package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; public class ConfigurationManager { private final Properties properties; private final String configurationPath; public boolean loaded = false; public boolean isLoading = false; public ConfigurationManager(String configurationPath) throws Exception { = new Properties(); this.configurationPath = configurationPath; this.reload(); } public void reload() { this.isLoading = true;; InputStream input = null; String envDbHostname = System.getenv("DB_HOSTNAME"); boolean useEnvVarsForDbConnection = envDbHostname != null && envDbHostname.length() > 1; if (!useEnvVarsForDbConnection) { try { File f = new File(this.configurationPath); input = new FileInputStream(f);; } catch (IOException ex) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("[CRITICAL] FAILED TO LOAD CONFIG FILE! (" + this.configurationPath + ")"); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } else { Map envMapping = new THashMap<>(); // Database section envMapping.put("db.hostname", "DB_HOSTNAME"); envMapping.put("db.port", "DB_PORT"); envMapping.put("db.database", "DB_DATABASE"); envMapping.put("db.username", "DB_USERNAME"); envMapping.put("db.password", "DB_PASSWORD"); envMapping.put("db.params", "DB_PARAMS"); // Game Configuration envMapping.put("", "EMU_HOST"); envMapping.put("game.port", "EMU_PORT"); // RCON envMapping.put("", "RCON_HOST"); envMapping.put("rcon.port", "RCON_PORT"); envMapping.put("rcon.allowed", "RCON_ALLOWED"); // Runtime envMapping.put("runtime.threads", "RT_THREADS"); envMapping.put("logging.errors.runtime", "RT_LOG_ERRORS"); for (Map.Entry entry : envMapping.entrySet()) { String envValue = System.getenv(entry.getValue()); if (envValue == null || envValue.length() == 0) { Emulator.getLogging().logStart("Cannot find environment-value for variable `" + entry.getValue() + "`"); } else {, envValue); } } } if (this.loaded) { this.loadFromDatabase(); } this.isLoading = false; Emulator.getLogging().logStart("Configuration Manager -> Loaded!"); if (Emulator.getPluginManager() != null) { Emulator.getPluginManager().fireEvent(new EmulatorConfigUpdatedEvent()); } } public void loadFromDatabase() { Emulator.getLogging().logStart("Loading configuration from database..."); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { if (statement.execute("SELECT * FROM emulator_settings")) { try (ResultSet set = statement.getResultSet()) { while ( {"key"), set.getString("value")); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } Emulator.getLogging().logStart("Configuration -> loaded! (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + " MS)"); } public void saveToDatabase() { try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE emulator_settings SET `value` = ? WHERE `key` = ? LIMIT 1")) { for (Map.Entry entry : { statement.setString(1, entry.getValue().toString()); statement.setString(2, entry.getKey().toString()); statement.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } } public String getValue(String key) { return this.getValue(key, ""); } public String getValue(String key, String defaultValue) { if (this.isLoading) return defaultValue; if (! { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("[CONFIG] Key not found: " + key); } return, defaultValue); } public boolean getBoolean(String key) { return this.getBoolean(key, false); } public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { if (this.isLoading) return defaultValue; try { return (this.getValue(key, "0").equals("1")) || (this.getValue(key, "false").equals("true")); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Failed to parse key " + key + " with value " + this.getValue(key) + " to type boolean."); } return defaultValue; } public int getInt(String key) { return this.getInt(key, 0); } public int getInt(String key, Integer defaultValue) { if (this.isLoading) return defaultValue; try { return Integer.parseInt(this.getValue(key, defaultValue.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Failed to parse key " + key + " with value " + this.getValue(key) + " to type integer."); } return defaultValue; } public double getDouble(String key) { return this.getDouble(key, 0.0); } public double getDouble(String key, Double defaultValue) { if (this.isLoading) return defaultValue; try { return Double.parseDouble(this.getValue(key, defaultValue.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { Emulator.getLogging().logErrorLine("Failed to parse key " + key + " with value " + this.getValue(key) + " to type double."); } return defaultValue; } public void update(String key, String value) {, value); } public void register(String key, String value) { if (, null) != null) return; try (Connection connection = Emulator.getDatabase().getDataSource().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO emulator_settings VALUES (?, ?)")) { statement.setString(1, key); statement.setString(2, value); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { Emulator.getLogging().logSQLException(e); } this.update(key, value); } }