from __future__ import print_function import time import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d import config import dsp import led import microphone as mic class Beat: def __init__(self, pixels, speed): self.pixels = pixels self.speed = float(speed) self.iteration = 0 def update_pixels(self): self.iteration += 1 # Roll the pixel values to the right # Temporal dithering is used to support fractional speed values roll = int(self.speed) roll += 1 if np.random.random() < self.speed - roll else 0 self.pixels = np.roll(self.pixels, roll, axis=0) self.pixels[:roll] *= 0.0 # Apply Gaussian blur to create a dispersion effect # Dispersion increases in strength over time sigma = (2. * .14 * self.iteration / (config.N_PIXELS * self.speed))**4. self.pixels = gaussian_filter1d(self.pixels, sigma, mode='constant') # Exponentially decay the brightness over time # The decay helps to direct viewer's focus to newer and brighter beats self.pixels *= np.exp(2. * np.log(.5) / (self.speed * config.N_PIXELS)) self.pixels = np.round(self.pixels, decimals=2) self.pixels = np.clip(self.pixels, 0, 255) self.speed *= np.exp(2. * np.log(.95) / config.N_PIXELS) def finished(self): return np.array_equal(self.pixels, self.pixels * 0.0) def rainbow(speed=10.0 / 5.0): # Note: assumes array is N_PIXELS / 2 long dt = np.pi / config.N_PIXELS t = time.time() * speed def r(t): return (np.sin(t + 0.0) + 1.0) * 1.0 / 2.0 def g(t): return (np.sin(t + (2.0 / 3.0) * np.pi) + 1.0) * 1.0 / 2.0 def b(t): return (np.sin(t + (4.0 / 3.0) * np.pi) + 1.0) * 1.0 / 2.0 x = np.tile(0.0, (config.N_PIXELS, 3)) for i in range(config.N_PIXELS): x[i][0] = r(i * dt + t) x[i][1] = g(i * dt + t) x[i][2] = b(i * dt + t) return x def radiate(beats, energy, beat_speed=.6, max_length=7, min_beats=1): N_beats = len(beats[beats == True]) if N_beats > 0 and N_beats >= min_beats: index_to_color = rainbow() # Beat properties beat_power = float(N_beats) / config.N_SUBBANDS # energy = np.copy(energy) # energy -= np.min(energy) # energy /= (np.max(energy) - np.min(energy)) beat_brightness = np.round(256.0 / config.N_SUBBANDS) beat_brightness *= np.sqrt(config.N_SUBBANDS / N_beats) beat_brightness *= 1.3 beat_length = int(np.sqrt(beat_power) * max_length) beat_length = max(beat_length, 2) beat_pixels = np.tile(0.0, (config.N_PIXELS / 2, 3)) for i in range(len(beats)): if beats[i]: beat_color = np.round(index_to_color[i] * beat_brightness * energy[i] / 2.0) beat_pixels[:beat_length] += beat_color beat_pixels = np.clip(beat_pixels, 0.0, 255.0) beat = Beat(beat_pixels, beat_speed) = np.append(, beat) # Pixels that will be displayed on the LED strip pixels = np.zeros((config.N_PIXELS / 2, 3)) if len( pixels += sum([b.pixels for b in]) for b in b.update_pixels() = [b for b in if not b.finished()] pixels = np.append(pixels[::-1], pixels, axis=0) pixels = np.clip(pixels, 0.0, 255.0) led.pixels = np.round(pixels).astype(int) led.update() # Number of audio samples to read every time frame samples_per_frame = int(config.MIC_RATE / config.FPS) # Array containing the rolling audio sample window y_roll = np.random.rand(config.N_ROLLING_HISTORY, samples_per_frame) / 100.0 def microphone_update(stream): global y_roll # Read new audio data y = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.int16) y = y / 2.0**15 # Construct rolling window of audio data y_roll = np.roll(y_roll, -1, axis=0) y_roll[-1, :] = np.copy(y) y_data = np.concatenate(y_roll, axis=0) # Take the real FFT with logarithmic bin spacing xs, ys = dsp.rfft(y_data, window=np.hamming) ys = ys[(xs >= config.MIN_FREQUENCY) * (xs <= config.MAX_FREQUENCY)] xs = xs[(xs >= config.MIN_FREQUENCY) * (xs <= config.MAX_FREQUENCY)] xs, ys = dsp.log_partition(xs, ys, config.N_SUBBANDS) # xs, ys = dsp.rfft_log_partition(y_data, # subbands=config.N_SUBBANDS, # window=np.hamming, # fmin=1, # fmax=14000) # # Visualize the result beats, energy, variance = dsp.beat_detect(ys) radiate(beats, energy) # Initial values for the radiate effect = np.array([]) if __name__ == "__main__": mic.start_stream(microphone_update)