package de.gurkengewuerz.postfix_rest_send; import java.sql.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Simple wrapper for database abstraction. * * @author Nijiko * @url */ public class MySQL { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("MySQL"); /** * Database Types */ public enum Type { SQLITE, MYSQL } ; /** * Fetch type from string. * * @param type * @return */ public static Type getType(String type) { for (Type dbType : Type.values()) { if (dbType.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { return dbType; } } return Type.SQLITE; } /* * Database Settings */ public Type database = null; /* * Database Connection Settings */ private String db; private String user; private String pass; /* * Database Memory */ private Connection connection; private Statement Stmt; private PreparedStatement Statement; private ResultSet ResultSet; /** * Create a new instance of the wrapper for usage. * * @param database * @param db * @param user * @param pass */ public MySQL(Type database, String db, String user, String pass) { this.database = database; this.db = db; this.user = user; this.pass = pass; } /** * Initialize the wrapper * * @return Connection * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException */ public void initialize() { try { this.connection(); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Failed to connect: " + ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Connector not found: " + e); } } /** * Connect to the database, return connection. * * @return Connection * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException */ private Connection connection() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { if (this.database.equals(database.SQLITE)) { Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection(this.db); } else { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection(this.db, this.user, this.pass); } return this.connection; } /** * Check to see if table exists. * * @param table * @return boolean */ public boolean checkTable(String table) { initialize(); try { DatabaseMetaData dbm = this.connection.getMetaData(); this.ResultSet = dbm.getTables(null, null, table, null); return; } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Table check failed: " + ex); } finally { this.close(); } return false; } /** * Execute pure SQL String. * * @param query * @return */ public ResultSet executeQuery(String query) { initialize(); try { this.Statement = this.connection.prepareStatement(query); return this.Statement.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Could not execute query: " + ex); } return null; } /** * Execute Query with variables. * * @param query * @param variables * @return */ public ResultSet executeQuery(String query, Object... variables) { initialize(); try { this.Statement = this.connection.prepareStatement(query); int i = 1; for (Object obj : variables) { this.Statement.setObject(i, obj); i++; } return this.Statement.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Could not execute query: " + ex); } return null; } /** * Execute pure SQL String. * * @param query * @return */ public int executeUpdate(String query) { initialize(); try { this.Stmt = this.connection.createStatement(); return this.Stmt.executeUpdate(query); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Could not execute query: " + ex); } return 0; } /** * Execute Query with variables. * * @param query * @param variables * @return */ public int executeUpdate(String query, Object... variables) { initialize(); try { this.Statement = this.connection.prepareStatement(query); int i = 1; for (Object obj : variables) { this.Statement.setObject(i, obj); i++; } return this.Statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Could not execute query: " + ex); } return 0; } public void close() { try { if (this.Statement != null) { this.Statement.close(); } if (this.ResultSet != null) { this.ResultSet.close(); } if (this.connection != null) { this.connection.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.severe("[" + this.database.toString() + " Database] Failed to close connection: " + ex); // Close anyway. this.connection = null; this.Statement = null; this.ResultSet = null; } } protected void finalize() { close(); } }