, # onset_peak.value, # frames_per_second())) # Create plot and window app = QtGui.QApplication([]) win = pg.GraphicsWindow('Audio Visualization') win.resize(800, 600) win.setWindowTitle('Audio Visualization') # Create plot 1 containing config.N_CURVES p1 = win.addPlot(title='Onset Detection Function') p1.setLogMode(x=False) curves = [] colors = rainbow(config.N_CURVES) * 255.0 for i in range(config.N_CURVES): curve = p1.plot(pen=(colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2])) curves.append(curve) # Pixel values for each LED pixels = np.tile(0.0, config.N_PIXELS) # Used to colorize the LED strip color = rainbow(config.N_PIXELS) * 255.0 # Tracks average onset spectral energy onset_energy = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.1, alpha_rise=0.99) # Tracks the location of the spectral median median = dsp.ExponentialFilter(val=config.N_SUBBANDS / 2.0, alpha_decay=0.1, alpha_rise=0.1) # Smooths the decay of the onset detection function onsets = dsp.ExponentialFilter(val=np.tile(0.0, (config.N_SUBBANDS)), alpha_decay=0.05, alpha_rise=0.75) # Peak followers used for normalization SF_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99) NWPD_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99) RCD_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(1.0, alpha_decay=0.01, alpha_rise=0.99) onset_peak = dsp.ExponentialFilter(0.1, alpha_decay=0.002, alpha_rise=0.1) # Number of audio samples to read every time frame samples_per_frame = int(config.MIC_RATE / config.FPS) # Array containing the rolling audio sample window y_roll = np.random.rand(config.N_ROLLING_HISTORY, samples_per_frame) / 100.0 # Which LED visualization to use # update_leds_1 = raw onset spectrum without normalization (GAMMA = True) # update_leds_2 = energy average chase effect (GAMMA = True) # update_leds_3 = energy flux chase effect (GAMMA = True) # update_leds_4 = brightness modulation effect (GAMMA = True) # update_leds_5 = energy flux normalized per-bin spectrum (GAMMA = True) # update_leds_6 = energy average normalized per-bin spectrum (GAMMA = True) led_visualization = update_leds_1 if __name__ == '__main__': led.update() microphone.start_stream(microphone_update)