package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class InteractionTeleport extends HabboItem { private int targetId; private int targetRoomId; private int roomUnitID = -1; private boolean walkable; public InteractionTeleport(ResultSet set, Item baseItem) throws SQLException { super(set, baseItem); walkable = baseItem.allowWalk(); this.setExtradata("0"); } public InteractionTeleport(int id, int userId, Item item, String extradata, int limitedStack, int limitedSells) { super(id, userId, item, extradata, limitedStack, limitedSells); walkable = item.allowWalk(); this.setExtradata("0"); } @Override public void serializeExtradata(ServerMessage serverMessage) { serverMessage.appendInt((this.isLimited() ? 256 : 0)); serverMessage.appendString(this.getExtradata()); super.serializeExtradata(serverMessage); } @Override public boolean canWalkOn(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) { return this.getBaseItem().allowWalk() || roomUnit.getId() == this.roomUnitID; } @Override public boolean isWalkable() { return walkable; } private void tryTeleport(GameClient client, Room room) { /* if user is on item, startTeleport else if user is on infront, set state 1 and walk on item else move to infront and interact */ Habbo habbo = client.getHabbo(); if (habbo == null) return; RoomUnit unit = habbo.getRoomUnit(); if (unit == null) return; RoomTile currentLocation = room.getLayout().getTile(this.getX(), this.getY()); if (currentLocation == null) return; RoomTile infrontTile = room.getLayout().getTileInFront(currentLocation, this.getRotation()); if (!canUseTeleport(client, room)) return; if (this.roomUnitID == unit.getId() && unit.getCurrentLocation().equals(currentLocation)) { startTeleport(room, habbo); walkable = true; try { super.onClick(client, room, new Object[]{"TOGGLE_OVERRIDE"}); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (unit.getCurrentLocation().equals(currentLocation) || unit.getCurrentLocation().equals(infrontTile)) { // set state 1 and walk on item this.roomUnitID = unit.getId(); this.setExtradata("1"); room.updateItem(this); unit.setGoalLocation(infrontTile); List onSuccess = new ArrayList(); List onFail = new ArrayList(); onSuccess.add(() -> { room.updateTile(currentLocation); tryTeleport(client, room); unit.removeOverrideTile(currentLocation); unit.setCanLeaveRoomByDoor(true); walkable = this.getBaseItem().allowWalk(); }); onFail.add(() -> { walkable = this.getBaseItem().allowWalk(); room.updateTile(currentLocation); this.setExtradata("0"); room.updateItem(this); this.roomUnitID = -1; unit.removeOverrideTile(currentLocation); unit.setCanLeaveRoomByDoor(true); }); walkable = true; room.updateTile(currentLocation); unit.addOverrideTile(currentLocation); unit.setGoalLocation(currentLocation); unit.setCanLeaveRoomByDoor(false); Emulator.getThreading().run(new RoomUnitWalkToLocation(unit, currentLocation, room, onSuccess, onFail)); } else { // walk to teleport and interact List onSuccess = new ArrayList(); List onFail = new ArrayList(); onSuccess.add(() -> { tryTeleport(client, room); }); unit.setGoalLocation(infrontTile); Emulator.getThreading().run(new RoomUnitWalkToLocation(unit, infrontTile, room, onSuccess, onFail)); } } @Override public void onClick(GameClient client, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { if (room != null && client != null && objects != null && objects.length <= 1) { tryTeleport(client, room); } } @Override public void onWalk(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { } @Override public void run() { if (!this.getExtradata().equals("0")) { this.setExtradata("0"); Room room = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()); if (room != null) { room.updateItem(this); } }; } @Override public void onPickUp(Room room) { this.targetId = 0; this.targetRoomId = 0; this.roomUnitID = -1; this.setExtradata("0"); } public int getTargetId() { return this.targetId; } public void setTargetId(int targetId) { this.targetId = targetId; } public int getTargetRoomId() { return this.targetRoomId; } public void setTargetRoomId(int targetRoomId) { this.targetRoomId = targetRoomId; } @Override public boolean allowWiredResetState() { return false; } public boolean canUseTeleport(GameClient client, Room room) { Habbo habbo = client.getHabbo(); if (habbo == null) return false; RoomUnit unit = habbo.getRoomUnit(); if (unit == null) return false; if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getRiding() != null) return false; return true; } public void startTeleport(Room room, Habbo habbo) { this.startTeleport(room, habbo, 500); } public void startTeleport(Room room, Habbo habbo, int delay) { if (habbo.getRoomUnit().isTeleporting) { walkable = this.getBaseItem().allowWalk(); return; } this.roomUnitID = -1; habbo.getRoomUnit().isTeleporting = true; Emulator.getThreading().run(new TeleportActionOne(this, room, habbo.getClient()), delay); } @Override public boolean isUsable() { return true; } @Override public boolean invalidatesToRoomKick() { return true; } }