package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; public class MonsterplantPet extends Pet implements IPetLook { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MonsterplantPet.class); public static final Map> bodyRarity = new LinkedHashMap>() { { this.put(1, new Pair<>("Blungon", 0)); this.put(2, new Pair<>("Wailzor", 1)); this.put(3, new Pair<>("Stumpy", 1)); this.put(4, new Pair<>("Sunspike", 2)); this.put(5, new Pair<>("Squarg", 0)); this.put(6, new Pair<>("Shroomer", 3)); this.put(7, new Pair<>("Zuchinu", 3)); this.put(8, new Pair<>("Abysswirl", 5)); this.put(9, new Pair<>("Weggylum", 2)); this.put(10, new Pair<>("Wystique", 4)); this.put(11, new Pair<>("Hairbullis", 4)); this.put(12, new Pair<>("Snozzle", 5)); //Rarity??? } }; public static final Map> colorRarity = new LinkedHashMap>() { { this.put(0, new Pair<>("Aenueus", 0)); this.put(1, new Pair<>("Griseus", 1)); this.put(2, new Pair<>("Phoenicus", 2)); this.put(3, new Pair<>("Viridulus", 1)); this.put(4, new Pair<>("Cyaneus", 5)); this.put(5, new Pair<>("Incarnatus", 2)); this.put(6, new Pair<>("Azureus", 4)); this.put(7, new Pair<>("Atamasc", 4)); this.put(8, new Pair<>("Amethyst", 3)); this.put(9, new Pair<>("Fulvus", 0)); this.put(10, new Pair<>("Cinereus", 3)); } }; public static final ArrayList> indexedBody = new ArrayList<>(MonsterplantPet.bodyRarity.values()); public static final ArrayList> indexedColors = new ArrayList<>(MonsterplantPet.colorRarity.values()); public static int growTime = (30 * 60); public static int timeToLive = (3 * 24 * 60 * 60); //3 days private final int nose; private final int noseColor; private final int eyes; private final int eyesColor; private final int mouth; private final int mouthColor; public String look; private int type; private int hue; private int deathTimestamp = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() + timeToLive; private boolean canBreed = true; private boolean publiclyBreedable = false; private int growthStage = 0; private boolean hasDied = false; public MonsterplantPet(ResultSet set) throws SQLException { super(set); this.type = set.getInt("mp_type"); this.hue = set.getInt("mp_color"); this.nose = set.getInt("mp_nose"); this.noseColor = set.getInt("mp_nose_color"); this.eyes = set.getInt("mp_eyes"); this.eyesColor = set.getInt("mp_eyes_color"); this.mouth = set.getInt("mp_mouth"); this.mouthColor = set.getInt("mp_mouth_color"); this.deathTimestamp = set.getInt("mp_death_timestamp"); this.publiclyBreedable = set.getString("mp_allow_breed").equals("1"); this.canBreed = set.getString("mp_breedable").equals("1"); this.hasDied = set.getInt("mp_is_dead") == 1; } public MonsterplantPet(int userId, int type, int hue, int nose, int noseColor, int mouth, int mouthColor, int eyes, int eyesColor) { super(16, 0, "", "", userId); this.type = type; this.hue = hue; this.nose = nose; this.noseColor = noseColor; this.mouth = mouth; this.mouthColor = mouthColor; this.eyes = eyes; this.eyesColor = eyesColor; } @Override public String getName() { String name = "Unknownis"; if (colorRarity.containsKey(this.hue)) { name = colorRarity.get(this.hue).getKey(); } if (bodyRarity.containsKey(this.type)) { name += " " + bodyRarity.get(this.type).getKey(); } return name; } @Override public void run() { if (this.needsUpdate) {; try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE users_pets SET mp_type = ?, mp_color = ?, mp_nose = ?, mp_eyes = ?, mp_mouth = ?, mp_nose_color = ?, mp_eyes_color = ?, mp_mouth_color = ?, mp_death_timestamp = ?, mp_breedable = ?, mp_allow_breed = ?, mp_is_dead = ? WHERE id = ?")) { statement.setInt(1, this.type); statement.setInt(2, this.hue); statement.setInt(3, this.nose); statement.setInt(4, this.eyes); statement.setInt(5, this.mouth); statement.setInt(6, this.noseColor); statement.setInt(7, this.eyesColor); statement.setInt(8, this.mouthColor); statement.setInt(9, this.deathTimestamp); statement.setString(10, this.canBreed ? "1" : "0"); statement.setString(11, this.publiclyBreedable ? "1" : "0"); statement.setInt(12, this.hasDied ? 1 : 0); statement.setInt(13,; statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Caught SQL exception", e); } } } @Override public void cycle() { if ( != null && this.roomUnit != null) { if (this.isDead()) { this.roomUnit.removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE); if (!this.hasDied) { AchievementManager.progressAchievement(Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getHabbo(this.userId), Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("MonsterPlantGardenOfDeath")); this.hasDied = true; this.needsUpdate = true; } this.roomUnit.clearStatus(); this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.RIP, ""); this.packetUpdate = true; } else { int difference = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - this.created + 1; if (difference >= growTime) { this.growthStage = 7; boolean clear = false; for (RoomUnitStatus s : this.roomUnit.getStatusMap().keySet()) { if (s.equals(RoomUnitStatus.GROW)) { clear = true; } } if (clear) { this.roomUnit.clearStatus(); this.packetUpdate = true; } } else { int g = (int) Math.ceil(difference / (growTime / 7.0)); if (g > this.growthStage) { this.growthStage = g; this.roomUnit.clearStatus(); this.roomUnit.setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.fromString("grw" + this.growthStage), ""); this.packetUpdate = true; } } if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(1000) < 10) { super.updateGesture(Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp()); this.packetUpdate = true; } } } super.cycle(); } public int getType() { return this.type; } public int getRarity() { if (bodyRarity.containsKey(this.type) && colorRarity.containsKey(this.hue)) { return bodyRarity.get(this.type).getValue() + colorRarity.get(this.hue).getValue(); } return 0; } @Override public String getLook() { return "16 0 FFFFFF " + "5 " + "0 -1 10 " + "1 " + this.type + " " + this.hue + " " + "2 " + this.mouth + " " + this.mouthColor + " " + "3 " + this.nose + " " + this.noseColor + " " + "4 " + this.eyes + " " + this.eyesColor; } @Override public void serialize(ServerMessage message) { message.appendInt(this.getId()); message.appendString(this.getName()); message.appendInt(this.petData.getType()); message.appendInt(this.race); message.appendString(this.getLook().substring(5)); message.appendInt(this.getRarity()); message.appendInt(5); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(-1); message.appendInt(10); message.appendInt(1); message.appendInt(this.type); message.appendInt(this.hue); message.appendInt(2); message.appendInt(this.mouth); message.appendInt(this.mouthColor); message.appendInt(3); message.appendInt(this.nose); message.appendInt(this.noseColor); message.appendInt(4); message.appendInt(this.eyes); message.appendInt(this.eyesColor); message.appendInt(this.growthStage); } public int remainingTimeToLive() { return Math.max(0, this.deathTimestamp - Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp()); } public boolean isDead() { return Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() >= this.deathTimestamp; } public void setDeathTimestamp(int deathTimestamp) { this.deathTimestamp = deathTimestamp; } public int getGrowthStage() { return this.growthStage; } public int remainingGrowTime() { if (this.growthStage == 7) { return 0; } return Math.max(0, growTime - (Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - this.created)); } public boolean isFullyGrown() { return this.growthStage == 7; } public boolean canBreed() { return this.canBreed; } public void setCanBreed(boolean canBreed) { this.canBreed = canBreed; } public boolean breedable() { return this.isFullyGrown() && this.canBreed && !this.isDead(); } public boolean isPubliclyBreedable() { return this.publiclyBreedable; } public void setPubliclyBreedable(boolean isPubliclyBreedable) { this.publiclyBreedable = isPubliclyBreedable; } public void breed(MonsterplantPet pet) { if (this.canBreed && pet.canBreed) { this.canBreed = false; this.publiclyBreedable = false; pet.setCanBreed(false); pet.setPubliclyBreedable(false); PetStatusUpdateComposer(pet).compose()); PetStatusUpdateComposer(this).compose()); this.getRoomUnit().setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, "reb"); pet.getRoomUnit().setStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE, "reb"); RoomUserStatusComposer(this.getRoomUnit()).compose()); RoomUserStatusComposer(pet.getRoomUnit()).compose()); this.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE); pet.getRoomUnit().removeStatus(RoomUnitStatus.GESTURE); Habbo ownerOne =; Habbo ownerTwo = null; if (this.getUserId() != pet.getUserId()) { ownerTwo =; } Item seedBase; if (this.getRarity() < 8 || pet.getRarity() < 8 || Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(100) > this.getRarity() + pet.getRarity()) { seedBase = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getItemManager().getItem(Emulator.getConfig().getInt("monsterplant.seed.item_id")); } else { seedBase = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getItemManager().getItem(Emulator.getConfig().getInt("monsterplant.seed_rare.item_id")); } if (seedBase != null) { HabboItem seed; if (ownerOne != null) { AchievementManager.progressAchievement(ownerOne, Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("MonsterPlantBreeder"), 5); seed = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getItemManager().createItem(ownerOne.getHabboInfo().getId(), seedBase, 0, 0, ""); ownerOne.getInventory().getItemsComponent().addItem(seed); ownerOne.getClient().sendResponse(new AddHabboItemComposer(seed)); ownerOne.getClient().sendResponse(new InventoryRefreshComposer()); } if (ownerTwo != null) { AchievementManager.progressAchievement(ownerTwo, Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("MonsterPlantBreeder"), 5); seed = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getItemManager().createItem(ownerTwo.getHabboInfo().getId(), seedBase, 0, 0, ""); ownerTwo.getInventory().getItemsComponent().addItem(seed); ownerTwo.getClient().sendResponse(new AddHabboItemComposer(seed)); ownerTwo.getClient().sendResponse(new InventoryRefreshComposer()); } } } } private boolean mayScratch() { // Monsterplant petting is available when: // ((energy / max_energy) < 0.98) = true // You can find the minimum deathTimestamp by solving (insert a timestamp for timestamp, solve for death_timestamp): // (((death_timestamp - timestamp) / 259200)) < 0.98 // This information was found in the Habbo swf, // this._Str_2304("pettreat", ((_local_3 / _local_4) < 0.98)); final float energy = this.getEnergy(); final float energyMax = this.getMaxEnergy(); return ((energy / energyMax) < 0.98); } @Override public int getMaxEnergy() { return MonsterplantPet.timeToLive; } @Override public int getEnergy() { if (this.isDead()) { return 100; } return this.deathTimestamp - Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); } @Override public synchronized void scratched(Habbo habbo) { if (this.mayScratch()) { AchievementManager.progressAchievement(habbo, Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("MonsterPlantTreater"), 5); this.setDeathTimestamp(Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() + MonsterplantPet.timeToLive); this.addHappyness(10); this.addExperience(10); PetStatusUpdateComposer(this).compose()); RoomPetRespectComposer(this, RoomPetRespectComposer.PET_TREATED).compose()); } } @Override public boolean canWalk() { return false; } }