package main // This is postfix autoresponder, which is rewrite of the autoresponder bash script V1.6.3, written by Charles Hamilton - // // How to make it work on a server with postfix installed: // ======================================================= // Create autoresponder username: // useradd -d /var/spool/autoresponder -s $(which nologin) autoresponder // // Copy autoresponder binary to /usr/local/sbin // cp autoresponder /usr/local/sbin/ // // RESPONSE_DIR, RATE_LOG_DIR must be created: // mkdir -p /var/spool/autoresponder/log /var/spool/autoresponder/responses // chown -R autoresponder:autoresponder /var/spool/autoresponder // chmod -R 0770 /var/spool/autoresponder // // Edit /etc/postfix/ // Replace line: // smtp inet n - - - - smtpd // with these two lines (second must begin with at least one space or tab): // smtp inet n - - - - smtpd // -o content_filter=autoresponder:dummy // At the end of file append the following two lines: // autoresponder unix - n n - - pipe // flags=Fq user=autoresponder argv=/usr/local/sbin/autoresponder -s ${sender} -r ${recipient} -S ${sasl_username} -C ${client_address} // // // Written by Uros Juvan 2017 import ( "fmt" "flag" "os" "os/exec" "io" "path/filepath" "strings" "log/syslog" ) const VERSION = "1.0.0001" const DEBUG = true const RESPONSE_DIR = "/var/spool/autoresponder/responses" const RATE_LOG_DIR = "/var/spool/autoresponder/log" const SENDMAIL_BIN = "/usr/sbin/sendmail" var syslg *syslog.Writer = nil // Function using fmt.Printf for debug printing, but only if DEBUG is true func DebugFmtPrintf(format string, v ...interface{}) { if DEBUG { fmt.Printf("DEBUG: " + format, v...) } } func DebugSyslogFmt(format string, v ...interface{}) { if syslg == nil { return } if DEBUG { syslg.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("DEBUG: " + format, v...)) } } // Return true if file exists and is regular file func fileExists(name string) bool { st, err := os.Lstat(name) if err != nil || (st.Mode() & os.ModeType) != os.FileMode(0) { return false } return true } // Send mail from address to address with given mail content being passed as function pointer func sendMail(from, to string, populateStdin func(io.WriteCloser)) error { cmd := exec.Command(SENDMAIL_BIN, "-i", "-f", from, to) stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe() if err != nil { return err } err = cmd.Start() if err != nil { return err } go func() { populateStdin(stdin) }() err = cmd.Wait() if err != nil { return err } return nil } // Set autoresponse using supplied arguments and stdin (email body) func setAutoresponseViaEmail(recipient, sender, saslUser, clientIp string) error { senderResponsePath := filepath.Join(RESPONSE_DIR, sender) if fileExists(senderResponsePath) { err := deleteAutoresponse(sender, true) if err != nil { return err } if ! fileExists(senderResponsePath) { syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Autoresponse disabled for address: %v by SASL authenticated user: %v from: %v", sender,saslUser, clientIp)) //!!! Send mail via sendmail sendMail(recipient, sender, func(sink io.WriteCloser) { defer sink.Close() sink.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("From: %v\nTo: %v\nSubject: Autoresponder\n\n"+ "Autoresponse disabled for %v by SASL authenticated user: %v from: %v\n", recipient, sender, sender, saslUser, clientIp))) }) } else { } } //!!! return nil } // Forward email using supplied arguments and stdin (email body) func forwardEmailAndAutoresponse(recipient, sender, saslUser, clientIp string, responseRate uint) error { //!!! return nil } // Enable autoresponse for email func enableAutoresponse(email string) error { //!!! return nil } // Disable autoresponse for email func disableAutoresponse(email string) error { //!!! return nil } // Enable existing autoresponse for email func enableExAutoresponse(email string) error { //!!! return nil } // Delete autoresponse for email func deleteAutoresponse(email string, nostdout bool) error { deleteResponsePath := filepath.Join(RESPONSE_DIR, email) if fileExists(deleteResponsePath) { os.Remove(deleteResponsePath) } else { msg := fmt.Sprintf("%v does not exist, thus it cannot be deleted!", deleteResponsePath) if ! nostdout { fmt.Println(msg) } return fmt.Errorf("%v", msg) } return nil } func main() { // Connect to syslog syslg, err := syslog.New(syslog.LOG_MAIL, "autoresponder") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } defer syslg.Close() // Parse command line arguments recipientPtr := flag.String("r", "", "Recipient e-mail") senderPtr := flag.String("s", "", "Sender e-mail") saslUserPtr := flag.String("S", "", "SASL authenticated username") clientIpPtr := flag.String("C", "", "Client IP address") enableAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("e", "", "Enable autoresponse") disableAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("d", "", "Disable autoresponse") enableExAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("E", "", "Enable existing autoresponse") deleteAutoResponsePtr := flag.String("D", "", "Delete autoresponse") instructionsPtr := flag.Bool("i", false, "Setup instructions") responseRatePtr := flag.Uint("t", 86400, "Response rate in seconds (0 - send each time)") flag.Parse() DebugSyslogFmt("Flags: Recipient: %v, Sender: %v, SASL authenticated username: %v, Client IP: %v, Enable autoresponse: %v, Disable autoresponse: %v, Enable existing autoresponse: %v, Delete autoresponse: %v, Setup instructions: %v, Response rate: %v", *recipientPtr, *senderPtr, *saslUserPtr, *clientIpPtr, *enableAutoResponsePtr, *disableAutoResponsePtr, *enableExAutoResponsePtr, *deleteAutoResponsePtr, *instructionsPtr, *responseRatePtr) // If setup instructions are requested, just print them to stdout and exit if *instructionsPtr { fmt.Print(` How to make it work on a server with postfix installed: ======================================================= Create autoresponder username: useradd -d /var/spool/autoresponder -s $(which nologin) autoresponder Copy autoresponder binary to /usr/local/sbin cp autoresponder /usr/local/sbin/ RESPONSE_DIR, RATE_LOG_DIR must be created: mkdir -p /var/spool/autoresponder/log /var/spool/autoresponder/responses chown -R autoresponder:autoresponder /var/spool/autoresponder chmod -R 0770 /var/spool/autoresponder Edit /etc/postfix/ Replace line: smtp inet n - - - - smtpd with these two lines (second must begin with at least one space or tab): smtp inet n - - - - smtpd -o content_filter=autoresponder:dummy At the end of file append the following two lines: autoresponder unix - n n - - pipe flags=Fq user=autoresponder argv=/usr/local/sbin/autoresponder -s ${sender} -r ${recipient} -S ${sasl_username} -C ${client_address} `) os.Exit(0) } // Do some logic on command line arguments // Mode // There are two different modes of operation: // mode=0 represents the actions that can not be executed from the command line // mode=1 represents the actions that can be executed from the command line mode := 0 sendResponse := false authenticated := false if *recipientPtr != "" && *senderPtr != "" { sendResponse = true } if *saslUserPtr != "" { authenticated = true } if *enableAutoResponsePtr != "" || *disableAutoResponsePtr != "" || *enableExAutoResponsePtr != "" || *deleteAutoResponsePtr != "" { mode = 1 } DebugSyslogFmt("mode=%v, sendResponse=%v, authenticated=%v\n", mode, sendResponse, authenticated) // Little more validation of recipient and sender // Remove path ('/') from both recipient and sender *recipientPtr = strings.Replace(*recipientPtr, "/", "", -1) *senderPtr = strings.Replace(*senderPtr, "/", "", -1) recipientParts := strings.Split(*recipientPtr, "@") senderParts := strings.Split(*senderPtr, "@") if len(recipientParts) < 2 { syslg.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid recipient %v", *recipientPtr)) os.Exit(1) } if len(senderParts) < 2 { syslg.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid sender %v", *senderPtr)) os.Exit(1) } // And now descision making DebugSyslogFmt("recipientUser=%v =? senderUser=%v\n", recipientParts[0], senderParts[0] + "+autoresponse") switch true { // - (un)set autoresponse via email case mode == 0 && recipientParts[0] == senderParts[0] + "+autoresponse": syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Requested autoresponse (un)set via email for email %v", *senderPtr)) // Do not allow unauthenticated changes if ! authenticated { syslg.Warning(fmt.Sprintf("Unauthenticated attempt to set autoresponse message for %v from %v !", *senderPtr, *clientIpPtr)) os.Exit(0) } err := setAutoresponseViaEmail(*recipientPtr, *senderPtr, *saslUserPtr, *clientIpPtr) //!!! if err != nil { syslg.Err(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // - forward mail and either send response if set and enough time has passed case mode == 0 && strings.Index(*recipientPtr, "+autoresponse") == -1: syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Requested email forward from %v, to %v", *senderPtr, *recipientPtr)) err := forwardEmailAndAutoresponse(*recipientPtr, *senderPtr, *saslUserPtr, *clientIpPtr, *responseRatePtr) //!!! if err != nil { syslg.Err(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // - set autoresponse via cli case mode == 1 && *enableAutoResponsePtr != "": syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Requested enable autoresponse for %v", *enableAutoResponsePtr)) err := enableAutoresponse(*enableAutoResponsePtr) //!!! if err != nil { syslg.Err(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // - disable autoresponse via cli case mode == 1 && *disableAutoResponsePtr != "": syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Requested disable autoresponse for %v", *disableAutoResponsePtr)) err := disableAutoresponse(*disableAutoResponsePtr) //!!! if err != nil { syslg.Err(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // - enable existing autoresponse via cli case mode == 1 && *enableExAutoResponsePtr != "": syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Requested enable existing autoresponse for %v", *enableExAutoResponsePtr)) err := enableExAutoresponse(*enableExAutoResponsePtr) //!!! if err != nil { syslg.Err(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // - delete existing autoresponse via cli case mode == 1 && *deleteAutoResponsePtr != "": syslg.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Requested delete autoresponse for %v", *deleteAutoResponsePtr)) err := deleteAutoresponse(*deleteAutoResponsePtr, false) //!!! if err != nil { syslg.Err(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } } //!!! }