package; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; public class GameTeam { /** * List of all players in this team. */ private final THashSet members; /** * The team color of this team. */ public final GameTeamColors teamColor; /** * The total score of this team. */ private int teamScore; /** * Creates an new GameTeam with the given team color. * @param teamColor The team color this GameTeam is identified by. */ public GameTeam(GameTeamColors teamColor) { this.teamColor = teamColor; this.members = new THashSet(); } /** * Initialises the team and resets each player to it's default state. */ public void initialise() { for(GamePlayer player : this.members) { player.reset(); } this.teamScore = 0; } /** * Resets this team by clearing all members in the team. */ public void reset() { this.members.clear(); } /** * Adds an given amount of score to the team score. * @param teamScore The amount of score that will be added. */ public void addTeamScore(int teamScore) { this.teamScore += teamScore; } /** * @return The team score of this team. */ public int getTeamScore() { return this.teamScore; } /** * @return The sum of each team members score + the team score. */ public synchronized int getTotalScore() { int score = this.teamScore; for(GamePlayer player : this.members) { score += player.getScore(); } return score; } /** * Adds an GamePlayer to the team. * @param gamePlayer The GamePlayer that needs to be added. */ public void addMember(GamePlayer gamePlayer) { synchronized (this.members) { this.members.add(gamePlayer); } } /** * Removes an GamePlayer from the team. * @param gamePlayer The GamePlayer that needs to be removed. */ public void removeMember(GamePlayer gamePlayer) { synchronized (this.members) { this.members.remove(gamePlayer); } } /** * @return An collection of all GamePlayers. */ public THashSet getMembers() { return this.members; } /** * Checks wether the given Habbo is part of this team. * @param habbo The habbo to check. * @return True when the given Habbo is part of the team. */ public boolean isMember(Habbo habbo) { for(GamePlayer p : this.members) { if(p.getHabbo().equals(habbo)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the GamePlayer object for the given Habbo. * @param habbo The habbo to get the GamePlayer object for. * @return The GamePlayer for the given Habbo. If not present returns null. */ @Deprecated public GamePlayer getPlayerForHabbo(Habbo habbo) { for(GamePlayer p : this.members) { if(p.getHabbo().equals(habbo)) { return p; } } return null; } }