# **Arcturus Emulator is released under the [GNU General Public License v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt). Modifications are allowed but must disclosed. Changes in the about menu are forbidden as they are part of the license.** # # Arcturus Morningstar # ## Current Stable Version: 1.16 ## ## Current Unstable Version: 2.0.0 ## Arcturus Morningstar is a Habbo emulator written in Java aiming to be an exact clone of the offical server, based on Arcturus Emulator by TheGeneral. Targeting PRODUCTION-201611291003-338511768 ### Contributing ### Anyone is allowed to contribute to the project. Reporting bugs and issues goes via the issue tracker. Add me on discord if you wish to chat :) capheus#7127 ### Credits ### - TheGeneral - Capheus (Decompilation.) - Harmonic - Beny - Claudio