package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; public class WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni extends InteractionWiredEffect implements ICycleable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni.class); public static final WiredEffectType type = WiredEffectType.MOVE_ROTATE; private final THashSet items = new THashSet<>(WiredHandler.MAXIMUM_FURNI_SELECTION / 2); private int direction; private int rotation; private THashSet itemCooldowns; public WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni(ResultSet set, Item baseItem) throws SQLException { super(set, baseItem); this.itemCooldowns = new THashSet<>(); } public WiredEffectMoveRotateFurni(int id, int userId, Item item, String extradata, int limitedStack, int limitedSells) { super(id, userId, item, extradata, limitedStack, limitedSells); this.itemCooldowns = new THashSet<>(); } @Override public boolean execute(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] stuff) { // remove items that are no longer in the room this.items.removeIf(item -> Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null); for (HabboItem item : this.items) { if(this.itemCooldowns.contains(item)) continue; int newRotation = this.rotation > 0 ? this.getNewRotation(item) : item.getRotation(); RoomTile newLocation = room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); RoomTile oldLocation = room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); double oldZ = item.getZ(); if(this.direction > 0) { RoomUserRotation moveDirection = this.getMovementDirection(); newLocation = room.getLayout().getTile( (short) (item.getX() + ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.WEST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_WEST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_WEST) ? -1 : (((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_EAST) ? 1 : 0)))), (short) (item.getY() + ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.NORTH_WEST) ? 1 : ((moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_EAST || moveDirection == RoomUserRotation.SOUTH_WEST) ? -1 : 0))) ); } boolean slideAnimation = item.getRotation() == newRotation; FurnitureMovementError furniMoveTest = room.furnitureFitsAt(newLocation, item, newRotation, true); if(newLocation != null && newLocation.state != RoomTileState.INVALID && (newLocation != oldLocation || newRotation != item.getRotation()) && (furniMoveTest == FurnitureMovementError.NONE || ((furniMoveTest == FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_BOTS || furniMoveTest == FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_HABBOS || furniMoveTest == FurnitureMovementError.TILE_HAS_PETS) && newLocation == oldLocation))) { if(room.furnitureFitsAt(newLocation, item, newRotation, false) == FurnitureMovementError.NONE && room.moveFurniTo(item, newLocation, newRotation, null, !slideAnimation) == FurnitureMovementError.NONE) { this.itemCooldowns.add(item); if(slideAnimation) { room.sendComposer(new FloorItemOnRollerComposer(item, null, oldLocation, oldZ, newLocation, item.getZ(), 0, room).compose()); } } } } return true; } @Override public String getWiredData() { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(this.items.size() / 2); Room room = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()); for (HabboItem item : this.items) { if (item.getRoomId() != this.getRoomId() || (room != null && room.getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null)) items.add(item); } for (HabboItem item : items) { this.items.remove(item); } StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(this.direction + "\t" + this.rotation + "\t" + this.getDelay() + "\t"); for (HabboItem item : this.items) { data.append(item.getId()).append("\r"); } return data.toString(); } @Override public void loadWiredData(ResultSet set, Room room) throws SQLException { this.items.clear(); String[] data = set.getString("wired_data").split("\t"); if (data.length == 4) { try { this.direction = Integer.parseInt(data[0]); this.rotation = Integer.parseInt(data[1]); this.setDelay(Integer.parseInt(data[2])); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } for (String s : data[3].split("\r")) { HabboItem item = room.getHabboItem(Integer.parseInt(s)); if (item != null) this.items.add(item); } } } @Override public void onPickUp() { this.direction = 0; this.rotation = 0; this.items.clear(); this.setDelay(0); } @Override public WiredEffectType getType() { return type; } @Override public void serializeWiredData(ServerMessage message, Room room) { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); for (HabboItem item : this.items) { if (item.getRoomId() != this.getRoomId() || Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null) items.add(item); } for (HabboItem item : items) { this.items.remove(item); } message.appendBoolean(false); message.appendInt(WiredHandler.MAXIMUM_FURNI_SELECTION); message.appendInt(this.items.size()); for (HabboItem item : this.items) message.appendInt(item.getId()); message.appendInt(this.getBaseItem().getSpriteId()); message.appendInt(this.getId()); message.appendString(""); message.appendInt(2); message.appendInt(this.direction); message.appendInt(this.rotation); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(this.getType().code); message.appendInt(this.getDelay()); message.appendInt(0); } @Override public boolean saveData(ClientMessage packet, GameClient gameClient) { Room room = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()); if (room == null) return false; packet.readInt(); this.direction = packet.readInt(); this.rotation = packet.readInt(); packet.readString(); int count = packet.readInt(); if (count > Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.wired.furni.selection.count", 5)) return false; this.items.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { this.items.add(room.getHabboItem(packet.readInt())); } this.setDelay(packet.readInt()); return true; } /** * Returns a new rotation for an item based on the wired options * * @param item HabboItem * @return new rotation */ private int getNewRotation(HabboItem item) { int rotationToAdd = 0; if(item.getMaximumRotations() == 2) { return item.getRotation() == 0 ? 4 : 0; } else if(item.getMaximumRotations() == 1) { return item.getRotation(); } else if(item.getMaximumRotations() > 4) { if (this.rotation == 1) { return item.getRotation() == item.getMaximumRotations() - 1 ? 0 : item.getRotation() + 1; } else if (this.rotation == 2) { return item.getRotation() > 0 ? item.getRotation() - 1 : item.getMaximumRotations() - 1; } else if (this.rotation == 3) { //Random rotation THashSet possibleRotations = new THashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < item.getMaximumRotations(); i++) { possibleRotations.add(i); } possibleRotations.remove(item.getRotation()); if(possibleRotations.size() > 0) { int index = Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(possibleRotations.size()); Iterator iter = possibleRotations.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {; } return; } } } else { if (this.rotation == 1) { return (item.getRotation() + 2) % 8; } else if (this.rotation == 2) { int rot = (item.getRotation() - 2) % 8; if(rot < 0) { rot += 8; } return rot; } else if (this.rotation == 3) { //Random rotation THashSet possibleRotations = new THashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < item.getMaximumRotations(); i++) { possibleRotations.add(i * 2); } possibleRotations.remove(item.getRotation()); if(possibleRotations.size() > 0) { int index = Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(possibleRotations.size()); Iterator iter = possibleRotations.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {; } return; } } } return item.getRotation(); } /** * Returns the direction of movement based on the wired settings * * @return direction */ private RoomUserRotation getMovementDirection() { RoomUserRotation movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH; if (this.direction == 1) { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.values()[Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(RoomUserRotation.values().length / 2) * 2]; } else if (this.direction == 2) { if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) == 1) { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST; } else { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST; } } else if (this.direction == 3) { if (Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(2) != 1) { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH; } } else if (this.direction == 4) { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH; } else if (this.direction == 5) { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST; } else if (this.direction == 7) { movemementDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST; } return movemementDirection; } @Override public void cycle(Room room) { this.itemCooldowns.clear(); } }