package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class InteractionFireworks extends InteractionDefault { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InteractionFireworks.class); private static final String STATE_EMPTY = "0"; // Not used since the removal of pixels private static final String STATE_CHARGED = "1"; private static final String STATE_EXPLOSION = "2"; public InteractionFireworks(ResultSet set, Item baseItem) throws SQLException { super(set, baseItem); } public InteractionFireworks(int id, int userId, Item item, String extradata, int limitedStack, int limitedSells) { super(id, userId, item, extradata, limitedStack, limitedSells); } @Override public boolean canWalkOn(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] objects) { return false; } /** * Checked in Habbo on 2021-01-03 * - Fireworks should be charged to be able to detonate them * - Habbos with Rights can detonate fireworks from anywhere in a room * - Habbos without rights have to walk to an adjecent tile to be able to detonate (see Iteraction Switch) * - Wired can always detonate fireworks */ @Override public void onClick(GameClient client, Room room, Object[] objects) throws Exception { if (room == null) return; // Wireds can always detonate fireworks if charged if (objects.length >= 2 && objects[1] instanceof WiredEffectType && objects[1] == WiredEffectType.TOGGLE_STATE) { if (this.getExtradata().equalsIgnoreCase(STATE_CHARGED)) { super.onClick(client, room, objects); if (this.getExtradata().equalsIgnoreCase(STATE_EXPLOSION)) { this.reCharge(room); } } return; } if (client == null) return; // Habbos without rights have to walk to an adjecent tile to be able to detonate the fireworks if (!this.canToggle(client.getHabbo(), room)) { RoomTile closestTile = null; for (RoomTile tile : room.getLayout().getTilesAround(room.getLayout().getTile(this.getX(), this.getY()))) { if (tile.isWalkable() && (closestTile == null || closestTile.distance(client.getHabbo().getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()) > tile.distance(client.getHabbo().getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation()))) { closestTile = tile; } } if (closestTile != null && !closestTile.equals(client.getHabbo().getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation())) { List onSuccess = new ArrayList<>(); onSuccess.add(() -> { try { this.onClick(client, room, objects); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); client.getHabbo().getRoomUnit().setGoalLocation(closestTile); Emulator.getThreading().run(new RoomUnitWalkToLocation(client.getHabbo().getRoomUnit(), closestTile, room, onSuccess, new ArrayList<>())); } } if (this.getExtradata().equalsIgnoreCase(STATE_CHARGED)) { super.onClick(client, room, objects); if (this.getExtradata().equalsIgnoreCase(STATE_EXPLOSION)) { this.reCharge(room); AchievementManager.progressAchievement(client.getHabbo(), Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("FireworksCharger")); } } } @Override public boolean allowWiredResetState() { return false; } @Override public void onPlace(Room room) { super.onPlace(room); this.setExtradata(STATE_CHARGED); } @Override public boolean canToggle(Habbo habbo, Room room) { return room.hasRights(habbo) || RoomLayout.tilesAdjecent( room.getLayout().getTile(this.getX(), this.getY()), habbo.getRoomUnit().getCurrentLocation() ); } private void reCharge(Room room) { // Default = 5000, Nuclear Firework should have 10000 in its custom params according to Habbo int explodeDuration = 5000; if (!this.getBaseItem().getCustomParams().isEmpty()) { try { explodeDuration = Integer.parseInt(this.getBaseItem().getCustomParams()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.error("Incorrect customparams (" + this.getBaseItem().getCustomParams() + ") for base item ID (" + this.getBaseItem().getId() + ") of type (" + this.getBaseItem().getName() + ")"); } } Emulator.getThreading().run(() -> { this.setExtradata(STATE_CHARGED); this.needsUpdate(true); room.updateItemState(this); }, explodeDuration); } }