package; public enum CatalogPageLayouts { /** * Default page, used most of the time. */ default_3x3, /** * The page that you can buy Guild furniture from. */ guild_furni, /** * The page that allows you to buy a Guild. */ guilds, /** * The page that allows you to buy a forum for your Guild. */ guild_forum, /** * The page with information about duckets. */ info_duckets, /** * The page with information about rentables. */ info_rentables, /** * The page with information about loyalty programme. */ info_loyalty, /** * The page you can buy VIP with loyalty points. */ loyalty_vip_buy, /** * The page where you can buy bots from. */ bots, /** * Pets */ pets, /** * Petss */ pets2, /** * Petsss */ pets3, /** * The page where you can claim club gifts. */ club_gift, /** * The front page. Without it, there is nothing. /s */ frontpage, /** * The page where you can buy those fancy badge displays. */ badge_display, /** * The new spaces layout. */ spaces_new, /** * Trax */ soundmachine, /** * Info about pets. */ info_pets, /** * The page where you can buy Habbo Club from. */ club_buy, /** * Roomads are being sold here. */ roomads, /** * Trophies page. */ trophies, /** * Single bundle for single people. */ single_bundle, /** * The Marketplace. */ marketplace, /** * Lists your own Marketplace items. */ marketplace_own_items, /** * The Recycler (Or ecotron) */ recycler, /** * Info, for the people that don't know how to drag 'n drop. */ recycler_info, /** * All the rewards you can get from the Recycler (Or ecotron) */ recycler_prizes, /** * The page where all the sold out LTDs go. */ sold_ltd_items, /** * This is gone in the newer PRODUCTION versions, unfortunately. */ plasto, /** * Color grouping using the default page. */ default_3x3_color_grouping, /** * Page where your recent purchases reside. */ recent_purchases, /** * Room Bundles */ room_bundle, /** * Pet Customization like pet color dyes */ petcustomization, /** * Root page. Do not use! */ root, /** * The page where you can buy Habbo VIP from. */ vip_buy, frontpage_featured, builders_club_addons, builders_club_frontpage, builders_club_loyalty }