package; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class InteractionDefault extends HabboItem { public InteractionDefault(ResultSet set, Item baseItem) throws SQLException { super(set, baseItem); } public InteractionDefault(int id, int userId, Item item, String extradata, int limitedStack, int limitedSells) { super(id, userId, item, extradata, limitedStack, limitedSells); } @Override public void serializeExtradata(ServerMessage serverMessage) { serverMessage.appendInt((this.isLimited() ? 256 : 0)); serverMessage.appendString(this.getExtradata()); super.serializeExtradata(serverMessage); } @Override public boolean isWalkable() { return this.getBaseItem().allowWalk(); } @Override public boolean canWalkOn(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) { return true; } @Override public void onMove(Room room, RoomTile oldLocation, RoomTile newLocation) { super.onMove(room, oldLocation, newLocation); for (RoomUnit unit : room.getRoomUnits()) { if (!oldLocation.unitIsOnFurniOnTile(unit, this.getBaseItem())) continue; // If the unit was previously on the furni... if (newLocation.unitIsOnFurniOnTile(unit, this.getBaseItem())) continue; // but is not anymore... try { this.onWalkOff(unit, room, new Object[]{}); // the unit walked off! } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } @Override public void onClick(GameClient client, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { if (room != null && (client == null || this.canToggle(client.getHabbo(), room) || (objects.length >= 2 && objects[1] instanceof WiredEffectType && objects[1] == WiredEffectType.TOGGLE_STATE))) { super.onClick(client, room, objects); if (objects != null && objects.length > 0) { if (objects[0] instanceof Integer) { if (this.getExtradata().length() == 0) this.setExtradata("0"); if (this.getBaseItem().getStateCount() > 0) { int currentState = 0; try { currentState = Integer.valueOf(this.getExtradata()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Incorrect extradata (" + this.getExtradata() + ") for item ID (" + this.getId() + ") of type (" + this.getBaseItem().getName() + ")"); } this.setExtradata("" + (currentState + 1) % this.getBaseItem().getStateCount()); this.needsUpdate(true); room.updateItemState(this); } } } } } @Override public void onWalk(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { } @Override public void onWalkOn(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { super.onWalkOn(roomUnit, room, objects); if (roomUnit != null) { if (this.getBaseItem().getEffectF() > 0 || this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() > 0) { if (roomUnit.getRoomUnitType().equals(RoomUnitType.USER)) { Habbo habbo = room.getHabbo(roomUnit); if (habbo != null) { if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getGender().equals(HabboGender.M) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() > 0 && habbo.getRoomUnit().getEffectId() != this.getBaseItem().getEffectM()) { room.giveEffect(habbo, this.getBaseItem().getEffectM(), -1); return; } if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getGender().equals(HabboGender.F) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectF() > 0 && habbo.getRoomUnit().getEffectId() != this.getBaseItem().getEffectF()) { room.giveEffect(habbo, this.getBaseItem().getEffectF(), -1); } } } else if (roomUnit.getRoomUnitType().equals(RoomUnitType.BOT)) { Bot bot = room.getBot(roomUnit); if (bot != null) { if (bot.getGender().equals(HabboGender.M) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() > 0 && roomUnit.getEffectId() != this.getBaseItem().getEffectM()) { room.giveEffect(bot.getRoomUnit(), this.getBaseItem().getEffectM(), -1); return; } if (bot.getGender().equals(HabboGender.F) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectF() > 0 && roomUnit.getEffectId() != this.getBaseItem().getEffectF()) { room.giveEffect(bot.getRoomUnit(), this.getBaseItem().getEffectF(), -1); } } } } } } @Override public void onWalkOff(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { super.onWalkOff(roomUnit, room, objects); if (roomUnit != null) { if (this.getBaseItem().getEffectF() > 0 || this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() > 0) { if (objects != null && objects.length == 2) { if (objects[0] instanceof RoomTile && objects[1] instanceof RoomTile) { RoomTile goalTile = (RoomTile) objects[1]; HabboItem topItem = room.getTopItemAt(goalTile.x, goalTile.y); if (topItem != null && (topItem.getBaseItem().getEffectM() == this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() || topItem.getBaseItem().getEffectF() == this.getBaseItem().getEffectF())) { return; } } } if (roomUnit.getRoomUnitType().equals(RoomUnitType.USER)) { Habbo habbo = room.getHabbo(roomUnit); if (habbo != null) { if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getGender().equals(HabboGender.M) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() > 0) { room.giveEffect(habbo, 0, -1); return; } if (habbo.getHabboInfo().getGender().equals(HabboGender.F) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectF() > 0) { room.giveEffect(habbo, 0, -1); } } } else if (roomUnit.getRoomUnitType().equals(RoomUnitType.BOT)) { Bot bot = room.getBot(roomUnit); if (bot != null) { if (bot.getGender().equals(HabboGender.M) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectM() > 0) { room.giveEffect(roomUnit, 0, -1); return; } if (bot.getGender().equals(HabboGender.F) && this.getBaseItem().getEffectF() > 0) { room.giveEffect(roomUnit, 0, -1); } } } } } } public boolean canToggle(Habbo habbo, Room room) { if (room.hasRights(habbo)) return true; if (!habbo.getHabboStats().isRentingSpace()) return false; HabboItem rentSpace = room.getHabboItem(habbo.getHabboStats().rentedItemId); return rentSpace != null && RoomLayout.squareInSquare(RoomLayout.getRectangle(rentSpace.getX(), rentSpace.getY(), rentSpace.getBaseItem().getWidth(), rentSpace.getBaseItem().getLength(), rentSpace.getRotation()), RoomLayout.getRectangle(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getBaseItem().getWidth(), this.getBaseItem().getLength(), this.getRotation())); } @Override public boolean allowWiredResetState() { return true; } }