package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; public abstract class Game implements Runnable { /** * The class that should be used that defines teams. */ public final Class gameTeamClazz; /** * The class that should be used that defines a player. */ public final Class gamePlayerClazz; /** * All the teams. */ protected final THashMap teams = new THashMap(); /** * The room this game is affected by. */ protected Room room; /** * Should this game progress any achievements. */ protected boolean countsAchievements; /** * Time the game started. */ protected int startTime; /** * Time the game ended. */ protected int endTime; /** * Wether the game is running. */ public boolean isRunning; public Game(Class gameTeamClazz, Class gamePlayerClazz, Room room, boolean countsAchievements) { this.gameTeamClazz = gameTeamClazz; this.gamePlayerClazz = gamePlayerClazz; = room; this.countsAchievements = countsAchievements; } /** * Should reset the game to it's default state and call start() when done initialising. * Only call start if you need to start a game. */ public abstract void initialise(); /** * When overridden call super first! * Adds a particular Habbo to a specific team. * @param habbo The Habbo to add to an team. * @param teamColor The teamcolor to add the Habbo too. * @return True when user has joined the game. */ public boolean addHabbo(Habbo habbo, GameTeamColors teamColor) { try { if (habbo != null) { if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(GameHabboJoinEvent.class, true)) { Event gameHabboJoinEvent = new GameHabboJoinEvent(this, habbo); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(gameHabboJoinEvent); if(gameHabboJoinEvent.isCancelled()) return false; } synchronized (this.teams) { GameTeam team = this.getTeam(teamColor); if (team == null) { team = this.gameTeamClazz.getDeclaredConstructor(GameTeamColors.class).newInstance(teamColor); this.addTeam(team); } GamePlayer player = this.gamePlayerClazz.getDeclaredConstructor(Habbo.class, GameTeamColors.class).newInstance(habbo, teamColor); team.addMember(player); habbo.getHabboInfo().setCurrentGame(this.getClass()); habbo.getHabboInfo().setGamePlayer(player); } return true; } } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine(e); } return false; } /** * When overridden call super first! * Removes an Habbo when the following events occur: *
  • The Habbo gets disconnected.
  • *
  • The Habbo leaves the room.
  • *
  • The Habbo triggers leave team wired.
  • * @param habbo The Habbo to be removed. */ public void removeHabbo(Habbo habbo) { if (habbo != null) { if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(GameHabboLeaveEvent.class, true)) { Event gameHabboLeaveEvent = new GameHabboLeaveEvent(this, habbo); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(gameHabboLeaveEvent); if(gameHabboLeaveEvent.isCancelled()) return; } GameTeam team = this.getTeamForHabbo(habbo); if (team != null && team.isMember(habbo)) { team.removeMember(habbo.getHabboInfo().getGamePlayer()); habbo.getHabboInfo().getGamePlayer().reset(); habbo.getHabboInfo().setCurrentGame(null); habbo.getHabboInfo().setGamePlayer(null); if(this.countsAchievements && this.endTime > this.startTime) { AchievementManager.progressAchievement(habbo, Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getAchievementManager().getAchievement("GamePlayed")); } } } boolean deleteGame = true; for (GameTeam team : this.teams.values()) { if (team.getMembers().size() > 0 ) { deleteGame = false; break; } } if (deleteGame) { room.deleteGame(this); } } /** * This method should start a game. Make sure to call super.start() * to register the time the game was started. */ public void start() { this.isRunning = true; this.startTime = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(GameStartedEvent.class, true)) { Event gameStartedEvent = new GameStartedEvent(this); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(gameStartedEvent); } WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.GAME_STARTS, null,, new Object[]{this}); } /** * Main game loop. */ public abstract void run(); /** * Should stop the game. * * Called upon room unload or when the timer runs out. * * Make sure to call super.stop() when overriden to save the scores to the database. */ public void stop() { this.isRunning = false; this.endTime = Emulator.getIntUnixTimestamp(); this.saveScores(); if(Emulator.getPluginManager().isRegistered(GameStoppedEvent.class, true)) { Event gameStoppedEvent = new GameStoppedEvent(this); Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(gameStoppedEvent); } WiredHandler.handle(WiredTriggerType.GAME_ENDS, null,, new Object[]{this}); for (HabboItem item : {; } } /** * Saves all scores to the game. * Used for the Wired Highscores. * Must have set the room. */ private void saveScores() { if( == null) return; for(Map.Entry teamEntry : this.teams.entrySet()) { Emulator.getThreading().run(new SaveScoreForTeam(teamEntry.getValue(), this)); } } /** * Gets the team for the given Habbo. * @param habbo The Habbo to look for the team. * @return The team the Habbo is in. */ public GameTeam getTeamForHabbo(Habbo habbo) { if(habbo != null) { synchronized (this.teams) { for (GameTeam team : this.teams.values()) { if (team.isMember(habbo)) { return team; } } } } return null; } /** * Get the team by the team color. * @param teamColor The teamcolor to look up. * @return The team for the given team color. */ public GameTeam getTeam(GameTeamColors teamColor) { synchronized (this.teams) { return this.teams.get(teamColor); } } /** * Adds a new team to the game. * Note: Overwrites any existing team for the team.teamColor * @param team The team to add. */ public void addTeam(GameTeam team) { synchronized (this.teams) { this.teams.put(team.teamColor, team); } } /** * @return The room this game is affected by. */ public Room getRoom() { return; } /** * @return The time the game was started. */ public int getStartTime() { return this.startTime; } /** * @return Last time this game ended. */ public int getEndTime() { return this.endTime; } /** * Adds time to the current game. * @param time The amount of time to add. */ public void addTime(int time) { this.endTime += time; } }