package main // This is postfix autoresponder, which is rewrite of the autoresponder bash script V1.6.3, written by Charles Hamilton - // // Written by Uros Juvan 2017 import ( "fmt" "flag" "os" ) const VERSION = "1.0.0001" const DEBUG = true func DebugFmtPrintf(format string, v ...interface{}) { if DEBUG { fmt.Printf("DEBUG: " + format, v...) } } func main() { // Parse command line arguments recipientPtr := flag.String("r", "", "Recipient e-mail") senderPtr := flag.String("s", "", "Sender e-mail") saslUserPtr := flag.String("S", "", "SASL authenticated username") clientIpPtr := flag.String("C", "", "Client IP address") enableAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("e", "", "Enable autoresponse") disableAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("d", "", "Disable autoresponse") enableExAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("E", "", "Enable existing autoresponse") deleteAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("D", "", "Delete autoresponse") flag.Parse() if DEBUG { DebugFmtPrintf(`Flags: Recipient: %v Sender: %v SASL authenticated username: %v Client IP: %v Enable autoresponse: %v Disable autoresponse: %v Enable existing autoresponse: %v Delete autoresponse: %v `, *recipientPtr, *senderPtr, *saslUserPtr, *clientIpPtr, *enableAutoResponsePtr, *disableAutoResponsePtr, *enableExAutoResponsePtr, *deleteAutoResponsePtr) } // Do some logic on command line arguments // Mode // There are two different modes of operation: // mode=0 represents the actions that can not be executed from the command line // mode=1 represents the actions that can be executed from the command line mode := 0 sendResponse := false authenticated := false if *recipientPtr != "" && *senderPtr != "" { sendResponse = true } if *saslUserPtr != "" && os.Getenv("SASL_USERNAME") != "" { authenticated = true } if *enableAutoResponsePtr != "" || *disableAutoResponsePtr != "" || *enableExAutoResponsePtr != "" || *deleteAutoResponsePtr != "" { mode = 1 } DebugFmtPrintf("mode=%v, sendResponse=%v, authenticated=%v\n", mode, sendResponse, authenticated) }