package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; /** * Wired effect: move to closest user * Confirmed as working exactly like 03/05/2019 04:00 * * @author Beny. */ public class WiredEffectMoveFurniTowards extends InteractionWiredEffect { public static final WiredEffectType type = WiredEffectType.CHASE; private THashSet items; private THashMap lastDirections; public WiredEffectMoveFurniTowards(ResultSet set, Item baseItem) throws SQLException { super(set, baseItem); this.items = new THashSet<>(); this.lastDirections = new THashMap<>(); } public WiredEffectMoveFurniTowards(int id, int userId, Item item, String extradata, int limitedStack, int limitedSells) { super(id, userId, item, extradata, limitedStack, limitedSells); this.items = new THashSet<>(); this.lastDirections = new THashMap<>(); } public List getAvailableDirections(HabboItem item, Room room) { List availableDirections = new ArrayList<>(); RoomLayout layout = room.getLayout(); RoomTile currentTile = layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); RoomUserRotation[] rotations = new RoomUserRotation[]{RoomUserRotation.NORTH, RoomUserRotation.EAST, RoomUserRotation.SOUTH, RoomUserRotation.WEST}; for (RoomUserRotation rot : rotations) { RoomTile tile = layout.getTileInFront(currentTile, rot.getValue()); if (tile == null || tile.state == RoomTileState.BLOCKED || tile.state == RoomTileState.INVALID) continue; if (!layout.tileExists(tile.x, tile.y)) continue; if (room.furnitureFitsAt(tile, item, item.getRotation()) == FurnitureMovementError.INVALID_MOVE) continue; HabboItem topItem = room.getTopItemAt(tile.x, tile.y); if (topItem != null && !topItem.getBaseItem().allowStack()) continue; if (tile.getAllowStack()) { availableDirections.add(rot); } } return availableDirections; } @Override public boolean execute(RoomUnit roomUnit, Room room, Object[] stuff) { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); for (HabboItem item : this.items) { if (Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null) items.add(item); } for (HabboItem item : items) { this.items.remove(item); } for (HabboItem item : this.items) { if (item == null) continue; // direction the furni will move in RoomUserRotation moveDirection = null; RoomUserRotation lastDirection = lastDirections.get(item.getId()); // 1. Check if any user is within 3 tiles from the item RoomUnit target = null; // closest found user RoomLayout layout = room.getLayout(); boolean collided = false; if (layout == null) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (target != null) break; RoomUserRotation[] rotations = new RoomUserRotation[]{RoomUserRotation.NORTH, RoomUserRotation.EAST, RoomUserRotation.SOUTH, RoomUserRotation.WEST}; for (RoomUserRotation rot : rotations) { RoomTile startTile = layout.getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); for (int ii = 0; ii <= i; ii++) { if (startTile == null) break; startTile = layout.getTileInFront(startTile, rot.getValue()); } if (startTile != null && layout.tileExists(startTile.x, startTile.y)) { Collection roomUnitsAtTile = room.getRoomUnitsAt(startTile); if (roomUnitsAtTile.size() > 0) { target = roomUnitsAtTile.iterator().next(); if (i == 0) { // i = 0 means right next to it collided = true; Emulator.getThreading().run(new WiredCollissionRunnable(target, room, new Object[]{item})); } break; } } } } if (collided) continue; if (target != null) { if (target.getX() == item.getX()) { if (item.getY() < target.getY()) moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH; else moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH; } else if (target.getY() == item.getY()) { if (item.getX() < target.getX()) moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST; else moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST; } else if (target.getX() - item.getX() > target.getY() - item.getY()) { if (target.getX() - item.getX() > 0) moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.EAST; else moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.WEST; } else { if (target.getY() - item.getY() > 0) moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.SOUTH; else moveDirection = RoomUserRotation.NORTH; } } // 2. Get a random direction /* getAvailableDirections: 0 available - don't move 1 available - move in that direction 2 available - if lastdirection = null move in random possible direction else if direction[0] = lastdirection opposite, move in direction[1] else move in direction[0] 3+ available - move in random direction, but never the opposite */ List availableDirections = this.getAvailableDirections(item, room); if (moveDirection != null && !availableDirections.contains(moveDirection)) moveDirection = null; if (moveDirection == null) { if (availableDirections.size() == 0) { continue; } else if (availableDirections.size() == 1) { moveDirection = availableDirections.iterator().next(); } else if (availableDirections.size() == 2) { if (lastDirection == null) { moveDirection = availableDirections.get(Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(availableDirections.size())); } else { RoomUserRotation oppositeLast = lastDirection.getOpposite(); if (availableDirections.get(0) == oppositeLast) { moveDirection = availableDirections.get(1); } else { moveDirection = availableDirections.get(0); } } } else { if (lastDirection != null) { RoomUserRotation opposite = lastDirection.getOpposite(); availableDirections.remove(opposite); } moveDirection = availableDirections.get(Emulator.getRandom().nextInt(availableDirections.size())); } } RoomTile newTile = room.getLayout().getTileInFront(room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()), moveDirection.getValue()); RoomTile oldLocation = room.getLayout().getTile(item.getX(), item.getY()); double oldZ = item.getZ(); if(newTile != null) { lastDirections.put(item.getId(), moveDirection); if(newTile.state != RoomTileState.INVALID && newTile != oldLocation && room.furnitureFitsAt(newTile, item, item.getRotation(), true) == FurnitureMovementError.NONE) { if (room.moveFurniTo(item, newTile, item.getRotation(), null, false) == FurnitureMovementError.NONE) { room.sendComposer(new FloorItemOnRollerComposer(item, null, oldLocation, oldZ, newTile, item.getZ(), 0, room).compose()); } } } } return true; } @Override public String getWiredData() { return WiredHandler.getGsonBuilder().create().toJson(new JsonData( this.getDelay(), )); } @Override public void loadWiredData(ResultSet set, Room room) throws SQLException { this.items = new THashSet<>(); String wiredData = set.getString("wired_data"); if (wiredData.startsWith("{")) { JsonData data = WiredHandler.getGsonBuilder().create().fromJson(wiredData, JsonData.class); this.setDelay(data.delay); for (Integer id: data.itemIds) { HabboItem item = room.getHabboItem(id); if (item != null) { this.items.add(item); } } } else { String[] wiredDataOld = wiredData.split("\t"); if (wiredDataOld.length >= 1) { this.setDelay(Integer.parseInt(wiredDataOld[0])); } if (wiredDataOld.length == 2) { if (wiredDataOld[1].contains(";")) { for (String s : wiredDataOld[1].split(";")) { HabboItem item = room.getHabboItem(Integer.parseInt(s)); if (item != null) this.items.add(item); } } } } } @Override public void onPickUp() { this.items.clear(); this.setDelay(0); } @Override public WiredEffectType getType() { return type; } @Override public void serializeWiredData(ServerMessage message, Room room) { THashSet items = new THashSet<>(); for (HabboItem item : this.items) { if (item.getRoomId() != this.getRoomId() || Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(item.getId()) == null) items.add(item); } for (HabboItem item : items) { this.items.remove(item); } message.appendBoolean(false); message.appendInt(WiredHandler.MAXIMUM_FURNI_SELECTION); message.appendInt(this.items.size()); for (HabboItem item : this.items) message.appendInt(item.getId()); message.appendInt(this.getBaseItem().getSpriteId()); message.appendInt(this.getId()); message.appendString(""); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(0); message.appendInt(this.getType().code); message.appendInt(this.getDelay()); message.appendInt(0); } @Override public boolean saveData(WiredSettings settings, GameClient gameClient) throws WiredSaveException { int itemsCount = settings.getFurniIds().length; if(itemsCount > Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.wired.furni.selection.count")) { throw new WiredSaveException("Too many furni selected"); } List newItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { int itemId = settings.getFurniIds()[i]; HabboItem it = Emulator.getGameEnvironment().getRoomManager().getRoom(this.getRoomId()).getHabboItem(itemId); if(it == null) throw new WiredSaveException(String.format("Item %s not found", itemId)); newItems.add(it); } int delay = settings.getDelay(); if(delay > Emulator.getConfig().getInt("hotel.wired.max_delay", 20)) throw new WiredSaveException("Delay too long"); this.items.clear(); this.items.addAll(newItems); this.setDelay(delay); return true; } @Override protected long requiredCooldown() { return 495; } static class JsonData { int delay; List itemIds; public JsonData(int delay, List itemIds) { this.delay = delay; this.itemIds = itemIds; } } }