package; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import java.awt.*; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; public class InteractionWater extends InteractionDefault { private static final String DEEP_WATER_NAME = "bw_water_2"; private final boolean isDeepWater; public InteractionWater(ResultSet set, Item baseItem) throws SQLException { super(set, baseItem); this.isDeepWater = baseItem.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(DEEP_WATER_NAME); } public InteractionWater(int id, int userId, Item item, String extradata, int limitedStack, int limitedSells) { super(id, userId, item, extradata, limitedStack, limitedSells); this.isDeepWater = false; } @Override public void onMove(Room room, RoomTile oldLocation, RoomTile newLocation) { super.onMove(room, oldLocation, newLocation); this.updateWaters(room, oldLocation); } @Override public void onPickUp(Room room) { this.updateWaters(room, null); Object[] empty = new Object[]{}; for (Habbo habbo : room.getHabbosOnItem(this)) { try { this.onWalkOff(habbo.getRoomUnit(), room, empty); } catch (Exception e) { } } for (Bot bot : room.getBotsOnItem(this)) { try { this.onWalkOff(bot.getRoomUnit(), room, empty); } catch (Exception e) { } } } @Override public void onPlace(Room room) { this.updateWaters(room, null); super.onPlace(room); } @Override public void onWalkOn(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { super.onWalkOn(roomUnit, room, objects); Pet pet = room.getPet(roomUnit); if(pet == null) return; if (!pet.getRoomUnit().hasStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SWIM) && pet.getPetData().canSwim) { pet.getRoomUnit().setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SWIM, ""); } } @Override public void onWalkOff(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { super.onWalkOff(roomUnit, room, objects); Pet pet = room.getPet(roomUnit); if(pet == null) return; pet.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.SWIM); } @Override public boolean allowWiredResetState() { return false; } @Override public boolean canToggle(Habbo habbo, Room room) { return false; } @Override public boolean canStackAt(Room room, List>> itemsAtLocation) { for (Pair> set : itemsAtLocation) { for (HabboItem item : set.getValue()) { if (!(item instanceof InteractionWater)) { return false; } } } return super.canStackAt(room, itemsAtLocation); } @Override public boolean canWalkOn(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) { if (!super.canWalkOn(roomUnit, room, objects)) return false; Pet pet = room.getPet(roomUnit); return pet == null || pet.getPetData().canSwim; } private void updateWaters(Room room, RoomTile oldLocation) { // Update ourself. this.updateWater(room); // Find targets containing furni to update. Rectangle target = this.getRectangle(1, 1); Rectangle targetOld = null; if (oldLocation != null) { targetOld = RoomLayout.getRectangle( oldLocation.x - 1, oldLocation.y - 1, this.getBaseItem().getWidth() + 2, this.getBaseItem().getLength() + 2, this.getRotation()); } // Update neighbouring water. for (HabboItem item : room.getRoomSpecialTypes().getItemsOfType(InteractionWater.class)) { // We already updated ourself. if (item == this) { continue; } // Check if found water furni is touching or intersecting our water furni. // Check the same for the old location Rectangle itemRectangle = item.getRectangle(); if (target.intersects(itemRectangle) || (targetOld != null && targetOld.intersects(itemRectangle))) { ((InteractionWater) item).updateWater(room); } } // Update water items we might have missed in the old location. if (targetOld != null) { for (HabboItem item : room.getRoomSpecialTypes().getItemsOfType(InteractionWaterItem.class)) { if (targetOld.intersects(item.getRectangle())) { ((InteractionWaterItem) item).update(); } } } } private void updateWater(Room room) { Rectangle target = this.getRectangle(); // Only update water item furnis that are intersecting with us. for (HabboItem item : room.getRoomSpecialTypes().getItemsOfType(InteractionWaterItem.class)) { if (target.intersects(item.getRectangle())) { ((InteractionWaterItem) item).update(); } } // Prepare bits for cutting off water. byte _1 = 0; byte _2 = 0; byte _3 = 0; byte _4 = 0; byte _5 = 0; byte _6 = 0; byte _7 = 0; byte _8 = 0; byte _9 = 0; byte _10 = 0; byte _11 = 0; byte _12 = 0; // Check if we are touching a water tile. if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() - 1, this.getY() - 1, this.getZ())) { _1 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX(), this.getY() - 1, this.getZ())) { _2 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() + 1, this.getY() - 1, this.getZ())) { _3 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() + 2, this.getY() - 1, this.getZ())) { _4 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() - 1, this.getY(), this.getZ())) { _5 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() + 2, this.getY(), this.getZ())) { _6 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() - 1, this.getY() + 1, this.getZ())) { _7 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() + 2, this.getY() + 1, this.getZ())) { _8 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() - 1, this.getY() + 2, this.getZ())) { _9 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX(), this.getY() + 2, this.getZ())) { _10 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() + 1, this.getY() + 2, this.getZ())) { _11 = 1; } if (this.isValidForMask(room, this.getX() + 2, this.getY() + 2, this.getZ())) { _12 = 1; } // Check if we are touching invalid tiles. // if (_1 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short)(this.getX() -1), (short) (this.getY() -1))) _1 = 1; if (_2 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile(this.getX(), (short) (this.getY() - 1))) _2 = 1; if (_3 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() + 1), (short) (this.getY() - 1))) _3 = 1; // if (_4 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() + 2), (short) (this.getY() - 1))) _4 = 1; if (_5 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() - 1), this.getY())) _5 = 1; if (_6 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() + 2), this.getY())) _6 = 1; if (_7 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() - 1), (short) (this.getY() + 1))) _7 = 1; if (_8 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() + 2), (short) (this.getY() + 1))) _8 = 1; // if (_9 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short)(this.getX() -1), (short) (this.getY() + 2))) _9 = 1; if (_10 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile(this.getX(), (short) (this.getY() + 2))) _10 = 1; if (_11 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() + 1), (short) (this.getY() + 2))) _11 = 1; // if (_12 == 0 && room.getLayout().isVoidTile((short) (this.getX() + 2), (short) (this.getY() + 2))) _12 = 1; // Update water. int result = (_1 << 11) | (_2 << 10) | (_3 << 9) | (_4 << 8) | (_5 << 7) | (_6 << 6) | (_7 << 5) | (_8 << 4) | (_9 << 3) | (_10 << 2) | (_11 << 1) | _12; String updatedData = String.valueOf(result); if (!this.getExtradata().equals(updatedData)) { this.setExtradata(updatedData); this.needsUpdate(true); room.updateItem(this); } } private boolean isValidForMask(Room room, int x, int y, double z) { for (HabboItem item : room.getItemsAt(x, y, z)) { if (item instanceof InteractionWater) { // Only allow masking if both are deepwater or both not. // This allows deepwater and normal water to look nice. if (((InteractionWater) item).isDeepWater == this.isDeepWater) { return true; } } } return false; } }