package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class CleanerThread implements Runnable { /** * Delay between each execution of checking to clean up in MS. */ public static final int DELAY = 10000; /** * Amount of seconds the Hall Of Fame has to be reloaded. */ public static final int RELOAD_HALL_OF_FAME = 1800; /** * Amount of seconds the News List has to be reloaded. */ public static final int RELOAD_NEWS_LIST = 3600; /** * Amount of seconds inactive rooms have to be cleared. */ public static final int REMOVE_INACTIVE_ROOMS = 120; /** * Amount of seconds inactive guilds have to be cleared. */ public static final int REMOVE_INACTIVE_GUILDS = 60; /** * Amount of seconds inactive tours have to be cleared. */ public static final int REMOVE_INACTIVE_TOURS = 600; /** * Amount of seconds error logs have to be saved to the database. */ public static final int SAVE_ERROR_LOGS = 30; /** * */ private static final int CALLBACK_TIME = 60*15; /** * Last time the Hall Of Fame was reloaded. */ private static int LAST_HOF_RELOAD = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); /** * Last time the news list was reloaded. */ private static int LAST_NL_RELOAD = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); /** * Last time inactive rooms have been cleared. */ private static int LAST_INACTIVE_ROOMS_CLEARED = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); /** * Last time inactive guilds have been cleared. */ private static int LAST_INACTIVE_GUILDS_CLEARED = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); /** * Last time inactive tours have been cleared. */ private static int LAST_INACTIVE_TOURS_CLEARED = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); /** * Last time error logs were saved to the database. */ private static int LAST_ERROR_LOGS_SAVED = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); /** * Last time dailys where refilled. */ private static int LAST_DAILY_REFILL = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); private static int LAST_CALLBACK = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); public CleanerThread() { databaseCleanup(); Emulator.getThreading().run(this, DELAY); Emulator.getThreading().run(new AchievementUpdater()); Emulator.getThreading().run(new HTTPVersionCheck(), 10000); } @Override public void run() { Emulator.getThreading().run(this, DELAY); int time = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); if (time - LAST_HOF_RELOAD > RELOAD_HALL_OF_FAME) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHotelViewManager().getHallOfFame().reload(); LAST_HOF_RELOAD = time; } if (time - LAST_NL_RELOAD > RELOAD_NEWS_LIST) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHotelViewManager().getNewsList().reload(); LAST_NL_RELOAD = time; } if (time - LAST_INACTIVE_ROOMS_CLEARED > REMOVE_INACTIVE_ROOMS) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().clearInactiveRooms(); LAST_INACTIVE_ROOMS_CLEARED = time; } if (time - LAST_INACTIVE_GUILDS_CLEARED > REMOVE_INACTIVE_GUILDS) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildManager().clearInactiveGuilds(); Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuildForumManager().clearInactiveForums(); LAST_INACTIVE_GUILDS_CLEARED = time; } if (time - LAST_INACTIVE_TOURS_CLEARED > REMOVE_INACTIVE_TOURS) { Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getGuideManager().cleanup(); LAST_INACTIVE_TOURS_CLEARED = time; } if (time - LAST_ERROR_LOGS_SAVED > SAVE_ERROR_LOGS) { Emulator.getLogging().saveLogs(); LAST_ERROR_LOGS_SAVED = time; } if (time - LAST_CALLBACK > CALLBACK_TIME) { Emulator.getThreading().run(new HTTPPostStatus()); LAST_CALLBACK = time; } if (time - LAST_DAILY_REFILL > Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.refill.daily")) { refillDailyRespects(); LAST_DAILY_REFILL = time; } SearchRoomsEvent.cachedResults.clear(); SearchUserEvent.cachedResults.clear(); } /** * Cleans up the database before emulator launch to guarantee system integrity. */ void databaseCleanup() { refillDailyRespects(); int time = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection()) { try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.execute("UPDATE users SET online = '0' WHERE online = '1'"); statement.execute("UPDATE rooms SET users = '0' WHERE users > 0"); statement.execute("DELETE FROM room_mutes WHERE ends < " + time); statement.execute("DELETE FROM room_bans WHERE ends < " + time); statement.execute("DELETE users_favorite_rooms FROM users_favorite_rooms LEFT JOIN rooms ON room_id = WHERE IS NULL"); } try (PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE users_effects SET total = total - 1 WHERE activation_timestamp < ? AND activation_timestamp != 0")) { statement.setInt(1, Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp() - 86400); statement.execute(); } try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { statement.execute("DELETE FROM users_effects WHERE total <= 0"); } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } Emulator.getLogging().logStart("Database -> Cleaned!"); } public void refillDailyRespects() { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE users_settings SET daily_respect_points = ?, daily_pet_respect_points = ?")) { statement.setInt(1, Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.daily.respect")); statement.setInt(2, Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.daily.respect.pets")); statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } if (Emulator.isReady) { for (Habbo habbo : Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getHabboManager().getOnlineHabbos().values()) { habbo.getHabboStats().petRespectPointsToGive = Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.daily.respect"); habbo.getHabboStats().respectPointsToGive = Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.daily.respect.pets"); } } } }