diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 668b69c..55ea89f 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ Thumbs.db *.zip *.as *.bin +.env +/assets # Nitro /src/configuration.json diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f288702 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0ac3c73..cd62ce3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,21 +1,8 @@ -### Nitro Converter +# Nitro Converter -# What files does this tool convert? +This tool is used to generate `.nitro` bundled assets for use with the Nitro Client -The converter currently supports the following files: - -- furnidata.xml -- figuredata.xml -- figuremap.xml -- effectmap.xml -- external_texts.txt -- productdata.txt -- Furniture swfs -- Pet swfs -- Figure swfs -- Effect swfs - -# Configuration +## Configuration You must rename `configuration.json.example` to `configuration.json` @@ -23,35 +10,44 @@ The simplest way to set your configuration is by changing the `external.variable You may set any of the urls to a local path on your system or a remote url. A local path is recommended as the tool will run a lot quicker for downloading. -| key | value | -| ------ | ------ | -| output.folder | The folder where converted assets will be saved to | -| flash.client.url | The base url where figures/pets/effects are stored, eg https://url/gordon/ | -| furnidata.load.url | The url to your furnidata, can be XML or JSON, eg https://url/gamedata/furnidata.xml | -| productdata.load.url | The url to your productdata.txt, eg https://url/gamedata/productdata.txt | -| figuremap.load.url | The url to your figure map, can be XML or JSON, eg https://url/gordon/figuremap.xml | -| effectmap.load.url | The url to your effect map, can be XML or JSON, eg https://url/gordon/effectmap.xml | -| dynamic.download.pet.url | The full url where pets are stored, eg https://url/gordon/%className%.swf | -| dynamic.download.figure.url | The full url where figures are stored, eg https://url/gordon/%className%.swf | -| dynamic.download.effect.url | The full url where effects are stored, eg https://url/gordon/%className%.swf | -| flash.dynamic.download.url | The base url where furniture is stored, eg https://url/dcr/hof_furni/ | +| key | value | +| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | +| output.folder | The folder where converted assets will be saved to | +| flash.client.url | The base url where figures/pets/effects are stored, eg https://url/gordon/ | +| furnidata.load.url | The url to your furnidata, can be XML or JSON, eg https://url/gamedata/furnidata.xml | +| productdata.load.url | The url to your productdata.txt, eg https://url/gamedata/productdata.txt | +| figuremap.load.url | The url to your figure map, can be XML or JSON, eg https://url/gordon/figuremap.xml | +| effectmap.load.url | The url to your effect map, can be XML or JSON, eg https://url/gordon/effectmap.xml | +| dynamic.download.pet.url | The full url where pets are stored, eg https://url/gordon/%className%.swf | +| dynamic.download.figure.url | The full url where figures are stored, eg https://url/gordon/%className%.swf | +| dynamic.download.effect.url | The full url where effects are stored, eg https://url/gordon/%className%.swf | +| flash.dynamic.download.url | The base url where furniture is stored, eg https://url/dcr/hof_furni/ | | dynamic.download.furniture.url | The full url where furniture is stored, eg https://url/dcr/hof_furni/%className%.swf | -| external.variables.url | The url to your external variables, eg https://url/gamedata/external_variables.txt | -| external.texts.url | The url to your external texts, eg https://url/gamedata/external_texts.txt | -| convert.productdata | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -| convert.externaltexts | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -| convert.figure | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -| convert.figuredata | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -| convert.effect | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -| convert.furniture | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -| convert.pet | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| external.variables.url | The url to your external variables, eg https://url/gamedata/external_variables.txt | +| external.texts.url | The url to your external texts, eg https://url/gamedata/external_texts.txt | +| convert.productdata | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| convert.externaltexts | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| convert.figure | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| convert.figuredata | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| convert.effect | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| convert.furniture | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | +| convert.pet | Either `0` to skip or `1` to run | -# Running the converter +## Running the converter + +**Make sure you run `yarn install` before first use.** To run the converter open a new terminal / console window in the main converter directory. -**Make sure you run ``npm i`` before first use.** +The converter has a few different start commands: -Type `npm start` and the converter will start running, only errors will be outputted in the console. +| key | value | +| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | +| yarn start | Will download and convert assets as set in the config | +| yarn start:bundle | Will bundle decompressed `.nitro` assets (json / png) | +| yarn start:extract | Will extract `.nitro` assets which can be used for editing | +| yarn start:convert-swf | Will convert inputted `.swf` assets to `.nitro` | -The converter will skip any assets that already exist but will always reconvert your XMLs / copy your JSONS to the ``gamedata`` folder to ensure you always have the latest copy. +When you run `start:bundle | start:extract | start:convert-swf` for the first time it will automatically generate a folder structure for placing your assets for conversion. + +The converter will skip any assets that already exist but will always reconvert your XMLs / copy your JSONS to the `gamedata` folder to ensure you always have the latest copy. diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1bd356b..0000000 --- a/package-lock.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3153 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "nitro-converter", - "version": "1.0.0", - "lockfileVersion": 1, - "requires": true, - "dependencies": { - "@babel/code-frame": { - "version": "7.12.11", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel/code-frame/-/code-frame-7.12.11.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-Zt1yodBx1UcyiePMSkWnU4hPqhwq7hGi2nFL1LeA3EUl+q2LQx16MISgJ0+z7dnmgvP9QtIleuETGOiOH1RcIw==", - "dev": true, - "requires": { - "@babel/highlight": "^7.10.4" - } - }, - "@babel/helper-validator-identifier": { - "version": "7.12.11", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@babel/helper-validator-identifier/-/helper-validator-identifier-7.12.11.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-np/lG3uARFybkoHokJUmf1QfEvRVCPbmQeUQpKow5cQ3xWrV9i3rUHodKDJPQfTVX61qKi+UdYk8kik84n7XOw==", - "dev": true - }, - 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FigureDataConverter } from './converters/FigureDataConverter'; import { FigureMapConverter } from './converters/FigureMapConverter'; -import { FurnitureConverter } from './converters/FurnitureConverter'; import { FurnitureDataConverter } from './converters/FurnitureDataConverter'; -import { OldAssetConverter } from './converters/OldAssetConverter'; -import { PetConverter } from './converters/PetConverter'; import { ProductDataConverter } from './converters/ProductDataConverter'; (async () => { - checkNodeVersion(); - const config = container.resolve(Configuration); await config.init(); @@ -27,30 +21,35 @@ import { ProductDataConverter } from './converters/ProductDataConverter'; ProductDataConverter, ExternalTextsConverter, EffectMapConverter, - FigureMapConverter, - FurnitureConverter, - FigureConverter, - EffectConverter, - PetConverter, - OldAssetConverter + FigureMapConverter ]; - const [ arg1, arg2, ...rest ] = process.argv; + const bundle = (process.argv.indexOf('--bundle') >= 0); + const extract = (process.argv.indexOf('--extract') >= 0); + const convertSwf = (process.argv.indexOf('--convert-swf') >= 0); + const skip = (bundle || extract || convertSwf); + + if(skip) + { + const extractor = container.resolve(ConverterUtilities); + + bundle && await extractor.bundleExtractedFromFolder(); + extract && await extractor.extractNitroFromFolder(); + convertSwf && await extractor.convertSwfFromFolder(); + + process.exit(); + } for(const converterClass of converters) { const converter = (container.resolve(converterClass) as IConverter); - await converter.convertAsync(rest); + await converter.convertAsync(); } -})(); -function checkNodeVersion() -{ - const version = process.version.replace('v', ''); - const major = version.split('.')[0]; - if(parseInt(major) < 14) - { - throw new Error('Invalid node version: ' + version + ' please use >= 14'); - } -} + const utilities = container.resolve(ConverterUtilities); + + await utilities.downloadSwfTypes(); + + process.exit(); +})(); diff --git a/src/common/SWFDownloader.ts b/src/common/SWFDownloader.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5d9e345..0000000 --- a/src/common/SWFDownloader.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -import { HabboAssetSWF } from '../swf/HabboAssetSWF'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; - -export class SWFDownloader -{ - public static USES_REVISION: boolean = true; - public static LOG_DOWNLOADS: boolean = true; - - public static async download(baseUrl: string, className: string, revision: number): Promise - { - let url = baseUrl; - - if(!url || !url.length) return; - - if(SWFDownloader.USES_REVISION && (revision > -1)) url = url.replace('%revision%', revision.toString()); - - url = url.replace('%className%', className); - - if(SWFDownloader.LOG_DOWNLOADS) - { - console.log(); - console.log(` Downloading ${ className } from ${url}`); - } - - const habboAssetSWF = await this.extractSWF(url); - - if(!habboAssetSWF) return null; - - return habboAssetSWF; - } - - public static async downloadFromUrl(url: string, className: string, revision: number): Promise - { - if(SWFDownloader.LOG_DOWNLOADS) - { - console.log(); - console.log(` Downloading ${ className } from ${url}`); - } - - const habboAssetSWF = await this.extractSWF(url); - - if(!habboAssetSWF) return null; - - return habboAssetSWF; - } - - public static async extractSWF(url: string): Promise - { - const buffer = await FileUtilities.readFileAsBuffer(url); - - if(!buffer) return null; - - const habboAssetSWF = new HabboAssetSWF(buffer); - - await habboAssetSWF.setupAsync(); - - return habboAssetSWF; - } -} diff --git a/src/common/bundle/BundleProvider.ts b/src/common/bundle/BundleProvider.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8f57cbb..0000000 --- a/src/common/bundle/BundleProvider.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -import { packAsync } from 'free-tex-packer-core'; -import { HabboAssetSWF } from '../../swf/HabboAssetSWF'; -import { ImageBundle } from './ImageBundle'; -import { SpriteBundle } from './SpriteBundle'; - -export class BundleProvider -{ - public static imageSource: Map = new Map(); - - public static async generateSpriteSheet(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, convertCase: boolean = false): Promise - { - const tagList = habboAssetSWF.symbolTags(); - const names: string[] = []; - const tags: number[] = []; - - let documentClass = habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(); - - if(convertCase) documentClass = (documentClass.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, (x,y) => ('_' + y.toLowerCase().replace(/^_/, '')))); - - for(const tag of tagList) - { - names.push(...tag.names); - tags.push(...tag.tags); - } - - const imageBundle = new ImageBundle(); - - const imageTags = habboAssetSWF.imageTags(); - - for(const imageTag of imageTags) - { - if(tags.includes(imageTag.characterID)) - { - for(let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) - { - if(tags[i] != imageTag.characterID) continue; - - if(names[i] == imageTag.className) continue; - - if(imageTag.className.startsWith('sh_')) continue; - - if(imageTag.className.indexOf('_32_') >= 0) continue; - - BundleProvider.imageSource.set(names[i].substring(documentClass.length + 1), imageTag.className.substring(documentClass.length + 1)); - } - } - - if(imageTag.className.startsWith('sh_')) continue; - - if(imageTag.className.indexOf('_32_') >= 0) continue; - - let className = imageTag.className; - - if(convertCase) className = ((className.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, (x,y) => ('_' + y.toLowerCase().replace(/^_/, '')))).substring(1)); - - imageBundle.addImage(className, imageTag.imgData); - } - - if(!imageBundle.images.length) return null; - - return await this.packImages(documentClass, imageBundle, convertCase); - } - - private static async packImages(documentClass: string, imageBundle: ImageBundle, convertCase: boolean = false): Promise - { - const files = await packAsync(imageBundle.images, { - textureName: (convertCase ? documentClass.substring(1) : documentClass), - width: 10240, - height: 4320, - fixedSize: false, - allowRotation: false, - detectIdentical: true, - allowTrim: true, - //@ts-ignore - exporter: 'Pixi' - }); - - const bundle = new SpriteBundle(); - - for(const item of files) - { - if(item.name.endsWith('.json')) - { - bundle.spritesheet = JSON.parse(item.buffer.toString('utf8')); - - delete bundle.spritesheet.meta.app; - delete bundle.spritesheet.meta.version; - } - else - { - bundle.imageData = { - name: item.name, - buffer: item.buffer - }; - - if(convertCase) bundle.imageData.name = (documentClass.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, (x,y) => ('_' + y.toLowerCase().replace(/^_/, '')))).substring(1); - } - } - - if((bundle.spritesheet !== undefined) && (bundle.imageData !== undefined)) bundle.spritesheet.meta.image = bundle.imageData.name; - - return bundle; - } -} diff --git a/src/common/bundle/NitroBundle.ts b/src/common/bundle/NitroBundle.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ea51fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/bundle/NitroBundle.ts @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer'; +import { Data, deflate, inflate } from 'pako'; +import { BinaryReader } from '../utils'; + +export class NitroBundle +{ + private readonly _files: Map; + + constructor() + { + this._files = new Map(); + } + + public static from(buffer: ArrayBuffer): NitroBundle + { + const nitroBundle = new NitroBundle(); + const binaryReader = new BinaryReader(buffer); + + let fileCount = binaryReader.readShort(); + + while(fileCount > 0) + { + const fileNameLength = binaryReader.readShort(); + const fileName = binaryReader.readBytes(fileNameLength).toString(); + const fileLength = binaryReader.readInt(); + const buffer = binaryReader.readBytes(fileLength); + const decompressed = inflate((buffer.toArrayBuffer() as Data)); + + nitroBundle.addFile(fileName, Buffer.from(decompressed.buffer)); + + fileCount--; + } + + return nitroBundle; + } + + public addFile(name: string, data: Buffer): void + { + this._files.set(name, data); + } + + public async toBufferAsync(): Promise + { + const buffer = new ByteBuffer(); + + buffer.writeUint16(this._files.size); + + for(const file of this._files.entries()) + { + const fileName = file[0]; + const fileBuffer = file[1]; + + buffer.writeUint16(fileName.length); + buffer.writeString(fileName); + + const compressed = deflate(fileBuffer); + buffer.writeUint32(compressed.length); + buffer.append(compressed); + } + + buffer.flip(); + + return buffer.toBuffer(); + } + + public get files(): Map + { + return this._files; + } + + public get totalFiles(): number + { + return this._files.size; + } +} diff --git a/src/common/bundle/SpriteBundle.ts b/src/common/bundle/SpriteBundle.ts index f058f60..b39a026 100644 --- a/src/common/bundle/SpriteBundle.ts +++ b/src/common/bundle/SpriteBundle.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { ISpritesheetData } from '../../mapping/json'; +import { ISpritesheetData } from '../mapping'; export class SpriteBundle { diff --git a/src/common/bundle/index.ts b/src/common/bundle/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0e332d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/bundle/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +export * from './ImageBundle'; +export * from './NitroBundle'; +export * from './SpriteBundle'; diff --git a/src/common/config/Configuration.ts b/src/common/config/Configuration.ts index e291943..11ec41b 100644 --- a/src/common/config/Configuration.ts +++ b/src/common/config/Configuration.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; import * as configuration from '../../configuration.json'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../../utils/FileUtilities'; +import { FileUtilities } from '../utils'; @singleton() export class Configuration @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ export class Configuration public interpolate(value: string, regex: RegExp = null): string { + if(!value || (typeof value === 'object')) return value; if(!regex) regex = new RegExp(/\${(.*?)}/g); const pieces = value.match(regex); diff --git a/src/common/config/index.ts b/src/common/config/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a699b40 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/config/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from './Configuration'; diff --git a/src/common/converters/Converter.ts b/src/common/converters/Converter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0ce6736..0000000 --- a/src/common/converters/Converter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -import { IConverter } from './IConverter'; - -export class Converter implements IConverter -{ - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise - { - return; - } -} diff --git a/src/common/converters/ConverterResult.ts b/src/common/converters/ConverterResult.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a968a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/converters/ConverterResult.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +export class ConverterResult +{ + public static OK: number = 1; + public static BAD_ARGS: number = 2; + public static FILE_EXISTS: number = 3; + public static INVALID_SWF: number = 4; +} diff --git a/src/common/converters/ConverterType.ts b/src/common/converters/ConverterType.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 2b744fa..0000000 --- a/src/common/converters/ConverterType.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -export class ConverterType -{ - public static EFFECT_CONVERTER: string = 'effect'; - public static FIGURE_CONVERTER: string = 'figure'; - public static FURNITURE_CONVERTER: string = 'furni'; - public static PET_CONVERTER: string = 'pet'; -} diff --git a/src/common/converters/IConverter.ts b/src/common/converters/IConverter.ts index 3041112..7375373 100644 --- a/src/common/converters/IConverter.ts +++ b/src/common/converters/IConverter.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ export interface IConverter { - convertAsync(args?: string[]): Promise; + convertAsync(): Promise; } diff --git a/src/common/converters/index.ts b/src/common/converters/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73109e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/converters/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +export * from './ConverterResult'; +export * from './IConverter'; diff --git a/src/common/index.ts b/src/common/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10e7235 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +export * from './bundle'; +export * from './config'; +export * from './converters'; +export * from './mapping'; +export * from './mapping/json'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/animation'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/logic'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/logic/model'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/spritesheet'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/visualization'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/visualization/color'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures'; +export * from './mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures'; +export * from './mapping/json/effectmap'; +export * from './mapping/json/externaltexts'; +export * from './mapping/json/figuredata'; +export * from './mapping/json/figuremap'; +export * from './mapping/json/furnituredata'; +export * from './mapping/json/productdata'; +export * from './mapping/mappers'; +export * from './mapping/mappers/asset'; +export * from './mapping/xml'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/animation'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/assets'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/logic'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/logic/model'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/manifest'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/visualization'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation'; +export * from './mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color'; +export * from './mapping/xml/effectmap'; +export * from './mapping/xml/figuredata'; +export * from './mapping/xml/figuremap'; +export * from './mapping/xml/furnituredata'; +export * from './utils'; diff --git a/src/common/mapping/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b699b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/mapping/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +export * from './json'; +export * from './json/asset'; +export * from './json/asset/animation'; +export * from './json/asset/logic'; +export * from './json/asset/logic/model'; +export * from './json/asset/logic/particlesystem'; +export * from './json/asset/spritesheet'; +export * from './json/asset/visualization'; +export * from './json/asset/visualization/animation'; +export * from './json/asset/visualization/color'; +export * from './json/asset/visualization/gestures'; +export * from './json/asset/visualization/postures'; +export * from './json/effectmap'; +export * from './json/externaltexts'; +export * from './json/figuredata'; +export * from './json/figuremap'; +export * from './json/furnituredata'; +export * from './json/productdata'; +export * from './mappers'; +export * from './mappers/asset'; +export * from './xml'; +export * from './xml/asset'; +export * from './xml/asset/animation'; +export * from './xml/asset/assets'; +export * from './xml/asset/logic'; +export * from './xml/asset/logic/model'; +export * from './xml/asset/logic/particlesystem'; +export * from './xml/asset/manifest'; +export * from './xml/asset/visualization'; +export * from './xml/asset/visualization/animation'; +export * from './xml/asset/visualization/color'; +export * from './xml/effectmap'; +export * from './xml/figuredata'; +export * from './xml/figuremap'; +export * from './xml/furnituredata'; diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/IAsset.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAsset.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/IAsset.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAsset.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/IAssetAlias.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAssetAlias.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/IAssetAlias.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAssetAlias.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/IAssetData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAssetData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/IAssetData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAssetData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/IAssetPalette.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAssetPalette.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/IAssetPalette.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/IAssetPalette.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimation.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimation.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimation.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimation.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAdd.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAdd.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAdd.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAdd.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAvatar.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAvatar.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAvatar.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationAvatar.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationDirection.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationDirection.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationDirection.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationDirection.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFrame.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFrame.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFrame.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFrame.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePart.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePart.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePart.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePart.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePartItem.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePartItem.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePartItem.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationFramePartItem.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationOverride.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationOverride.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationOverride.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationOverride.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationRemove.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationRemove.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationRemove.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationRemove.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationShadow.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationShadow.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationShadow.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationShadow.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSprite.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSprite.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSprite.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSprite.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSpriteDirection.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSpriteDirection.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSpriteDirection.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/IAssetAnimationSpriteDirection.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/animation/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/animation/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/animation/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicCustomVars.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicCustomVars.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicCustomVars.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicCustomVars.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicPlanetSystem.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicPlanetSystem.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicPlanetSystem.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/IAssetLogicPlanetSystem.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/ISoundSample.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/ISoundSample.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/ISoundSample.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/ISoundSample.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetDimension.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetDimension.ts similarity index 77% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetDimension.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetDimension.ts index 4a4629f..a467a03 100644 --- a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetDimension.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetDimension.ts @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ export interface IAssetDimension x: number; y: number; z?: number; -} \ No newline at end of file + centerZ?: number; +} diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetLogicModel.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetLogicModel.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetLogicModel.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/IAssetLogicModel.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/model/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystem.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystem.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystem.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystem.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemEmitter.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemEmitter.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemEmitter.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemEmitter.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemParticle.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemParticle.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemParticle.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemParticle.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemSimulation.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemSimulation.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemSimulation.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/IParticleSystemSimulation.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetFrame.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetFrame.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetFrame.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetFrame.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetMeta.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetMeta.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetMeta.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/ISpritesheetMeta.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/spritesheet/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationDirection.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationDirection.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationDirection.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationDirection.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationLayer.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationLayer.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationLayer.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/IAssetVisualizationLayer.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimation.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimation.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimation.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimation.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationLayer.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationLayer.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationLayer.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationLayer.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequence.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequence.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequence.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequence.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrame.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrame.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrame.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrame.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrameOffset.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrameOffset.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrameOffset.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/IAssetVisualAnimationSequenceFrameOffset.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColor.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColor.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColor.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColor.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColorLayer.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColorLayer.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColorLayer.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/IAssetColorLayer.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/color/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/IAssetGesture.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/IAssetGesture.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/IAssetGesture.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/IAssetGesture.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/gestures/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/IAssetPosture.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/IAssetPosture.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/IAssetPosture.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/IAssetPosture.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/asset/visualization/postures/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMap.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMap.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMap.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMap.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMapLibrary.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMapLibrary.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMapLibrary.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/effectmap/IEffectMapLibrary.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/effectmap/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/effectmap/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/effectmap/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/effectmap/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/externaltexts/IExternalTexts.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/externaltexts/IExternalTexts.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/externaltexts/IExternalTexts.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/externaltexts/IExternalTexts.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/externaltexts/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/externaltexts/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/externaltexts/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/externaltexts/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataColor.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataColor.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataColor.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataColor.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataHiddenLayer.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataHiddenLayer.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataHiddenLayer.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataHiddenLayer.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPalette.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPalette.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPalette.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPalette.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPart.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPart.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPart.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataPart.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSet.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSet.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSet.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSet.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSetType.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSetType.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSetType.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureDataSetType.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuredata/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuredata/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuredata/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMap.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMap.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMap.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMap.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibrary.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibrary.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibrary.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibrary.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibraryPart.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibraryPart.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibraryPart.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/IFigureMapLibraryPart.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/figuremap/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/figuremap/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/figuremap/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureType.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureType.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureType.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/furnituredata/IFurnitureType.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/furnituredata/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/furnituredata/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/furnituredata/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/furnituredata/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/productdata/IProductData.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/productdata/IProductData.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/productdata/IProductData.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/productdata/IProductData.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/productdata/IProductType.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/productdata/IProductType.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/productdata/IProductType.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/productdata/IProductType.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/json/productdata/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/json/productdata/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/json/productdata/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/json/productdata/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/EffectMapMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/EffectMapMapper.ts similarity index 97% rename from src/mapping/mappers/EffectMapMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/EffectMapMapper.ts index 712b69b..dea07a1 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/EffectMapMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/EffectMapMapper.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { IEffectMap, IEffectMapLibrary } from '../json'; import { EffectMapEffectXML, EffectMapXML } from '../xml'; -import { Mapper } from './asset/Mapper'; +import { Mapper } from './asset'; export class EffectMapMapper extends Mapper { diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper.ts similarity index 85% rename from src/mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper.ts index 8b50a40..71c2627 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper.ts @@ -1,18 +1,6 @@ -import { IFigureDataHiddenLayer } from '../json'; -import { IFigureDataPalette } from '../json/figuredata/IFigureDataPalette'; -import { IFigureDataSet } from '../json/figuredata/IFigureDataSet'; -import { FigureDataHiddenLayerXML } from '../xml'; -import { FigureDataColorXML } from '../xml/figuredata/FigureDataColorXML'; -import { FigureDataPaletteXML } from '../xml/figuredata/FigureDataPaletteXML'; -import { FigureDataXML } from '../xml/figuredata/FigureDataXML'; -import { IFigureData } from './../json/figuredata/IFigureData'; -import { IFigureDataColor } from './../json/figuredata/IFigureDataColor'; -import { IFigureDataPart } from './../json/figuredata/IFigureDataPart'; -import { IFigureDataSetType } from './../json/figuredata/IFigureDataSetType'; -import { FigureDataPartXML } from './../xml/figuredata/FigureDataPartXML'; -import { FigureDataSetTypeXML } from './../xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetTypeXML'; -import { FigureDataSetXML } from './../xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetXML'; -import { Mapper } from './asset/Mapper'; +import { IFigureData, IFigureDataColor, IFigureDataHiddenLayer, IFigureDataPalette, IFigureDataPart, IFigureDataSet, IFigureDataSetType } from '../json'; +import { FigureDataColorXML, FigureDataHiddenLayerXML, FigureDataPaletteXML, FigureDataPartXML, FigureDataSetTypeXML, FigureDataSetXML, FigureDataXML } from '../xml'; +import { Mapper } from './asset'; export class FigureDataMapper extends Mapper { diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/FigureMapMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/FigureMapMapper.ts similarity index 98% rename from src/mapping/mappers/FigureMapMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/FigureMapMapper.ts index 5c7e8e7..daa8bc9 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/FigureMapMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/FigureMapMapper.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { IFigureMap, IFigureMapLibrary, IFigureMapLibraryPart } from '../json'; import { FigureLibraryPartXML, FigureLibraryXML, FigureMapXML } from '../xml'; -import { Mapper } from './asset/Mapper'; +import { Mapper } from './asset'; export class FigureMapMapper extends Mapper { diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/FurnitureDataMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/FurnitureDataMapper.ts similarity index 98% rename from src/mapping/mappers/FurnitureDataMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/FurnitureDataMapper.ts index 2a45c40..5387840 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/FurnitureDataMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/FurnitureDataMapper.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { IFurnitureData, IFurnitureType } from '../json'; import { FurnitureDataXML, FurnitureTypeXML } from '../xml'; -import { Mapper } from './asset/Mapper'; +import { Mapper } from './asset'; export class FurnitureDataMapper extends Mapper { diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/AnimationMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/AnimationMapper.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/AnimationMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/AnimationMapper.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/AssetMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/AssetMapper.ts similarity index 89% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/AssetMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/AssetMapper.ts index 4ebc586..f889ac4 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/AssetMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/AssetMapper.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { BundleProvider } from '../../../common/bundle/BundleProvider'; +import { IMAGE_SOURCES } from '../../../../swf'; import { IAsset, IAssetData, IAssetPalette } from '../../json'; import { AssetsXML, AssetXML, PaletteXML } from '../../xml'; import { Mapper } from './Mapper'; @@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ export class AssetMapper extends Mapper { asset.source = assetXML.source; - if(BundleProvider.imageSource.has(assetXML.source)) asset.source = BundleProvider.imageSource.get(assetXML.source) as string; + if(IMAGE_SOURCES.has(assetXML.source)) asset.source = IMAGE_SOURCES.get(assetXML.source) as string; } if(assetXML.name !== undefined) { - if(BundleProvider.imageSource.has(assetXML.name)) asset.source = BundleProvider.imageSource.get(assetXML.name) as string; + if(IMAGE_SOURCES.has(assetXML.name)) asset.source = IMAGE_SOURCES.get(assetXML.name) as string; } if(assetXML.x !== undefined) asset.x = assetXML.x; diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/IndexMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/IndexMapper.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/IndexMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/IndexMapper.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/LogicMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/LogicMapper.ts similarity index 96% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/LogicMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/LogicMapper.ts index 8d29529..ff3f6cf 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/LogicMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/LogicMapper.ts @@ -25,9 +25,12 @@ export class LogicMapper extends Mapper { output.model.dimensions = { x: xml.model.dimensions.x, - y: xml.model.dimensions.y, - z: xml.model.dimensions.z + y: xml.model.dimensions.y }; + + if(xml.model.dimensions.z !== undefined) output.model.dimensions.z = xml.model.dimensions.z; + + if(xml.model.dimensions.centerZ !== undefined) output.model.dimensions.centerZ = xml.model.dimensions.centerZ; } if(xml.model.directions !== undefined) diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/ManifestMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/ManifestMapper.ts similarity index 93% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/ManifestMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/ManifestMapper.ts index bd26d3a..afc4cd7 100644 --- a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/ManifestMapper.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/ManifestMapper.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { BundleProvider } from '../../../common/bundle/BundleProvider'; +import { IMAGE_SOURCES } from '../../../../swf'; import { IAsset, IAssetAlias, IAssetData } from '../../json'; import { ManifestLibraryAliasXML, ManifestLibraryAssetParamXML, ManifestLibraryAssetXML, ManifestLibraryXML, ManifestXML } from '../../xml'; import { Mapper } from './Mapper'; @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ export class ManifestMapper extends Mapper if(libraryAssetXML.param !== undefined) ManifestMapper.mapManifestLibraryAssetParamXML(libraryAssetXML.param, asset); - if(BundleProvider.imageSource.has(libraryAssetXML.name)) asset.source = BundleProvider.imageSource.get(libraryAssetXML.name); + if(IMAGE_SOURCES.has(libraryAssetXML.name)) asset.source = IMAGE_SOURCES.get(libraryAssetXML.name); output[libraryAssetXML.name] = asset; } diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/Mapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/Mapper.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/Mapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/Mapper.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/VisualizationMapper.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/VisualizationMapper.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/VisualizationMapper.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/VisualizationMapper.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/asset/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/mappers/asset/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/asset/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/mappers/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/mappers/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/mappers/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/mappers/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/IndexXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/IndexXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/IndexXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/IndexXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AddXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AddXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AddXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AddXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AvatarXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AvatarXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AvatarXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/AvatarXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionOffsetXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionOffsetXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionOffsetXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionOffsetXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/DirectionXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectAnimationXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectAnimationXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectAnimationXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectAnimationXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartItemXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartItemXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartItemXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartItemXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFramePartXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFrameXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFrameXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFrameXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/EffectFrameXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/OverrideXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/OverrideXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/OverrideXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/OverrideXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/RemoveXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/RemoveXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/RemoveXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/RemoveXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/ShadowXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/ShadowXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/ShadowXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/ShadowXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/SpriteXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/SpriteXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/SpriteXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/SpriteXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/animation/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/animation/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetsXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetsXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetsXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/AssetsXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/PaletteXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/PaletteXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/PaletteXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/PaletteXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/assets/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/assets/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/ActionXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/ActionXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/ActionXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/ActionXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CreditsXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CreditsXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CreditsXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CreditsXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CustomVarsXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CustomVarsXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CustomVarsXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/CustomVarsXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/LogicXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/LogicXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/LogicXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/LogicXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/MaskXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/MaskXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/MaskXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/MaskXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/PlanetSystemXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/PlanetSystemXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/PlanetSystemXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/PlanetSystemXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/SoundSampleXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/SoundSampleXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/SoundSampleXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/SoundSampleXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDimensionsXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDimensionsXML.ts similarity index 59% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDimensionsXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDimensionsXML.ts index 2507c6a..a04fb6a 100644 --- a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDimensionsXML.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDimensionsXML.ts @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ export class ModelDimensionsXML private readonly _x: number; private readonly _y: number; private readonly _z: number; + private readonly _centerZ: number; constructor(xml: any) { @@ -10,9 +11,10 @@ export class ModelDimensionsXML if(attributes !== undefined) { - if(attributes.x !== undefined) this._x = parseInt(attributes.x); - if(attributes.y !== undefined) this._y = parseInt(attributes.y); + if(attributes.x !== undefined) this._x = parseFloat(attributes.x); + if(attributes.y !== undefined) this._y = parseFloat(attributes.y); if(attributes.z !== undefined) this._z = parseFloat(attributes.z); + if(attributes.centerZ !== undefined) this._centerZ = parseFloat(attributes.centerZ); } } @@ -30,4 +32,9 @@ export class ModelDimensionsXML { return this._z; } + + public get centerZ(): number + { + return this._centerZ; + } } diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDirectionXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDirectionXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDirectionXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelDirectionXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/ModelXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/model/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemEmitterXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemEmitterXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemEmitterXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemEmitterXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemObjectXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemObjectXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemObjectXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemObjectXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemParticleXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemParticleXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemParticleXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemParticleXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemSimulationXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemSimulationXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemSimulationXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemSimulationXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/ParticleSystemXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/PlanetSystemObjectXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/PlanetSystemObjectXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/PlanetSystemObjectXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/PlanetSystemObjectXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/logic/particlesystem/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAliasXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAliasXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAliasXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAliasXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetParamXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetParamXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetParamXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetParamXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryAssetXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestLibraryXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/ManifestXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/manifest/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/GestureXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/GestureXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/GestureXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/GestureXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/LayerXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/LayerXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/LayerXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/LayerXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/PostureXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/PostureXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/PostureXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/PostureXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualDirectionXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualDirectionXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualDirectionXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualDirectionXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationDataXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationDataXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationDataXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationDataXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/VisualizationXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationLayerXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationLayerXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationLayerXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationLayerXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/AnimationXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameOffsetXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameOffsetXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameOffsetXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameOffsetXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameSequenceXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameSequenceXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameSequenceXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameSequenceXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/FrameXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/animation/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorLayerXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorLayerXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorLayerXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorLayerXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/ColorXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/color/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/asset/visualization/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapEffectXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapEffectXML.ts similarity index 95% rename from src/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapEffectXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapEffectXML.ts index f48d8d0..735519d 100644 --- a/src/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapEffectXML.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapEffectXML.ts @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ - -export class EffectMapEffectXML -{ - private _id: string; - private _lib: string; - private _type: string; - private _revision: number; - - constructor(xml: any) - { - const attributes = xml.$; - - if(attributes) - { - if(attributes.id !== undefined) this._id = attributes.id; - if(attributes.lib !== undefined) this._lib = attributes.lib; - if(attributes.type !== undefined) this._type = attributes.type; - if(attributes.revision !== undefined) this._revision = parseInt(attributes.revision); - } - } - - public get id(): string - { - return this._id; - } - - public get lib(): string - { - return this._lib; - } - - public get type(): string - { - return this._type; - } - - public get revision(): number - { - return this._revision; - } -} + +export class EffectMapEffectXML +{ + private _id: string; + private _lib: string; + private _type: string; + private _revision: number; + + constructor(xml: any) + { + const attributes = xml.$; + + if(attributes) + { + if(attributes.id !== undefined) this._id = attributes.id; + if(attributes.lib !== undefined) this._lib = attributes.lib; + if(attributes.type !== undefined) this._type = attributes.type; + if(attributes.revision !== undefined) this._revision = parseInt(attributes.revision); + } + } + + public get id(): string + { + return this._id; + } + + public get lib(): string + { + return this._lib; + } + + public get type(): string + { + return this._type; + } + + public get revision(): number + { + return this._revision; + } +} diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/EffectMapXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/effectmap/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/effectmap/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/effectmap/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataColorXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataColorXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataColorXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataColorXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataHiddenLayerXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataHiddenLayerXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataHiddenLayerXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataHiddenLayerXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPaletteXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPaletteXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPaletteXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPaletteXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPartXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPartXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPartXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataPartXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetTypeXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetTypeXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetTypeXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetTypeXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataSetXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/FigureDataXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuredata/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuredata/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuredata/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryPartXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryPartXML.ts similarity index 95% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryPartXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryPartXML.ts index 964ae29..11c62f4 100644 --- a/src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryPartXML.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryPartXML.ts @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -export class FigureLibraryPartXML -{ - private _id: number; - private _type: string; - - constructor(xml: any) - { - const attributes = xml.$; - - if(attributes) - { - if(attributes.id !== undefined) this._id = parseInt(attributes.id); - if(attributes.type !== undefined) this._type = attributes.type; - } - } - - public get id(): number - { - return this._id; - } - - public get type(): string - { - return this._type; - } -} +export class FigureLibraryPartXML +{ + private _id: number; + private _type: string; + + constructor(xml: any) + { + const attributes = xml.$; + + if(attributes) + { + if(attributes.id !== undefined) this._id = parseInt(attributes.id); + if(attributes.type !== undefined) this._type = attributes.type; + } + } + + public get id(): number + { + return this._id; + } + + public get type(): string + { + return this._type; + } +} diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryXML.ts similarity index 95% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryXML.ts index 3522491..487da09 100644 --- a/src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryXML.ts +++ b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureLibraryXML.ts @@ -1,49 +1,49 @@ -import { FigureLibraryPartXML } from './FigureLibraryPartXML'; - -export class FigureLibraryXML -{ - private _id: string; - private _revision: number; - private _parts: FigureLibraryPartXML[]; - - constructor(xml: any) - { - const attributes = xml.$; - - if(attributes) - { - if(attributes.id !== undefined) this._id = attributes.id; - if(attributes.revision !== undefined) this._revision = parseInt(attributes.revision); - } - - if(xml.part !== undefined) - { - if(Array.isArray(xml.part)) - { - this._parts = []; - - for(const partId in xml.part) - { - const part = xml.part[partId]; - - this._parts.push(new FigureLibraryPartXML(part)); - } - } - } - } - - public get id(): string - { - return this._id; - } - - public get revision(): number - { - return this._revision; - } - - public get parts(): FigureLibraryPartXML[] - { - return this._parts; - } -} +import { FigureLibraryPartXML } from './FigureLibraryPartXML'; + +export class FigureLibraryXML +{ + private _id: string; + private _revision: number; + private _parts: FigureLibraryPartXML[]; + + constructor(xml: any) + { + const attributes = xml.$; + + if(attributes) + { + if(attributes.id !== undefined) this._id = attributes.id; + if(attributes.revision !== undefined) this._revision = parseInt(attributes.revision); + } + + if(xml.part !== undefined) + { + if(Array.isArray(xml.part)) + { + this._parts = []; + + for(const partId in xml.part) + { + const part = xml.part[partId]; + + this._parts.push(new FigureLibraryPartXML(part)); + } + } + } + } + + public get id(): string + { + return this._id; + } + + public get revision(): number + { + return this._revision; + } + + public get parts(): FigureLibraryPartXML[] + { + return this._parts; + } +} diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureMapXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureMapXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureMapXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/FigureMapXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/figuremap/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/figuremap/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/figuremap/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureDataXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureDataXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureDataXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureDataXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureTypeXML.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureTypeXML.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureTypeXML.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/furnituredata/FurnitureTypeXML.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/furnituredata/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/furnituredata/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/furnituredata/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/furnituredata/index.ts diff --git a/src/mapping/xml/index.ts b/src/common/mapping/xml/index.ts similarity index 100% rename from src/mapping/xml/index.ts rename to src/common/mapping/xml/index.ts diff --git a/src/common/utils/BinaryReader.ts b/src/common/utils/BinaryReader.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60869c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/utils/BinaryReader.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +export class BinaryReader +{ + private _position: number; + private _dataView: DataView; + + constructor(buffer: ArrayBuffer) + { + this._position = 0; + this._dataView = new DataView(buffer); + } + + public readByte(): number + { + const byte = this._dataView.getInt8(this._position); + + this._position++; + + return byte; + } + + public readBytes(length: number): BinaryReader + { + const buffer = new BinaryReader(this._dataView.buffer.slice(this._position, this._position + length)); + + this._position += length; + + return buffer; + } + + public readShort(): number + { + const short = this._dataView.getInt16(this._position); + + this._position += 2; + + return short; + } + + public readInt(): number + { + const int = this._dataView.getInt32(this._position); + + this._position += 4; + + return int; + } + + public remaining(): number + { + return this._dataView.byteLength - this._position; + } + + public toString(encoding?: string): string + { + return new TextDecoder().decode(this._dataView.buffer); + } + + public toArrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer + { + return this._dataView.buffer; + } +} diff --git a/src/utils/CustomIterator.ts b/src/common/utils/CustomIterator.ts similarity index 97% rename from src/utils/CustomIterator.ts rename to src/common/utils/CustomIterator.ts index 72abc2f..1e8f37d 100644 --- a/src/utils/CustomIterator.ts +++ b/src/common/utils/CustomIterator.ts @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -export default class CustomIterator +export class CustomIterator { - private idx: number; private readonly top: number; private readonly keys: Array; diff --git a/src/common/utils/File.ts b/src/common/utils/File.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ba26fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/utils/File.ts @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +import { existsSync } from 'fs'; +import { lstat, mkdir, readdir, readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; + +export class File +{ + constructor(private readonly _path: string) + {} + + public async createDirectory(): Promise + { + try + { + await mkdir(this._path, { recursive: true }); + + return true; + } + + catch (error) + { + if(error.code && (error.code === 'EEXISTS')) return true; + + console.error(error); + + return false; + } + } + + public exists(): boolean + { + if(existsSync(this._path)) return true; + + return false; + } + + public async getFileList(): Promise + { + try + { + return await readdir(this._path); + } + + catch (error) + { + console.error(error); + + return null; + } + } + + public async isDirectory(): Promise + { + try + { + return (await lstat(this._path)).isDirectory(); + } + + catch (error) + { + console.error(error); + + return false; + } + } + + public async getContentsAsBuffer(): Promise + { + try + { + return await readFile(this._path); + } + + catch (error) + { + console.error(error); + + return null; + } + } + + public async writeData(data: string | Uint8Array): Promise + { + try + { + await writeFile(this._path, data); + + return true; + } + + catch (error) + { + console.error(error); + + return false; + } + } + + public get path(): string + { + return this._path; + } +} diff --git a/src/utils/FileUtilities.ts b/src/common/utils/FileUtilities.ts similarity index 68% rename from src/utils/FileUtilities.ts rename to src/common/utils/FileUtilities.ts index 4917252..1cab562 100644 --- a/src/utils/FileUtilities.ts +++ b/src/common/utils/FileUtilities.ts @@ -1,24 +1,14 @@ -import { readFile } from 'fs'; +import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import * as fetch from 'node-fetch'; -import { promisify } from 'util'; import { File } from './File'; -const readFileAsync = promisify(readFile); - export class FileUtilities { - public static getDirectory(baseFolderPath: string, childFolderName: string = null): File + public static async getDirectory(path: string): Promise { - let folder = new File(baseFolderPath); + const folder = new File(path); - if(!folder.isDirectory()) folder.mkdirs(); - - if(childFolderName) - { - folder = new File(folder.path + childFolderName); - - if(!folder.isDirectory()) folder.mkdirs(); - } + await folder.createDirectory(); return folder; } @@ -42,7 +32,7 @@ export class FileUtilities } else { - content = await readFileAsync(url); + content = await readFile(url); } return content; @@ -65,7 +55,7 @@ export class FileUtilities } else { - const data = await readFileAsync(url); + const data = await readFile(url); content = data.toString('utf-8'); } diff --git a/src/utils/SlicedToArray.ts b/src/common/utils/SlicedToArray.ts similarity index 53% rename from src/utils/SlicedToArray.ts rename to src/common/utils/SlicedToArray.ts index ba0c681..863cc01 100644 --- a/src/utils/SlicedToArray.ts +++ b/src/common/utils/SlicedToArray.ts @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export class SlicedToArray { if(Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; - if(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) return SlicedToArray.sliceIterator(arr, i); + if(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) return this.sliceIterator(arr, i); throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'); } @@ -13,37 +13,27 @@ export class SlicedToArray { const _arr = []; + let _i = null; + let _s = null; let _n = true; - let _d = false; - let _e = undefined; try { - for(var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) + for(_i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if(i && _arr.length === i) break; } + + if(!_n && _i['return']) _i['return'](); } catch (err) { - _d = true; - _e = err; - } + if(!_n && _i['return']) _i['return'](); - finally - { - try - { - if(!_n && _i['return']) _i['return'](); - } - - finally - { - if(_d) throw _e; - } + throw err; } return _arr; diff --git a/src/common/utils/index.ts b/src/common/utils/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7299482 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/common/utils/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export * from './BinaryReader'; +export * from './CustomIterator'; +export * from './File'; +export * from './FileUtilities'; +export * from './SlicedToArray'; diff --git a/src/configuration.json.example b/src/configuration.json.example index 27521c3..c7ae69d 100644 --- a/src/configuration.json.example +++ b/src/configuration.json.example @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ { - "output.folder": "C:/nitro-converted-assets/", "flash.client.url": "", "furnidata.load.url": "", "productdata.load.url": "", @@ -12,10 +11,11 @@ "flash.dynamic.download.url": "", "dynamic.download.furniture.url": "${flash.dynamic.download.url}%revision%/%className%.swf", "external.variables.url": "https://www.habbo.com/gamedata/external_variables/1", - "external.texts.url": "", - "convert.figure": "0", - "convert.effect": "0", - "convert.furniture": "0", - "convert.pet": "0", - "misc.log_download_urls": "0" + "external.texts.url": "${external.texts.txt}", + "convert.figure": "1", + "convert.effect": "1", + "convert.furniture": "1", + "convert.furniture.floor.only": "0", + "convert.furniture.wall.only": "0", + "convert.pet": "1" } diff --git a/src/converters/ConverterUtilities.ts b/src/converters/ConverterUtilities.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb43f3f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/converters/ConverterUtilities.ts @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +import ora from 'ora'; +import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; +import { Configuration, File, FileUtilities, NitroBundle } from '../common'; +import { GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf, SWFDownloader } from '../swf'; +import { EffectMapConverter } from './EffectMapConverter'; +import { FigureMapConverter } from './FigureMapConverter'; +import { FurnitureDataConverter } from './FurnitureDataConverter'; + +@singleton() +export class ConverterUtilities +{ + private static BUNDLE_TYPES: string[] = [ 'furniture', 'figure', 'effect', 'pet', 'generic' ]; + private static DOWNLOAD_SWF_TYPES: string[] = [ 'furniture', 'figure', 'effect', 'pet' ]; + + constructor( + private readonly _furnitureDataConverter: FurnitureDataConverter, + private readonly _figureMapConverter: FigureMapConverter, + private readonly _effectMapConverter: EffectMapConverter, + private readonly _configuration: Configuration) + {} + + public async downloadSwfTypes(): Promise + { + const floorOnly = (this._configuration.getBoolean('convert.furniture.floor.only') || false); + const wallOnly = (this._configuration.getBoolean('convert.furniture.wall.only') || false); + + for(const downloadType of ConverterUtilities.DOWNLOAD_SWF_TYPES) + { + if(!this._configuration.getBoolean(`convert.${ downloadType }`)) continue; + + const now = Date.now(); + const spinner = ora(`Preparing ${ downloadType }`).start(); + const downloadBase = this.getDownloadBaseUrl(downloadType); + const saveDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`./assets/bundled/${ downloadType }`); + const classNamesWithRevisions = await this.getClassNamesWithRevision(downloadType, floorOnly, wallOnly); + const classNames = Object.keys(classNamesWithRevisions); + + if(classNames && classNames.length) + { + const totalClassNames = classNames.length; + + for(let i = 0; i < totalClassNames; i++) + { + const className = classNames[i]; + const revision = (classNamesWithRevisions[className] || '-1'); + + try + { + const saveFile = new File(`${ saveDirectory.path }/${ className }.nitro`); + + if(saveFile.exists()) continue; + + spinner.text = `Converting: ${ className } (${ (i + 1) } / ${ totalClassNames })`; + spinner.render(); + + const downloadUrl = SWFDownloader.getDownloadUrl(downloadBase, className, revision); + const habboAssetSwf = await SWFDownloader.downloadFromUrl(downloadUrl); + + if(!habboAssetSwf) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Invalid SWF: ${ className }`); + + continue; + } + + const nitroBundle = await GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf(habboAssetSwf); + + await saveFile.writeData(await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); + + spinner.text = `Converted: ${ className }`; + spinner.render(); + } + + catch (error) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Error Converting: ${ className } - ${ error.message }`); + + continue; + } + } + } + + spinner.succeed(`Finished ${ downloadType } in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + } + } + + public getDownloadBaseUrl(type: string): string + { + switch(type) + { + case 'furniture': + return this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.furniture.url'); + case 'figure': + return this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.figure.url'); + case 'effect': + return this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.effect.url'); + case 'pet': + return this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.pet.url'); + } + + return null; + } + + public async getClassNamesWithRevision(type: string, floorOnly: boolean = false, wallOnly: boolean = false): Promise<{ [index: string ]: string }> + { + switch(type) + { + case 'furniture': + return await this._furnitureDataConverter.getClassNamesAndRevisions(floorOnly, wallOnly); + case 'figure': + return await this._figureMapConverter.getClassNamesAndRevisions(); + case 'effect': + return await this._effectMapConverter.getClassNamesAndRevisions(); + case 'pet': { + const entries: { [index: string]: string } = {}; + const classNames = this._configuration.getValue('pet.configuration').split(','); + + for(const className of classNames) entries[className] = '-1'; + + return entries; + } + } + + return null; + } + + public async extractNitroFromFolder(): Promise + { + const now = Date.now(); + const spinner = ora('Preparing Extraction').start(); + const extractBaseDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/extract'); + const extractedBaseDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/extracted'); + + for await (const type of ConverterUtilities.BUNDLE_TYPES) + { + const extractTypeDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ extractBaseDirectory.path }/${ type }`); + const extractedTypeDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ extractedBaseDirectory.path }/${ type }`); + const files = await extractTypeDirectory.getFileList(); + + for await (const name of files) + { + const [ className, extension, ...rest ] = name.split('.'); + + try + { + spinner.text = `Extracting: ${ className }`; + spinner.render(); + + const saveDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ extractedTypeDirectory.path }/${ className }`); + + const file = new File(`${ extractTypeDirectory.path }/${ name }`); + + if(extension === 'nitro') + { + const nitroBundle = NitroBundle.from((await file.getContentsAsBuffer()).buffer); + + for await (const [ bundleName, bundleBuffer ] of nitroBundle.files.entries()) + { + const saveFile = new File(`${ saveDirectory.path }/${ bundleName }`); + + await saveFile.writeData(bundleBuffer); + } + + spinner.text = `Extracted: ${ className }`; + spinner.render(); + } + } + + catch (error) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Error Extracting: ${ name } - ${ error.message }`); + } + } + } + + spinner.succeed(`Extraction: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + } + + public async convertSwfFromFolder(): Promise + { + const now = Date.now(); + const spinner = ora('Preparing SWF Extraction').start(); + const swfBaseDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/swf'); + const bundledBaseDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/bundled'); + + for await (const type of ConverterUtilities.BUNDLE_TYPES) + { + const swfTypeDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ swfBaseDirectory.path }/${ type }`); + const bundledTypeDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ bundledBaseDirectory.path }/${ type }`); + const files = await swfTypeDirectory.getFileList(); + + for await (const name of files) + { + const [ className, extension, ...rest ] = name.split('.'); + + try + { + spinner.text = `Extracting SWF: ${ className }`; + spinner.render(); + + const downloadUrl = `${ swfTypeDirectory.path }/${ className }.swf`; + const habboAssetSwf = await SWFDownloader.downloadFromUrl(downloadUrl); + + if(!habboAssetSwf) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Invalid SWF: ${ downloadUrl }`); + + continue; + } + + const nitroBundle = await GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf(habboAssetSwf); + + if(!nitroBundle) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Invalid SWF Bundle: ${ downloadUrl }`); + + continue; + } + + const saveFile = new File(`${ bundledTypeDirectory.path }/${ className }.nitro`); + + await saveFile.writeData(await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); + + spinner.text = `Extracted SWF: ${ className }`; + spinner.render(); + } + + catch (error) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Error Extracting: ${ name } - ${ error.message }`); + } + } + } + + spinner.succeed(`SWF Extraction: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + } + + public async bundleExtractedFromFolder(): Promise + { + const now = Date.now(); + const spinner = ora('Preparing Bundler').start(); + const bundleBaseDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/extracted'); + const bundledBaseDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/bundled'); + + for await (const type of ConverterUtilities.BUNDLE_TYPES) + { + const bundleTypeDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ bundleBaseDirectory.path }/${ type }`); + const bundledTypeDirectory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory(`${ bundledBaseDirectory.path }/${ type }`); + const files = await bundleTypeDirectory.getFileList(); + + for await (const name of files) + { + const [ className, extension, ...rest ] = name.split('.'); + + try + { + const bundleDirectory = new File(`${ bundleTypeDirectory.path }/${ name }`); + + if(!await bundleDirectory.isDirectory()) continue; + + spinner.text = `Bundling: ${ className }`; + spinner.render(); + + const nitroBundle = new NitroBundle(); + const childFiles = await bundleDirectory.getFileList(); + + if(childFiles && childFiles.length) + { + for await (const childName of childFiles) + { + const childFile = new File(`${ bundleDirectory.path }/${ childName }`); + + nitroBundle.addFile(childName, await childFile.getContentsAsBuffer()); + } + } + + if(nitroBundle.totalFiles) + { + const saveFile = new File(`${ bundledTypeDirectory.path }/${ className }.nitro`); + + await saveFile.writeData(await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); + } + else + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Error Bundling: ${ name } - The bundle was empty`); + + continue; + } + + spinner.text = `Bundled: ${ name }`; + spinner.render(); + } + + catch (error) + { + console.log(); + console.error(`Error Bundling: ${ name } - ${ error.message }`); + } + } + } + + spinner.succeed(`Bundler: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + } +} diff --git a/src/converters/EffectConverter.ts b/src/converters/EffectConverter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index c495b4d..0000000 --- a/src/converters/EffectConverter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; -import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { BundleProvider } from '../common/bundle/BundleProvider'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { SWFConverter } from '../common/converters/SWFConverter'; -import { SWFDownloader } from '../common/SWFDownloader'; -import { File } from '../utils/File'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; -import { EffectMapConverter } from './EffectMapConverter'; - -@singleton() -export class EffectConverter extends Converter -{ - public effectTypes: Map = new Map(); - - constructor( - private readonly _effectMapConverter: EffectMapConverter, - private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - { - super(); - } - - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise - { - if(!this._configuration.getBoolean('convert.effect')) return; - - const now = Date.now(); - const spinner = ora('Preparing Effects').start(); - const baseUrl = this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.effect.url'); - const effectMap = this._effectMapConverter.effectMap; - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'effect'); - - const classNames: string[] = []; - - if(effectMap.effects !== undefined) - { - for(const library of effectMap.effects) - { - const className = library.lib; - - if(classNames.indexOf(className) >= 0) continue; - - classNames.push(className); - - this.effectTypes.set(className, library.type); - } - } - - for(const className of classNames) - { - try - { - const path = new File(directory.path + '/' + className + '.nitro'); - - if(path.exists()) continue; - - const habboAssetSWF = await SWFDownloader.download(baseUrl, className, -1); - - if(!habboAssetSWF) - { - spinner.text = 'Couldnt convert effect: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - else - { - spinner.text = 'Converting: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - const spriteBundle = await BundleProvider.generateSpriteSheet(habboAssetSWF); - const assetData = await SWFConverter.mapXML2JSON(habboAssetSWF, className); - - if(assetData) - { - assetData.name = className; - assetData.type = this.effectTypes.get(className); - } - - const nitroBundle = SWFConverter.createNitroBundle(habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(), assetData, spriteBundle); - - await writeFile(path.path, await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); - - spinner.text = 'Finished: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - catch (error) - { - spinner.text = `Error converting ${ className }: ${ error.message }`; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - } - - console.log(); - spinner.succeed(`Effects finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); - } -} diff --git a/src/converters/EffectMapConverter.ts b/src/converters/EffectMapConverter.ts index 35210fb..4b2d744 100644 --- a/src/converters/EffectMapConverter.ts +++ b/src/converters/EffectMapConverter.ts @@ -1,48 +1,33 @@ import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; +import ora from 'ora'; import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { IEffectMap } from '../mapping/json'; -import { EffectMapMapper } from '../mapping/mappers'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; +import { Configuration, EffectMapMapper, FileUtilities, IConverter, IEffectMap } from '../common'; @singleton() -export class EffectMapConverter extends Converter +export class EffectMapConverter implements IConverter { - public effectMap: IEffectMap = null; + private _effectMap: IEffectMap = null; constructor( private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - { - super(); - } + {} - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise + public async convertAsync(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); const spinner = ora('Preparing EffectMap').start(); const url = this._configuration.getValue('effectmap.load.url'); const content = await FileUtilities.readFileAsString(url); - if(!content.startsWith('{')) - { - const xml = await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&')); + this._effectMap = ((!content.startsWith('{')) ? await this.mapXML2JSON(await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&'))) : JSON.parse(content)); - this.effectMap = await this.mapXML2JSON(xml); - } - else - { - this.effectMap = JSON.parse(content); - } - - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'gamedata'); + const directory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/gamedata'); const path = directory.path + '/EffectMap.json'; - await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this.effectMap), 'utf8'); + await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this._effectMap), 'utf8'); - spinner.succeed(`EffectMap finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + spinner.succeed(`EffectMap: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); } private async mapXML2JSON(xml: any): Promise @@ -55,4 +40,16 @@ export class EffectMapConverter extends Converter return output; } + + public async getClassNamesAndRevisions(): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }> + { + const entries: { [index: string]: string } = {}; + + if(this._effectMap.effects) + { + for(const library of this._effectMap.effects) entries[library.lib] = '-1'; + } + + return entries; + } } diff --git a/src/converters/ExternalTextsConverter.ts b/src/converters/ExternalTextsConverter.ts index 7115d22..c3a0b68 100644 --- a/src/converters/ExternalTextsConverter.ts +++ b/src/converters/ExternalTextsConverter.ts @@ -1,44 +1,32 @@ import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; +import ora from 'ora'; import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { IExternalTexts } from '../mapping/json'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; +import { Configuration, FileUtilities, IConverter, IExternalTexts } from '../common'; @singleton() -export class ExternalTextsConverter extends Converter +export class ExternalTextsConverter implements IConverter { public externalTexts: IExternalTexts = null; constructor( private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - { - super(); - } + {} - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise + public async convertAsync(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); const spinner = ora('Preparing ExternalTexts').start(); const url = this._configuration.getValue('external.texts.url'); const content = await FileUtilities.readFileAsString(url); - if(!content.startsWith('{')) - { - this.externalTexts = await this.mapText2JSON(content); - } - else - { - this.externalTexts = JSON.parse(content); - } + this.externalTexts = ((!content.startsWith('{')) ? await this.mapText2JSON(content) : JSON.parse(content)); - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'gamedata'); + const directory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/gamedata'); const path = directory.path + '/ExternalTexts.json'; await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this.externalTexts), 'utf8'); - spinner.succeed(`ExternalTexts finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + spinner.succeed(`ExternalTexts: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); } private async mapText2JSON(text: string): Promise @@ -47,15 +35,20 @@ export class ExternalTextsConverter extends Converter const output: IExternalTexts = {}; - const parts = text.split(/\n\r{1,}|\n{1,}|\r{1,}/mg); + const parts = text.split(/\r?\n/); for(const part of parts) { - const [ key, value ] = part.split('='); + const [ key, ...value ] = part.split('='); - output[key] = value; + output[key] = value.join(); } return output; } + + public get converterType(): string + { + return 'ExternalTexts'; + } } diff --git a/src/converters/FigureConverter.ts b/src/converters/FigureConverter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index ae412f7..0000000 --- a/src/converters/FigureConverter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; -import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { BundleProvider } from '../common/bundle/BundleProvider'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { SWFConverter } from '../common/converters/SWFConverter'; -import { SWFDownloader } from '../common/SWFDownloader'; -import { File } from '../utils/File'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; -import { FigureMapConverter } from './FigureMapConverter'; - -@singleton() -export class FigureConverter -{ - public figureTypes: Map = new Map(); - - constructor( - private readonly _figureMapConverter: FigureMapConverter, - private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - {} - - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise - { - if(!this._configuration.getBoolean('convert.figure')) return; - - const now = Date.now(); - const spinner = ora('Preparing Figure').start(); - const baseUrl = this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.figure.url'); - const figureMap = this._figureMapConverter.figureMap; - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'figure'); - const classNames: string[] = []; - - if(figureMap.libraries !== undefined) - { - for(const library of figureMap.libraries) - { - const className = library.id.split('*')[0]; - - if(className === 'hh_human_fx' || className === 'hh_pets') continue; - - if(classNames.indexOf(className) >= 0) continue; - - classNames.push(className); - - this.figureTypes.set(className, library.parts[0].type); - } - } - - for(const className of classNames) - { - try - { - const path = new File(directory.path + '/' + className + '.nitro'); - - if(path.exists()) continue; - - const habboAssetSWF = await SWFDownloader.download(baseUrl, className, -1); - - if(!habboAssetSWF) - { - spinner.text = 'Couldnt convert figure: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - else - { - spinner.text = 'Converting: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - const spriteBundle = await BundleProvider.generateSpriteSheet(habboAssetSWF); - const assetData = await SWFConverter.mapXML2JSON(habboAssetSWF, className); - - if(assetData) - { - assetData.name = className; - assetData.type = this.figureTypes.get(className); - } - - const nitroBundle = SWFConverter.createNitroBundle(habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(), assetData, spriteBundle); - - await writeFile(path.path, await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); - - spinner.text = 'Finished: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - catch (error) - { - spinner.text = `Error converting ${ className }: ${ error.message }`; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - } - - console.log(); - spinner.succeed(`Figures finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); - } -} diff --git a/src/converters/FigureDataConverter.ts b/src/converters/FigureDataConverter.ts index 76b5e07..f0cde00 100644 --- a/src/converters/FigureDataConverter.ts +++ b/src/converters/FigureDataConverter.ts @@ -1,48 +1,33 @@ import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; +import ora from 'ora'; import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { IFigureData } from '../mapping/json/figuredata/IFigureData'; -import { FigureDataMapper } from '../mapping/mappers/FigureDataMapper'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; +import { Configuration, FigureDataMapper, FileUtilities, IConverter, IFigureData } from '../common'; @singleton() -export class FigureDataConverter extends Converter +export class FigureDataConverter implements IConverter { public figureData: IFigureData = null; constructor( private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - { - super(); - } + {} - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise + public async convertAsync(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); const spinner = ora('Preparing FigureData').start(); const url = this._configuration.getValue('figuredata.load.url'); const content = await FileUtilities.readFileAsString(url); - if(!content.startsWith('{')) - { - const xml = await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&')); + this.figureData = ((!content.startsWith('{')) ? await this.mapXML2JSON(await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&'))) : JSON.parse(content)); - this.figureData = await this.mapXML2JSON(xml); - } - else - { - this.figureData = JSON.parse(content); - } - - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'gamedata'); + const directory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/gamedata'); const path = directory.path + '/FigureData.json'; await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this.figureData), 'utf8'); - spinner.succeed(`FigureData finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + spinner.succeed(`FigureData: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); } private async mapXML2JSON(xml: any): Promise @@ -55,4 +40,9 @@ export class FigureDataConverter extends Converter return output; } + + public get converterType(): string + { + return 'FigureData'; + } } diff --git a/src/converters/FigureMapConverter.ts b/src/converters/FigureMapConverter.ts index f087c79..45bfda2 100644 --- a/src/converters/FigureMapConverter.ts +++ b/src/converters/FigureMapConverter.ts @@ -1,50 +1,33 @@ import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; +import ora from 'ora'; import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { IFigureMap } from '../mapping/json'; -import { FigureMapMapper } from '../mapping/mappers'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; -import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'; +import { Configuration, FigureMapMapper, FileUtilities, IConverter, IFigureMap } from '../common'; @singleton() -export class FigureMapConverter extends Converter +export class FigureMapConverter implements IConverter { - public figureMap: IFigureMap = null; + private _figureMap: IFigureMap = null; constructor( - private readonly _configuration: Configuration, - private readonly _logger: Logger) - { - super(); - } + private readonly _configuration: Configuration) + {} - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise + public async convertAsync(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); const spinner = ora('Preparing FigureMap').start(); const url = this._configuration.getValue('figuremap.load.url'); const content = await FileUtilities.readFileAsString(url); - if(!content.startsWith('{')) - { - const xml = await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&')); + this._figureMap = ((!content.startsWith('{')) ? await this.mapXML2JSON(await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&'))) : JSON.parse(content)); - this.figureMap = await this.mapXML2JSON(xml); - } - else - { - this.figureMap = JSON.parse(content); - } - - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'gamedata'); + const directory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/gamedata'); const path = directory.path + '/FigureMap.json'; - await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this.figureMap), 'utf8'); + await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this._figureMap), 'utf8'); - spinner.succeed(`FigureMap finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + spinner.succeed(`FigureMap: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); } private async mapXML2JSON(xml: any): Promise @@ -57,4 +40,23 @@ export class FigureMapConverter extends Converter return output; } + + public async getClassNamesAndRevisions(): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }> + { + const entries: { [index: string]: string } = {}; + + if(this._figureMap.libraries) + { + for(const library of this._figureMap.libraries) + { + const className = library.id.split('*')[0]; + + if(className === 'hh_human_fx' || className === 'hh_pets') continue; + + entries[className] = '-1'; + } + } + + return entries; + } } diff --git a/src/converters/FurnitureConverter.ts b/src/converters/FurnitureConverter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index d0972e0..0000000 --- a/src/converters/FurnitureConverter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; -import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { BundleProvider } from '../common/bundle/BundleProvider'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { SWFConverter } from '../common/converters/SWFConverter'; -import { SWFDownloader } from '../common/SWFDownloader'; -import { IAssetData } from '../mapping/json'; -import { File } from '../utils/File'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; -import { FurnitureDataConverter } from './FurnitureDataConverter'; - -@singleton() -export class FurnitureConverter -{ - public assets: Map = new Map(); - - constructor( - private readonly _furniDataConverter: FurnitureDataConverter, - private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - {} - - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise - { - if(!this._configuration.getBoolean('convert.furniture')) return; - - const now = Date.now(); - const spinner = ora('Preparing Furniture').start(); - const baseUrl = this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.furniture.url'); - const furniData = this._furniDataConverter.furnitureData; - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'furniture'); - const classNames: string[] = []; - const revisions: number[] = []; - - if(furniData.roomitemtypes) - { - if(furniData.roomitemtypes.furnitype) - { - for(const furniType of furniData.roomitemtypes.furnitype) - { - const className = furniType.classname.split('*')[0]; - const revision = furniType.revision; - - if(classNames.indexOf(className) >= 0) continue; - - classNames.push(className); - revisions.push(revision); - } - } - } - - if(furniData.wallitemtypes) - { - if(furniData.wallitemtypes.furnitype) - { - for(const furniType of furniData.wallitemtypes.furnitype) - { - const className = furniType.classname.split('*')[0]; - const revision = furniType.revision; - - if(classNames.indexOf(className) >= 0) continue; - - classNames.push(className); - revisions.push(revision); - } - } - } - - for(let i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) - { - const className = classNames[i]; - const revision = revisions[i]; - - try - { - const path = new File(directory.path + '/' + className + '.nitro'); - - if(path.exists()) continue; - - const habboAssetSWF = await SWFDownloader.download(baseUrl, className, revision); - - if(!habboAssetSWF) - { - spinner.text = 'Couldnt convert furni: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - else - { - spinner.text = 'Couldnt convert furni: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - const spriteBundle = await BundleProvider.generateSpriteSheet(habboAssetSWF); - const assetData = await SWFConverter.mapXML2JSON(habboAssetSWF, 'furniture'); - const nitroBundle = SWFConverter.createNitroBundle(habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(), assetData, spriteBundle); - - await writeFile(path.path, await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); - - spinner.text = 'Finished: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - catch (error) - { - spinner.text = `Error converting ${ className }: ${ error.message }`; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - } - - console.log(); - spinner.succeed(`Furniture finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); - } -} diff --git a/src/converters/FurnitureDataConverter.ts b/src/converters/FurnitureDataConverter.ts index 9038240..7ae17f5 100644 --- a/src/converters/FurnitureDataConverter.ts +++ b/src/converters/FurnitureDataConverter.ts @@ -1,49 +1,33 @@ import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; +import ora from 'ora'; import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { IFurnitureData } from '../mapping/json'; -import { FurnitureDataMapper } from '../mapping/mappers'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; +import { Configuration, FileUtilities, FurnitureDataMapper, IConverter, IFurnitureData } from '../common'; @singleton() -export class FurnitureDataConverter extends Converter +export class FurnitureDataConverter implements IConverter { public furnitureData: IFurnitureData = null; constructor( private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - { - super(); - } + {} - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise + public async convertAsync(): Promise { const now = Date.now(); const spinner = ora('Preparing FurnitureData').start(); const url = this._configuration.getValue('furnidata.load.url'); const content = await FileUtilities.readFileAsString(url); - if(!content.startsWith('{')) - { - const xml = await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&')); - const furnitureData = await this.mapXML2JSON(xml); + this.furnitureData = ((!content.startsWith('{')) ? await this.mapXML2JSON(await parseStringPromise(content.replace(/&/g,'&'))) : JSON.parse(content)); - this.furnitureData = furnitureData; - } - else - { - this.furnitureData = JSON.parse(content); - } - - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'gamedata'); + const directory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/gamedata'); const path = directory.path + '/FurnitureData.json'; await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this.furnitureData), 'utf8'); - spinner.succeed(`FurnitureData finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + spinner.succeed(`FurnitureData: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); } private async mapXML2JSON(xml: any): Promise @@ -56,4 +40,47 @@ export class FurnitureDataConverter extends Converter return output; } + + public async getClassNamesAndRevisions(floorOnly: boolean = false, wallOnly: boolean = false): Promise<{ [index: string]: string }> + { + if(!this.furnitureData) return null; + + const both = (!floorOnly && !wallOnly); + const entries: { [index: string]: string } = {}; + + if((both || floorOnly) && this.furnitureData.roomitemtypes) + { + if(this.furnitureData.roomitemtypes.furnitype) + { + for(const furniType of this.furnitureData.roomitemtypes.furnitype) + { + const className = furniType.classname.split('*')[0]; + const revision = furniType.revision; + + entries[className] = revision.toString(); + } + } + } + + if((both || wallOnly) && this.furnitureData.wallitemtypes) + { + if(this.furnitureData.wallitemtypes.furnitype) + { + for(const furniType of this.furnitureData.wallitemtypes.furnitype) + { + const className = furniType.classname.split('*')[0]; + const revision = furniType.revision; + + entries[className] = revision.toString(); + } + } + } + + return entries; + } + + public get converterType(): string + { + return 'FurnitureData'; + } } diff --git a/src/converters/OldAssetConverter.ts b/src/converters/OldAssetConverter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 90c25bf..0000000 --- a/src/converters/OldAssetConverter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { File } from '../utils/File'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; -import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'; -import { NitroBundle } from '../utils/NitroBundle'; - -@singleton() -export class OldAssetConverter extends Converter -{ - constructor( - private readonly _configuration: Configuration, - private readonly _logger: Logger) - { - super(); - } - - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise - { - if(args.shift() !== 'old-asset') return; - - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'generic'); - const baseDirectory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(args.shift()); - - for(const className of args) - { - try - { - const path = new File(directory.path + '/' + className + '.nitro'); - const jsonBuffer = await FileUtilities.readFileAsBuffer(baseDirectory.path + '/' + className + '/' + className + '.json'); - const imageBuffer = await FileUtilities.readFileAsBuffer(baseDirectory.path + '/' + className + '/' + className + '.png'); - const nitroBundle = new NitroBundle(); - - nitroBundle.addFile((className + '.json'), jsonBuffer); - nitroBundle.addFile((className + '.png'), imageBuffer); - - await writeFile(path.path, await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); - - console.log('Finished converting: ' + className); - } - - catch (error) - { - console.log('Error converting: ' + className); - } - } - } -} diff --git a/src/converters/PetConverter.ts b/src/converters/PetConverter.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b2be9da..0000000 --- a/src/converters/PetConverter.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; -import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { BundleProvider } from '../common/bundle/BundleProvider'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { SWFConverter } from '../common/converters/SWFConverter'; -import { SWFDownloader } from '../common/SWFDownloader'; -import { File } from '../utils/File'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; -import { Logger } from '../utils/Logger'; - -@singleton() -export class PetConverter extends Converter -{ - constructor( - private readonly _configuration: Configuration, - private readonly _logger: Logger) - { - super(); - } - - public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise - { - if(!this._configuration.getBoolean('convert.pet')) return; - - const now = Date.now(); - const spinner = ora('Preparing Pets').start(); - const baseUrl = this._configuration.getValue('dynamic.download.pet.url'); - const classNames = this.getPetTypes(); - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'pet'); - - for(const className of classNames) - { - try - { - const path = new File(directory.path + '/' + className + '.nitro'); - - if(path.exists()) continue; - - const habboAssetSWF = await SWFDownloader.download(baseUrl, className, -1); - - if(!habboAssetSWF) - { - spinner.text = 'Couldnt convert pet: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - else - { - spinner.text = 'Converting: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - const spriteBundle = await BundleProvider.generateSpriteSheet(habboAssetSWF); - const assetData = await SWFConverter.mapXML2JSON(habboAssetSWF, 'pet'); - const nitroBundle = SWFConverter.createNitroBundle(habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(), assetData, spriteBundle); - - await writeFile(path.path, await nitroBundle.toBufferAsync()); - - spinner.text = 'Finished: ' + className; - - spinner.render(); - } - - catch (error) - { - spinner.text = `Error converting ${ className }: ${ error.message }`; - - spinner.render(); - - continue; - } - } - - console.log(); - spinner.succeed(`Pets finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); - } - - private getPetTypes(): string[] - { - const petTypes: string[] = []; - - const pets = this._configuration.getValue('pet.configuration'); - - if(pets) - { - const types = pets.split(','); - - for(const type of types) petTypes.push(type); - } - - return petTypes; - } -} diff --git a/src/converters/ProductDataConverter.ts b/src/converters/ProductDataConverter.ts index acfb0a6..86587df 100644 --- a/src/converters/ProductDataConverter.ts +++ b/src/converters/ProductDataConverter.ts @@ -1,21 +1,16 @@ import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'; -import * as ora from 'ora'; +import ora from 'ora'; import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; -import { Configuration } from '../common/config/Configuration'; -import { Converter } from '../common/converters/Converter'; -import { IProductData } from '../mapping/json'; -import { FileUtilities } from '../utils/FileUtilities'; +import { Configuration, FileUtilities, IConverter, IProductData } from '../common'; @singleton() -export class ProductDataConverter extends Converter +export class ProductDataConverter implements IConverter { public productData: IProductData = null; constructor( private readonly _configuration: Configuration) - { - super(); - } + {} public async convertAsync(args: string[] = []): Promise { @@ -24,23 +19,14 @@ export class ProductDataConverter extends Converter const url = this._configuration.getValue('productdata.load.url'); const content = await FileUtilities.readFileAsString(url); - if(!content.startsWith('{')) - { - const productData = await this.mapText2JSON(content); + this.productData = ((!content.startsWith('{')) ? await this.mapText2JSON(content) : JSON.parse(content)); - this.productData = productData; - } - else - { - this.productData = JSON.parse(content); - } - - const directory = FileUtilities.getDirectory(this._configuration.getValue('output.folder'), 'gamedata'); + const directory = await FileUtilities.getDirectory('./assets/gamedata'); const path = directory.path + '/ProductData.json'; await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(this.productData), 'utf8'); - spinner.succeed(`ProductData finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); + spinner.succeed(`ProductData: Finished in ${ Date.now() - now }ms`); } private async mapText2JSON(text: string): Promise @@ -83,4 +69,9 @@ export class ProductDataConverter extends Converter return output; } + + public get converterType(): string + { + return 'ProductData'; + } } diff --git a/src/swf-reader/index.js b/src/swf-reader/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index b24740b..0000000 --- a/src/swf-reader/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,491 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Simple module for reading SWF properties - * - * (c) 2014 Rafael Leal Dias - * MIT LICENCE - * - */ -const fs = require('fs'); -const zlib = require('zlib'); -const lzma = require('lzma-purejs'); -const Stream = require('stream'); -const SWFTags = require('./lib/swf-tags'); -const SWFReader = exports; -import { SWFBuffer } from './lib/SWFBuffer'; - -function readSWFTags(buff, swf) -{ - var tags = [] - , tag - , tagHeader - , flag - , l - , sc - , fc; - - /* Reads TagCodeAndLength from Tag's RECORDHEADER */ - while( (tagHeader = buff.readTagCodeAndLength()) ) - { - tag = { - header : tagHeader - }; - switch( tagHeader.code ) - { - case SWFTags.FileAttributes: { - const flag = buff.readUIntLE(32); - const fileAttrs = {}; - - fileAttrs.useNetwork = tag.useNetwork = !!(flag & 0x1); - fileAttrs.as3 = tag.as3 = !!(flag & 0x8); - fileAttrs.hasMetaData = tag.hasMetaData = !!(flag & 0x10); - fileAttrs.useGPU = tag.useGPU = !!(flag & 0x20); - fileAttrs.useDirectBit = tag.useDirectBlit = !!(flag & 0x40); - - swf.fileAttributes = fileAttrs; - break; - } - case SWFTags.Metadata: { - swf.metadata = tag.metadata = buff.readString(); - break; - } - case SWFTags.SetBackgroundColor: { - tag.RGB = buff.readRGB(); - swf.backgroundColor = '#' + (tag.RGB[0]*65536 + tag.RGB[1]*256 + tag.RGB[0]).toString(16); - break; - } - case SWFTags.Protect : - swf.protect = tagHeader.length && buff.readString(); - break; - case SWFTags.DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData : - sc = tag.sceneCount = buff.readEncodedU32(); - tag.scenes = []; - - while(sc--) - tag.scenes.push({ - offset : buff.readEncodedU32(), - name : buff.readString() - }); - - fc = tag.frameLabelCount = buff.readEncodedU32(); - tag.labels = []; - - while(fc--) - tag.labels.push({ - frameNum : buff.readEncodedU32(), - frameLabel : buff.readString() - }); - break; - /** - * DefineShape4 extends the capabilities of - * DefineShape3 by using a new line style - * record in the shape - */ - //case SWFTags.DefineShape4 : - // /* id for this character */ - // tag.ShapeId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - // /* bounds of the shape */ - // tag.ShapeBounds = buff.readRect(); - // /* bounds of the shape, excluding the strokes */ - // tag.EdgeBounds = buff.readRect(); - // /* reserved, must be 0 */ - // if (0 !== buff.readBits(5)) - // throw new Error('Reserved bit used.'); - // /* if 1, use fill winding. >= SWF 10 */ - // if (swf.version >= 10) - // tag.UsesFillWindingRule = buff.readBits(1); - // /** - // * if 1, shape contains at least one - // * non-scaling stroke. - // */ - // tag.UsesNonScallingStrokes = buff.readBits(1); - // /** - // * if 1, shape contains at least one - // * scaling stroke - // */ - // tag.UsesScalingStrokes = buff.readBits(1); - // tag.shapes = buff.readShapeWithStyle(); - // break; - case SWFTags.FrameLabel : - tag.name = buff.readString(); - l = Buffer.byteLength(tag.name); - /* check if it's an named anchor */ - if(l & (tagHeader.length - 1) != l) - tag.anchor = buff.readUInt8(); - break; - case SWFTags.DefineSprite : - tag.SpriteID = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.FrameCount = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.ControlTags = readSWFTags(buff, swf); - break; - case SWFTags.ExportAssets : - tag.count = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.assets = []; - - l = 0; - - while(l++ < tag.count) - tag.assets.push({ - id : buff.readUIntLE(16), - name : buff.readString() - }); - break; - case SWFTags.ImportAssets : - /** - * URL where the source SWF file can be found - */ - tag.url = buff.readString(); - /** - * Number of assets to import - */ - tag.count = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.assets = []; - - l = 0; - - while(l++ < tag.count) - tag.assets.push({ - /** - * Character ID for the l-th item - * in importing SWF file - */ - id : buff.readUIntLE(16), - /** - * Identifies for the l-th - * imported character - */ - name : buff.readString() - }); - break; - case SWFTags.ImportAssets2 : - tag.url = buff.readString(); - - if( !(1 === buff.readUInt8() && 0 === buff.readUInt8()) ) - { - throw new Error('Reserved bits for ImportAssets2 used'); - } - - tag.count = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.assets = []; - - l = 0; - - while(l++ < tag.count) - tag.assets({ - id : buff.readUIntLE(16), - name : buff.readString() - }); - break; - case SWFTags.EnableDebbuger : - tag.password = buff.readString(); - break; - case SWFTags.EnableDebugger2 : - if(0 !== buff.readUIntLE(16)) - { - //throw new Error('Reserved bit for EnableDebugger2 used.'); - } - tag.password = buff.readString(); - break; - case SWFTags.ScriptLimits : - /** - * Maximum recursion Depth - */ - tag.maxRecursionDepth = buff.readUIntLE(16); - /** - * Maximum ActionScript processing time before script - * stuck dialog box displays - */ - tag.scriptTimeoutSeconds = buff.readUIntLE(16); - break; - case SWFTags.SymbolClass: { - tag.numSymbols = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.symbols = []; - - l = 0; - - while(l++ < tag.numSymbols) - tag.symbols.push({ - id : buff.readUIntLE(16), - name : buff.readString() - }); - break; - } - case SWFTags.DefineScalingGrid: { - tag.characterId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.splitter = buff.readRect(); - break; - } - case SWFTags.setTabIndex: { - tag.depth = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.tabIndex = buff.readUIntLE(16); - break; - } - case SWFTags.JPEGTables: { - tag.jpegData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + tagHeader.length); - buff.pointer += tagHeader.length; - break; - } - case SWFTags.DefineBits: { - tag.characterId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.jpegData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + tagHeader.length - 2); - buff.pointer += tagHeader.length - 2; - break; - } - case SWFTags.DefineBitsJPEG2: { - tag.characterId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.imageData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + tagHeader.length - 2); - buff.pointer += tagHeader.length - 2; - break; - } - case SWFTags.DefineBitsJPEG3: { - tag.characterId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - var alphaDataOffset = buff.readUIntLE(32); - tag.imageData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + alphaDataOffset); - buff.pointer += alphaDataOffset; - var restLength = tagHeader.length - 6 - alphaDataOffset; - tag.bitmapAlphaData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + restLength); - buff.pointer += restLength; - break; - } - case SWFTags.DefineBitsJPEG4: { - tag.characterId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - const alphaDataOffset = buff.readUIntLE(32); - tag.deblockParam = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.imageData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + alphaDataOffset); - buff.pointer += alphaDataOffset; - const restLength = tagHeader.length - 8 - alphaDataOffset; - tag.bitmapAlphaData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + restLength); - buff.pointer += restLength; - break; - } - case SWFTags.DefineBitsLossless: - case SWFTags.DefineBitsLossless2: { - tag.characterId = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.bitmapFormat = buff.readUInt8(); - tag.bitmapWidth = buff.readUIntLE(16); - tag.bitmapHeight = buff.readUIntLE(16); - let restLength = tagHeader.length - 7; - if(tag.bitmapFormat == 3) - { - tag.bitmapColorTableSize = buff.readUInt8(); - restLength--; - } - tag.zlibBitmapData = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + restLength); - buff.pointer += restLength; - break; - } - default: - tag.data = buff.buffer.slice(buff.pointer, buff.pointer + tagHeader.length); - buff.pointer += tagHeader.length; - break; - } - tags.push(tag); - } - return tags; -} - -/** - * Reads tags and their contents, passaing a SWF object to callback - * - * @param {SWFBuffer} buff - * @param {Buffer} compressed_buff - * @param {function} callback - * @api private - * - */ -function readSWFBuff(buff, compressed_buff, next) -{ - if(!buff) return next(null, null); - - buff.seek(3);// start - - if(buff.length < 9) - { - if(isSync) throw new Error('Buffer is to small, must be greater than 9 bytes.'); - return next(new Error('Buffer is to small, must be greater than 9 bytes.')); - } - var swf = { - version : buff.readUInt8(), - fileLength : { - compressed : compressed_buff.length, - uncompressed : buff.readUIntLE(32) - }, - frameSize : buff.readRect(), // Returns a RECT object. i.e : { x : 0, y : 0, width : 200, height: 300 } - frameRate : buff.readUIntLE(16)/256, - frameCount : buff.readUIntLE(16) - } - , isSync = 'function' !== typeof next; - - try - { - swf.tags = readSWFTags(buff, swf); - } - catch (e) - { - if(isSync) throw e; - return next(e); - } - - return isSync && swf || next( null, swf ); -} - -/** - * Concat SWF Header with uncompressed Buffer - * - * @param {Buffer|ArrayBuffer} buff - * @param {Buffer|ArrayBuffer} swf - */ -function concatSWFHeader(buff, swf) -{ - return Buffer.concat([swf.slice(0, 8), buff]); -} - -/** - * Uncompress SWF and start reading it - * - * @param {Buffer|ArrayBuffer} swf - * @param {function} callback - * - */ -function uncompress(swf, next) -{ - var compressed_buff = swf.slice(8) - , uncompressed_buff - , isSync = 'function' !== typeof next - , e; - - // uncompress buffer - switch(swf[0]) - { - case 0x43 : // zlib compressed - if(isSync) - { - uncompressed_buff = concatSWFHeader(zlib.unzipSync(compressed_buff), swf); - - if(!Buffer.isBuffer(uncompressed_buff)) return null; - - return readSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer(uncompressed_buff), swf); - } - - zlib.inflate(compressed_buff, function(err, buf) - { - if(!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) - { - readSWFBuff(null, swf, next); - } - else - { - readSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer(buf), swf, next); - } - }); - break; - case 0x46 : // uncompressed - if(!Buffer.isBuffer(swf)) return null; - - return readSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer( swf ), swf, next); - case 0x5a : // LZMA compressed - var lzmaProperties = compressed_buff.slice(4, 9); - compressed_buff = compressed_buff.slice(9); - - var input_stream = new Stream(); - input_stream.pos = 0; - input_stream.readByte = function() - { - return this.pos >= compressed_buff.length ? -1 : compressed_buff[this.pos++]; - }; - - var output_stream = new Stream(); - output_stream.buffer = new Buffer(16384); - output_stream.pos = 0; - output_stream.writeByte = function(_byte) - { - if(this.pos >= this.buffer.length) - { - var newBuffer = new Buffer(this.buffer.length * 2); - this.buffer.copy(newBuffer); - this.buffer = newBuffer; - } - this.buffer[this.pos++] = _byte; - }; - output_stream.getBuffer = function() - { - // trim buffer - if(this.pos !== this.buffer.length) - { - var newBuffer = new Buffer(this.pos); - this.buffer.copy(newBuffer, 0, 0, this.pos); - this.buffer = newBuffer; - } - return this.buffer; - }; - - lzma.decompress(lzmaProperties, input_stream, output_stream, -1); - uncompressed_buff = Buffer.concat([swf.slice(0, 8), output_stream.getBuffer()]); - - if(!Buffer.isBuffer(uncompressed_buff)) return null; - - return readSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer(uncompressed_buff), swf, next); - default : - e = new Error('Unknown SWF compressions'); - - if(isSync) - { - throw e; - } - else - { - next(e); - } - } -} - -/** - * Check if file is Buffer or ArrayBuffer - * - * @param {Buffer|ArrayBuffer) b - * @api private - * - */ -function isBuffer(b) -{ - return typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && Buffer.isBuffer(b) || b instanceof ArrayBuffer; -} - -/* Exposes Tags constants */ -SWFReader.TAGS = SWFTags; - -/** - * Reads SWF file - * - * @param {String|Buffer}} file - * @param {function} next - if not a function, uses synchronous algorithm - * @api public - * - */ -SWFReader.read = SWFReader.readSync = function(file, next) -{ - if(isBuffer(file)) - { - /* File is already a buffer */ - return uncompress(file, next); - } - else - { - /* Get the buffer */ - if('function' === typeof next) - { - fs.readFile(file, function(err, swf) - { - if( err ) - { - next(err); - return; - } - uncompress(swf, next); - }); - } - else - { - return uncompress(fs.readFileSync(file)); - } - } -}; diff --git a/src/swf-reader/lib/swf-tags.js b/src/swf-reader/lib/swf-tags.js deleted file mode 100644 index 26a6dd0..0000000 --- a/src/swf-reader/lib/swf-tags.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Defines constants on exports object - * - * @param {String} name - * @param {Mixed} value - */ - -function define(name, value) -{ - Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { - value : value, - enumerable : true - }); -} - -/* SWF Tags Type */ - -define('End', 0); -define('ShowFrame', 1); -define('DefineShape', 2); -define('PlaceObject', 4); -define('RemoveObject', 5); -define('DefineBits', 6); -define('DefineButton', 7); -define('JPEGTables', 8); -define('SetBackgroundColor', 9); -define('DefineFont', 10); -define('DefineText', 11); -define('DoAction', 12); -define('DefineFontInfo', 13); -define('DefineSound', 14); -define('StartSound', 15); -define('DefineButtonSound', 17); -define('SoundStreamHead', 18); -define('SoundStreamBlock', 19); -define('DefineBitsLossless', 20); -define('DefineBitsJPEG2', 21); -define('DefineShape2', 22); -define('DefineButtonCxform', 23); -define('Protect', 24); -define('PlaceObject2', 26); -define('RemoveObject2', 28); -define('DefineShape3', 32); -define('DefineText2', 33); -define('DefineButton2', 34); -define('DefineBitsJPEG3', 35); -define('DefineBitsLossless2', 36); -define('DefineEditText', 37); -define('DefineSprite', 39); -define('SerialNumber', 41); -define('FrameLabel', 43); -define('SoundStreamHead2', 45); -define('DefineMorphShape', 46); -define('DefineFont2', 48); -define('ExportAssets', 56); -define('ImportAssets', 57); -define('EnableDebugger', 58); -define('DoInitAction', 59); -define('DefineVideoStream', 60); -define('VideoFrame', 61); -define('DefineFontInfo2', 62); -define('EnableDebugger2', 64); -define('ScriptLimits', 65); -define('SetTabIndex', 66); -define('FileAttributes', 69); -define('PlaceObject3', 70); -define('ImportAssets2', 71); -define('DefineFontAlignZones', 73); -define('CSMTextSettings', 74); -define('DefineFont3', 75); -define('SymbolClass', 76); -define('Metadata', 77); -define('DefineScalingGrid', 78); -define('DoABC', 82); -define('DefineShape4', 83); -define('DefineMorphShape2', 84); -define('DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData', 86); -define('DefineBinaryData', 87); -define('DefineFontName', 88); -define('StartSound2', 89); -define('DefineBitsJPEG4', 90); -define('DefineFont4', 91); -//define('TagMax' (DefineFont4 + 1) diff --git a/src/swf/ConcatSWFHeader.ts b/src/swf/ConcatSWFHeader.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e7f27d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/ConcatSWFHeader.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +export const ConcatSWFHeader = (buff: Buffer, swf: Buffer) => +{ + return Buffer.concat([ swf.slice(0, 8), buff ]); +}; diff --git a/src/swf/GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf.ts b/src/swf/GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82a2755 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { GenerateSpriteSheet } from './GenerateSpritesheet'; +import { HabboAssetSWF } from './HabboAssetSWF'; +import { SWFUtilities } from './SWFUtilities'; + +export const GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf = async (habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, assetType: string = null) => +{ + if(!habboAssetSWF) return null; + + const spriteBundle = await GenerateSpriteSheet(habboAssetSWF); + const assetData = await SWFUtilities.mapXML2JSON(habboAssetSWF, assetType); + + if(assetData) assetData.name = habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(); + + return SWFUtilities.createNitroBundle(assetData.name, assetData, spriteBundle); +}; diff --git a/src/swf/GenerateSpritesheet.ts b/src/swf/GenerateSpritesheet.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c2b552 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/GenerateSpritesheet.ts @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +import { ImageBundle } from '../common'; +import { HabboAssetSWF } from './HabboAssetSWF'; +import { PackImages } from './PackImages'; + +export const IMAGE_SOURCES: Map = new Map(); + +export const GenerateSpriteSheet = async (habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, convertCase: boolean = false) => +{ + const tagList = habboAssetSWF.symbolTags(); + const names: string[] = []; + const tags: number[] = []; + + let documentClass = habboAssetSWF.getDocumentClass(); + + if(convertCase) documentClass = (documentClass.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, (x,y) => ('_' + y.toLowerCase().replace(/^_/, '')))); + + for(const tag of tagList) + { + names.push(...tag.names); + tags.push(...tag.tags); + } + + const imageBundle = new ImageBundle(); + + const imageTags = habboAssetSWF.imageTags(); + + for(const imageTag of imageTags) + { + if(tags.includes(imageTag.characterId)) + { + for(let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) + { + if(tags[i] != imageTag.characterId) continue; + + if(names[i] == imageTag.className) continue; + + if(imageTag.className.startsWith('sh_')) continue; + + if(imageTag.className.indexOf('_32_') >= 0) continue; + + IMAGE_SOURCES.set(names[i].substring(documentClass.length + 1), imageTag.className.substring(documentClass.length + 1)); + } + } + + if(imageTag.className.startsWith('sh_')) continue; + + if(imageTag.className.indexOf('_32_') >= 0) continue; + + let className = imageTag.className; + + if(convertCase) className = ((className.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, (x,y) => ('_' + y.toLowerCase().replace(/^_/, '')))).substring(1)); + + imageBundle.addImage(className, imageTag.imgData); + } + + if(!imageBundle.images.length) return null; + + return await PackImages(documentClass, imageBundle, convertCase); +}; diff --git a/src/swf/HabboAssetSWF.ts b/src/swf/HabboAssetSWF.ts index 732e3ae..e41a185 100644 --- a/src/swf/HabboAssetSWF.ts +++ b/src/swf/HabboAssetSWF.ts @@ -1,32 +1,27 @@ -import CustomIterator from '../utils/CustomIterator'; -import { readImagesDefineBitsLossless, readImagesJPEG3or4, readSwfAsync } from '../utils/SwfReader'; -import { CharacterTag } from './tags/CharacterTag'; -import { DefineBinaryDataTag } from './tags/DefineBinaryDataTag'; -import { ImageTag } from './tags/ImageTag'; -import { ITag } from './tags/ITag'; -import { SymbolClassTag } from './tags/SymbolClassTag'; +import { CustomIterator } from '../common'; +import { ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless } from './ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless'; +import { ReadImagesJPEG3or4 } from './ReadImagesJPEG3or4'; +import { ReadSWF } from './ReadSWF'; +import { CharacterTag, DefineBinaryDataTag, ImageTag, ITag, SymbolClassTag } from './tags'; export class HabboAssetSWF { - private readonly _tags: Array; + private readonly _tags: Array = []; private _documentClass: string | null = null; constructor( - private readonly _data: string | Buffer + private readonly _data: Buffer ) - { - this._tags = new Array(); - } + {} - async setupAsync() + public async setupAsync() { - const swf = await readSwfAsync(this._data); + const swf = await ReadSWF(this._data); if(!swf) return; for(const tag of swf.tags) { - switch(tag.header.code) { case 76: @@ -35,67 +30,29 @@ export class HabboAssetSWF case 87: this._tags.push(new DefineBinaryDataTag(tag.data)); break; - case 6: console.log(tag); break; - case 21: { - const jpeg3 = await readImagesJPEG3or4(21, tag); - this._tags.push(new ImageTag({ - code: 21, - characterID: jpeg3.characterId, - imgType: 'jpeg', - imgData: jpeg3.imageData, - bitmapWidth: jpeg3.bitmapWidth, - bitmapHeight: jpeg3.bitmapHeight - })); + const jpeg3 = await ReadImagesJPEG3or4(21, tag); + this._tags.push(new ImageTag(jpeg3.characterId, 21, 'jpeg', jpeg3.imgData)); break; } - case 35: { - const jpeg3 = await readImagesJPEG3or4(35, tag); - this._tags.push(new ImageTag({ - code: jpeg3.code, - characterID: jpeg3.characterId, - imgType: jpeg3.imgType, - imgData: jpeg3.imgData, - bitmapWidth: jpeg3.bitmapWidth, - bitmapHeight: jpeg3.bitmapHeight - })); + const jpeg3 = await ReadImagesJPEG3or4(35, tag); + this._tags.push(new ImageTag(jpeg3.characterId, jpeg3.code, jpeg3.imgType, jpeg3.imgData)); break; } - case 36: { - const pngTagLossLess2: any = await readImagesDefineBitsLossless(tag); - this._tags.push(new ImageTag({ - code: pngTagLossLess2.code, - characterID: pngTagLossLess2.characterId, - imgType: pngTagLossLess2.imgType, - imgData: pngTagLossLess2.imgData, - bitmapWidth: pngTagLossLess2.bitmapWidth, - bitmapHeight: pngTagLossLess2.bitmapHeight - })); + const pngTagLossLess2: any = await ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless(tag); + this._tags.push(new ImageTag(pngTagLossLess2.characterId, pngTagLossLess2.code, pngTagLossLess2.imgType, pngTagLossLess2.imgData, pngTagLossLess2.bitmapWidth, pngTagLossLess2.bitmapHeight)); break; } - case 20: { - const pngTagLossless: any = await readImagesDefineBitsLossless(tag); - this._tags.push(new ImageTag({ - code: pngTagLossless.code, - characterID: pngTagLossless.characterId, - imgType: pngTagLossless.imgType, - imgData: pngTagLossless.imgData, - bitmapWidth: pngTagLossless.bitmapWidth, - bitmapHeight: pngTagLossless.bitmapHeight - })); + const pngTagLossless: any = await ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless(tag); + this._tags.push(new ImageTag(pngTagLossless.characterId, pngTagLossless.code, pngTagLossless.imgType, pngTagLossless.imgData, pngTagLossless.bitmapWidth, pngTagLossless.bitmapHeight)); break; } - - case 90: - console.log(tag); - break; - default: //console.log(tag.header.code); break; @@ -172,8 +129,7 @@ export class HabboAssetSWF public getBinaryTagByName(name: string): DefineBinaryDataTag | null { - const streamTag = this.binaryTags() - .filter(tag => tag.className === name)[0]; + const streamTag = this.binaryTags().filter(tag => tag.className === name)[0]; if(streamTag === undefined) return null; diff --git a/src/swf/PackImages.ts b/src/swf/PackImages.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6458e08 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/PackImages.ts @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import { packAsync } from 'free-tex-packer-core'; +import { ImageBundle, SpriteBundle } from '../common'; + +export const PackImages = async (documentClass: string, imageBundle: ImageBundle, convertCase: boolean = false) => +{ + const files = await packAsync(imageBundle.images, { + textureName: (convertCase ? documentClass.substring(1) : documentClass), + width: 10240, + height: 4320, + fixedSize: false, + allowRotation: false, + detectIdentical: true, + allowTrim: true, + //@ts-ignore + exporter: 'Pixi' + }); + + const bundle = new SpriteBundle(); + + for(const item of files) + { + if(item.name.endsWith('.json')) + { + bundle.spritesheet = JSON.parse(item.buffer.toString('utf8')); + + delete bundle.spritesheet.meta.app; + delete bundle.spritesheet.meta.version; + } + else + { + bundle.imageData = { + name: item.name, + buffer: item.buffer + }; + + if(convertCase) bundle.imageData.name = (documentClass.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, (x,y) => ('_' + y.toLowerCase().replace(/^_/, '')))).substring(1); + } + } + + if((bundle.spritesheet !== undefined) && (bundle.imageData !== undefined)) bundle.spritesheet.meta.image = bundle.imageData.name; + + return bundle; +}; diff --git a/src/swf/ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless.ts b/src/swf/ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..698671b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless.ts @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +import encoder from 'png-stream/encoder'; +import streamToArray from 'stream-to-array'; +import { promisify } from 'util'; +import { unzip } from 'zlib'; +import { ISWFTag } from './common'; + +export const ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless = async (tag: Partial) => +{ + const { characterId, bitmapFormat, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, bitmapColorTableSize, zlibBitmapData } = tag; + + const pngEncoder = new encoder(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, { colorSpace: 'rgba' }); + const dataBuf = await promisify(unzip)(zlibBitmapData); + + if(!dataBuf) return null; + const output = Buffer.alloc(bitmapWidth * bitmapHeight * 4); + + let index = 0; + let ptr = 0; + + switch(bitmapFormat) + { + case 5: { + for(let y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; ++y) + { + for(let x = 0; x < bitmapWidth; ++x) + { + const alpha = dataBuf[ptr]; + output[index] = dataBuf[ptr + 1] * (255 / alpha); + output[index + 1] = dataBuf[ptr + 2] * (255 / alpha); + output[index + 2] = dataBuf[ptr + 3] * (255 / alpha); + output[index + 3] = alpha; + index += 4; + ptr += 4; + } + } + + break; + } + case 3: { + // 8-bit colormapped image + const colorMap = []; + + for(let i = 0; i < bitmapColorTableSize + 1; ++i) + { + colorMap.push([dataBuf[ptr], dataBuf[ptr + 1], dataBuf[ptr + 2], dataBuf[ptr + 3]]); + + ptr += 4; + } + + for(let _y2 = 0; _y2 < bitmapHeight; ++_y2) + { + for(let _x2 = 0; _x2 < bitmapWidth; ++_x2) + { + const idx = dataBuf[ptr]; + const color = idx < colorMap.length ? colorMap[idx] : [0, 0, 0, 0]; + output[index] = color[0]; + output[index + 1] = color[1]; + output[index + 2] = color[2]; + output[index + 3] = color[3]; + ptr += 1; + index += 4; + } + + // skip padding + ptr += (4 - bitmapWidth % 4) % 4; + } + + break; + } + default: + // reject(new Error('unhandled bitmapFormat: ' + bitmapFormat)); + break; + } + + pngEncoder.end(output); + + const parts = await streamToArray(pngEncoder); + + const buffers = parts.map(part => Buffer.isBuffer(part) ? part : Buffer.from(part)); + + return { + code: 36, + characterId: characterId, + imgType: 'png', + imgData: Buffer.concat(buffers), + bitmapWidth: bitmapWidth, + bitmapHeight: bitmapHeight + }; +}; diff --git a/src/swf/ReadImagesJPEG3or4.ts b/src/swf/ReadImagesJPEG3or4.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70e804e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/ReadImagesJPEG3or4.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +import * as concatFrames from 'concat-frames'; +import decoder from 'jpg-stream/decoder'; +import encoder from 'png-stream/encoder'; +import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; +import streamToArray from 'stream-to-array'; +import { promisify } from 'util'; +import { unzip } from 'zlib'; +import { SlicedToArray } from '../common'; +import { ISWFTag } from './common'; +import { RecognizeImageHeader } from './RecognizeImageHeader'; + +export const ReadImagesJPEG3or4 = async (code: number, tag: Partial) => +{ + const { characterId, imgData, bitmapAlphaData } = tag; + const imgType = RecognizeImageHeader(imgData); + + if(imgType !== 'jpeg') return { code, characterId, imgType, imgData }; + + const pngEncoder = new encoder(undefined, undefined, { colorSpace: 'rgba' }); + const alphaBufPre = await promisify(unzip)(bitmapAlphaData); + + let alphaBuffer: Buffer = null; + + if(alphaBufPre.length > 0) alphaBuffer = alphaBufPre; + + const bufferStream = new PassThrough(); + + bufferStream.end(imgData); + + bufferStream + .pipe(new decoder()) + .pipe(concatFrames.default((data: any) => + { + const _ref2 = SlicedToArray.slicedToArray(data, 1); + const frame = _ref2[0]; + + const input = frame.pixels; + const pCount = frame.width * frame.height; + const output = Buffer.alloc(pCount * 4); + + if(alphaBuffer !== null && alphaBuffer.length !== pCount) + { + console.error('expect alphaBuf to have size ' + pCount + ' while getting ' + alphaBuffer.length); + } + + const getAlphaBuffer = (i: any) => + { + if(!alphaBuffer) return 0xFF; + + return alphaBuffer[i]; + }; + + for(let i = 0; i < pCount; ++i) + { + output[4 * i] = input[3 * i]; + output[4 * i + 1] = input[3 * i + 1]; + output[4 * i + 2] = input[3 * i + 2]; + output[4 * i + 3] = getAlphaBuffer(i); + } + + pngEncoder.format.width = frame.width; + pngEncoder.format.height = frame.height; + pngEncoder.end(output); + })); + + const parts = await streamToArray(pngEncoder); + const buffers = parts.map(part => Buffer.isBuffer(part) ? part : Buffer.from(part)); + + bufferStream.end(); + + return { + code: code, + characterId: characterId, + imgType: 'png', + imgData: Buffer.concat(buffers) + }; +}; diff --git a/src/swf/ReadSWF.ts b/src/swf/ReadSWF.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9082020 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/ReadSWF.ts @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; +import { UncompressSWF } from './UncompressSWF'; + +export const ReadSWF = async (buffer: Buffer) => +{ + if(Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) return await UncompressSWF(buffer); + + buffer = await readFile(buffer); + + if(!buffer) return null; + + return await UncompressSWF(buffer); +}; diff --git a/src/swf/ReadSWFBuffer.ts b/src/swf/ReadSWFBuffer.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25a2176 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/ReadSWFBuffer.ts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +import { ISWF } from './common'; +import { readSWFTags } from './ReadSWFTags'; +import { SWFBuffer } from './SWFBuffer'; + +export const ReadSWFBuff = (swfBuffer: SWFBuffer, rawBuffer: Buffer) => +{ + if(!swfBuffer || !rawBuffer) return null; + + swfBuffer.seek(3); + + if(swfBuffer.length < 9) + { + console.error('Buffer is to small, must be greater than 9 bytes.'); + + return null; + } + + const swf: ISWF = { + version: swfBuffer.readUInt8(), + fileLength: { + compressed: rawBuffer.length, + uncompressed: swfBuffer.readUIntLE(32) + }, + frameSize: swfBuffer.readRect(), + frameRate: (swfBuffer.readUIntLE(16) / 256), + frameCount: swfBuffer.readUIntLE(16), + }; + + swf.tags = readSWFTags(swfBuffer, swf); + + return swf; +}; diff --git a/src/swf/ReadSWFTags.ts b/src/swf/ReadSWFTags.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cb4505 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/ReadSWFTags.ts @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +import { ISWF, ISWFFileAttributes, ISWFTag, ISWFTagHeader } from './common'; +import { SWFBuffer } from './SWFBuffer'; +import { SWFTags } from './SWFTags'; + +export const readSWFTags = (buffer: SWFBuffer, swf: Partial) => +{ + const tags: Partial[] = []; + + let header: ISWFTagHeader = null; + + while((header = buffer.readTagCodeAndLength())) + { + const tag: Partial = { header }; + + switch(header.code) + { + case SWFTags.FileAttributes: { + const flag = buffer.readUIntLE(32); + const fileAttrs: Partial = {}; + + fileAttrs.useNetwork = tag.useNetwork = !!(flag & 0x1); + fileAttrs.as3 = tag.as3 = !!(flag & 0x8); + fileAttrs.hasMetaData = tag.hasMetaData = !!(flag & 0x10); + fileAttrs.useGPU = tag.useGPU = !!(flag & 0x20); + fileAttrs.useDirectBit = tag.useDirectBit = !!(flag & 0x40); + + swf.fileAttributes = fileAttrs; + break; + } + case SWFTags.Metadata: + swf.metadata = tag.metadata = buffer.readString(); + break; + case SWFTags.SetBackgroundColor: + tag.RGB = buffer.readRGB(); + swf.backgroundColor = ('#' + ((tag.RGB[0] * 65536) + (tag.RGB[1] * 256) + tag.RGB[0]).toString(16)); + break; + case SWFTags.Protect: + swf.protect = header.length && buffer.readString(); + break; + case SWFTags.DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData: { + let sc = tag.sceneCount = buffer.readEncodedU32(); + tag.scenes = []; + + while(sc--) tag.scenes.push({ + offset: buffer.readEncodedU32(), + name: buffer.readString() + }); + + let fc = tag.frameLabelCount = buffer.readEncodedU32(); + tag.labels = []; + + while(fc--) tag.labels.push({ + frameNum: buffer.readEncodedU32(), + frameLabel: buffer.readString() + }); + break; + } + case SWFTags.FrameLabel: { + tag.name = buffer.readString(); + const l = Buffer.byteLength(tag.name); + if(l && ((header.length - 1) !== l)) tag.anchor = buffer.readUInt8(); + break; + } + case SWFTags.DefineSprite: + tag.SpriteID = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.FrameCount = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.ControlTags = readSWFTags(buffer, swf); + break; + case SWFTags.ExportAssets: { + tag.count = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.assets = []; + + let l = 0; + + while(l++ < tag.count) tag.assets.push({ + id: buffer.readUIntLE(16), + name: buffer.readString() + }); + break; + } + case SWFTags.ImportAssets: { + tag.url = buffer.readString(); + tag.count = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.assets = []; + + let l = 0; + + while(l++ < tag.count) tag.assets.push({ + id: buffer.readUIntLE(16), + name: buffer.readString() + }); + break; + } + case SWFTags.ImportAssets2: { + tag.url = buffer.readString(); + + if(!((1 === buffer.readUInt8()) && (0 === buffer.readUInt8()))) throw new Error('Reserved bits for ImportAssets2 used'); + + tag.count = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.assets = []; + + let l = 0; + + while(l++ < tag.count) tag.assets.push({ + id: buffer.readUIntLE(16), + name: buffer.readString() + }); + break; + } + case SWFTags.EnableDebugger: + tag.password = buffer.readString(); + break; + case SWFTags.EnableDebugger2: + tag.password = buffer.readString(); + break; + case SWFTags.ScriptLimits: + tag.maxRecursionDepth = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.scriptTimeoutSeconds = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + break; + case SWFTags.SymbolClass: { + tag.numSymbols = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.symbols = []; + + let l = 0; + + while(l++ < tag.numSymbols) tag.symbols.push({ + id: buffer.readUIntLE(16), + name: buffer.readString() + }); + break; + } + case SWFTags.DefineScalingGrid: + tag.characterId = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.splitter = buffer.readRect(); + break; + case SWFTags.SetTabIndex: + tag.depth = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.tabIndex = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + break; + case SWFTags.JPEGTables: + tag.jpegData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + header.length); + buffer.pointer += header.length; + break; + case SWFTags.DefineBits: + tag.characterId = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.jpegData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + header.length - 2); + buffer.pointer += (header.length - 2); + break; + case SWFTags.DefineBitsJPEG2: + tag.characterId = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.imgData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + header.length - 2); + buffer.pointer += (header.length - 2); + break; + case SWFTags.DefineBitsJPEG3: { + tag.characterId = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + const alphaDataOffset = buffer.readUIntLE(32); + tag.imgData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + alphaDataOffset); + buffer.pointer += alphaDataOffset; + const restLength = ((header.length - 6) - alphaDataOffset); + tag.bitmapAlphaData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + restLength); + buffer.pointer += restLength; + break; + } + case SWFTags.DefineBitsJPEG4: { + tag.characterId = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + const alphaDataOffset = buffer.readUIntLE(32); + tag.deblockParam = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.imgData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + alphaDataOffset); + buffer.pointer += alphaDataOffset; + const restLength = ((header.length - 8) - alphaDataOffset); + tag.bitmapAlphaData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + restLength); + buffer.pointer += restLength; + break; + } + case SWFTags.DefineBitsLossless: + case SWFTags.DefineBitsLossless2: { + tag.characterId = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.bitmapFormat = buffer.readUInt8(); + tag.bitmapWidth = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + tag.bitmapHeight = buffer.readUIntLE(16); + let restLength = (header.length - 7); + + if(tag.bitmapFormat === 3) + { + tag.bitmapColorTableSize = buffer.readUInt8(); + restLength--; + } + + tag.zlibBitmapData = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + restLength); + buffer.pointer += restLength; + break; + } + default: + tag.data = buffer.buffer.slice(buffer.pointer, buffer.pointer + header.length); + buffer.pointer += header.length; + break; + } + + tags.push(tag); + } + + return tags; +}; diff --git a/src/swf/RecognizeImageHeader.ts b/src/swf/RecognizeImageHeader.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be94dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/RecognizeImageHeader.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +const pngMagic = Buffer.from('0x89 0x50 0x4E 0x47 0x0D 0x0A 0x1A 0x0A'.split(' ').map(Number)); +const gifMagic = Buffer.from('0x47 0x49 0x46 0x38 0x39 0x61'.split(' ').map(Number)); +const jpegMagic = Buffer.from('0xFF 0xD8'.split(' ').map(Number)); + +export const RecognizeImageHeader = (buffer: Buffer) => +{ + if(pngMagic.equals(buffer.slice(0, pngMagic.length))) return 'png'; + if(gifMagic.equals(buffer.slice(0, gifMagic.length))) return 'gif'; + if(jpegMagic.equals(buffer.slice(0, jpegMagic.length))) return 'jpeg'; + + console.error('Unknown format:', buffer.slice(0, 8)); + + return null; +}; diff --git a/src/swf-reader/lib/SWFBuffer.ts b/src/swf/SWFBuffer.ts similarity index 78% rename from src/swf-reader/lib/SWFBuffer.ts rename to src/swf/SWFBuffer.ts index bbc9012..56751ba 100644 --- a/src/swf-reader/lib/SWFBuffer.ts +++ b/src/swf/SWFBuffer.ts @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export class SWFBuffer public static EOS: number = 0x00; public static STYLE_COUNT_EXT: number = 0xFF; - public buffer: Buffer + public buffer: Buffer = null; public pointer: number = 0; public position: number = 1; public current: number = 0; @@ -12,10 +12,7 @@ export class SWFBuffer constructor(buffer: Buffer) { - if(!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) - { - throw new Error('invalid_buffer'); - } + if(!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) throw new Error('invalid_buffer'); this.buffer = buffer; this.length = buffer.length; @@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ export class SWFBuffer break; } - this.pointer += bits / 8; + this.pointer += (bits / 8); return value; } @@ -69,13 +66,13 @@ export class SWFBuffer return [ ...this.readRGB(), this.readUInt8() ]; } - public readString(encoding: BufferEncoding): string + public readString(encoding: BufferEncoding = 'utf8'): string { const init = this.pointer; while(this.readUInt8() !== SWFBuffer.EOS); - return this.buffer.toString(encoding || 'utf8', init, this.pointer - 1); + return this.buffer.toString((encoding || 'utf8'), init, (this.pointer - 1)); } public readStyleArray(buffer: SWFBuffer, next) @@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ export class SWFBuffer public readLineStyle(buffer: SWFBuffer): { width: number, color: [ number, number, number, number ]} { return { - width: buffer.readUIntLE(16)/20, + width: (buffer.readUIntLE(16) / 20), color: buffer.readRGBA() }; } @@ -149,10 +146,10 @@ export class SWFBuffer public readShapeWithStyle() { return { - fillStyles : this.readStyleArray(this, this.readFillStyle), - lineStyles : this.readStyleArray(this, this.readLineStyle), - numFillBits : this.readBits(4), - numLineBits : this.readBits(4), + fillStyles: this.readStyleArray(this, this.readFillStyle), + lineStyles: this.readStyleArray(this, this.readLineStyle), + numFillBits: this.readBits(4), + numLineBits: this.readBits(4), shapeRecords: this.readShapeRecords(this) }; } @@ -162,8 +159,8 @@ export class SWFBuffer if(this.pointer === this.length) return null; const n = this.readUIntLE(16); - const tagType = n >> 6; - let tagLength = n & SWFBuffer.RECORDHEADER_LENTH_FULL; + const tagType = (n >> 6); + let tagLength = (n & SWFBuffer.RECORDHEADER_LENTH_FULL); if(n === 0) return null; @@ -177,22 +174,22 @@ export class SWFBuffer this.start(); const NBits = this.readBits(5); - const Xmin = this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20; - const Xmax = this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20; - const Ymin = this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20; - const Ymax = this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20; + const Xmin = (this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20); + const Xmax = (this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20); + const Ymin = (this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20); + const Ymax = (this.readBits(NBits, true) / 20); return { - x : Xmin, - y : Ymin, - width : (Xmax > Xmin ? Xmax - Xmin : Xmin - Xmax), - height : (Ymax > Ymin ? Ymax - Ymin : Ymin - Ymax) + x: Xmin, + y: Ymin, + width: (Xmax > Xmin ? (Xmax - Xmin) : (Xmin - Xmax)), + height: (Ymax > Ymin ? (Ymax - Ymin) : (Ymin - Ymax)) }; } public seek(pos: number): void { - this.pointer = pos % this.buffer.length; + this.pointer = (pos % this.buffer.length); } public start(): void @@ -217,9 +214,9 @@ export class SWFBuffer { if( this.position > 8 ) this.start(); - r = (r << 1 ) + ((this.current >> (8 - this.position++)) & 1); + r = (r << 1) + ((this.current >> (8 - this.position++)) & 1); } - return sign * r; + return (sign * r); } } diff --git a/src/swf/SWFDownloader.ts b/src/swf/SWFDownloader.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0a680f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/SWFDownloader.ts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import { FileUtilities } from '../common'; +import { HabboAssetSWF } from './HabboAssetSWF'; + +export class SWFDownloader +{ + public static USES_REVISION: boolean = true; + public static LOG_DOWNLOADS: boolean = true; + + public static getDownloadUrl(baseUrl: string, className: string, revision: string): string + { + let url = baseUrl; + + if(!url || !url.length) return null; + + if(SWFDownloader.USES_REVISION && (revision !== '-1')) url = url.replace('%revision%', revision.toString()); + + url = url.replace('%className%', className); + + return url; + } + + public static async downloadFromUrl(url: string): Promise + { + return await this.extractSWF(url); + } + + public static async extractSWF(url: string): Promise + { + const buffer = await FileUtilities.readFileAsBuffer(url); + + if(!buffer) return null; + + const habboAssetSWF = new HabboAssetSWF(buffer); + + await habboAssetSWF.setupAsync(); + + return habboAssetSWF; + } +} diff --git a/src/swf/SWFTags.ts b/src/swf/SWFTags.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f0d2c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/SWFTags.ts @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +export class SWFTags +{ + public static End: number = 0; + public static ShowFrame: number = 1; + public static DefineShape: number = 2; + public static PlaceObject: number = 4; + public static RemoveObject: number = 5; + public static DefineBits: number = 6; + public static DefineButton: number = 7; + public static JPEGTables: number = 8; + public static SetBackgroundColor: number = 9; + public static DefineFont: number = 10; + public static DefineText: number = 11; + public static DoAction: number = 12; + public static DefineFontInfo: number = 13; + public static DefineSound: number = 14; + public static StartSound: number = 15; + public static DefineButtonSound: number = 17; + public static SoundStreamHead: number = 18; + public static SoundStreamBlock: number = 19; + public static DefineBitsLossless: number = 20; + public static DefineBitsJPEG2: number = 21; + public static DefineShape2: number = 22; + public static DefineButtonCxform: number = 23; + public static Protect: number = 24; + public static PlaceObject2: number = 26; + public static RemoveObject2: number = 28; + public static DefineShape3: number = 32; + public static DefineText2: number = 33; + public static DefineButton2: number = 34; + public static DefineBitsJPEG3: number = 35; + public static DefineBitsLossless2: number = 36; + public static DefineEditText: number = 37; + public static DefineSprite: number = 39; + public static SerialNumber: number = 41; + public static FrameLabel: number = 43; + public static SoundStreamHead2: number = 45; + public static DefineMorphShape: number = 46; + public static DefineFont2: number = 48; + public static ExportAssets: number = 56; + public static ImportAssets: number = 57; + public static EnableDebugger: number = 58; + public static DoInitAction: number = 59; + public static DefineVideoStream: number = 60; + public static VideoFrame: number = 61; + public static DefineFontInfo2: number = 62; + public static EnableDebugger2: number = 64; + public static ScriptLimits: number = 65; + public static SetTabIndex: number = 66; + public static FileAttributes: number = 69; + public static PlaceObject3: number = 70; + public static ImportAssets2: number = 71; + public static DefineFontAlignZones: number = 73; + public static CSMTextSettings: number = 74; + public static DefineFont3: number = 75; + public static SymbolClass: number = 76; + public static Metadata: number = 77; + public static DefineScalingGrid: number = 78; + public static DoABC: number = 82; + public static DefineShape4: number = 83; + public static DefineMorphShape2: number = 84; + public static DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData: number = 86; + public static DefineBinaryData: number = 87; + public static DefineFontName: number = 88; + public static StartSound2: number = 89; + public static DefineBitsJPEG4: number = 90; + public static DefineFont4: number = 91; +} diff --git a/src/common/converters/SWFConverter.ts b/src/swf/SWFUtilities.ts similarity index 85% rename from src/common/converters/SWFConverter.ts rename to src/swf/SWFUtilities.ts index e3d20aa..e90e72a 100644 --- a/src/common/converters/SWFConverter.ts +++ b/src/swf/SWFUtilities.ts @@ -1,14 +1,10 @@ import { wrap } from 'bytebuffer'; import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js'; -import { IAssetData } from '../../mapping/json'; -import { AnimationMapper, AssetMapper, IndexMapper, LogicMapper, ManifestMapper, VisualizationMapper } from '../../mapping/mappers'; -import { HabboAssetSWF } from '../../swf/HabboAssetSWF'; -import { DefineBinaryDataTag } from '../../swf/tags/DefineBinaryDataTag'; -import { NitroBundle } from '../../utils/NitroBundle'; -import { SpriteBundle } from '../bundle/SpriteBundle'; -import { Converter } from './Converter'; +import { AnimationMapper, AssetMapper, IAssetData, IndexMapper, LogicMapper, ManifestMapper, NitroBundle, SpriteBundle, VisualizationMapper } from '../common'; +import { HabboAssetSWF } from './HabboAssetSWF'; +import { DefineBinaryDataTag } from './tags'; -export class SWFConverter extends Converter +export class SWFUtilities { private static removeComments(data: string): string { @@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static async getManifestXML(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, snakeCase: boolean = false): Promise { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'manifest', false, snakeCase); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'manifest', false, snakeCase); if(!binaryData) return null; @@ -53,7 +49,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static async getIndexXML(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, snakeCase: boolean = false): Promise { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'index', false, snakeCase); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'index', false, snakeCase); if(!binaryData) return null; @@ -62,7 +58,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static async getAssetsXML(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, snakeCase: boolean = false): Promise { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'assets', true, snakeCase); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'assets', true, snakeCase); if(!binaryData) return null; @@ -71,7 +67,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static async getLogicXML(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, snakeCase: boolean = false): Promise { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'logic', true, snakeCase); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'logic', true, snakeCase); if(!binaryData) return null; @@ -80,7 +76,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static async getVisualizationXML(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, snakeCase: boolean = false): Promise { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'visualization', true, snakeCase); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'visualization', true, snakeCase); if(!binaryData) return null; @@ -89,7 +85,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static async getAnimationXML(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, snakeCase: boolean = false): Promise { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'animation', false, snakeCase); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, 'animation', false, snakeCase); if(!binaryData) return null; @@ -98,7 +94,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter public static getPalette(habboAssetSWF: HabboAssetSWF, paletteName: string): [ number, number, number ][] { - const binaryData = SWFConverter.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, paletteName, false); + const binaryData = SWFUtilities.getBinaryData(habboAssetSWF, paletteName, false); if(!binaryData || !binaryData.binaryDataBuffer) return null; @@ -138,7 +134,7 @@ export class SWFConverter extends Converter const output: IAssetData = {}; - output.type = assetType; + if(assetType) output.type = assetType; const indexXML = await this.getIndexXML(habboAssetSWF, snakeCase); diff --git a/src/swf/UncompressSWF.ts b/src/swf/UncompressSWF.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b7ba3e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/UncompressSWF.ts @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +import * as lzma from 'lzma-purejs'; +import { Stream } from 'stream'; +import { promisify } from 'util'; +import { unzip } from 'zlib'; +import { ReadSWFBuff } from './ReadSWFBuffer'; +import { SWFBuffer } from './SWFBuffer'; + +export const UncompressSWF = async (rawBuffer: Buffer) => +{ + if(!Buffer.isBuffer(rawBuffer)) return null; + + let compressedBuffer = rawBuffer.slice(8); + + switch(rawBuffer[0]) + { + case 0x43: { // zlib compressed + const buffer = await (promisify(unzip)(compressedBuffer)); + + if(!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) return null; + + return ReadSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer(buffer), rawBuffer); + } + case 0x46: // uncompressed + return ReadSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer(rawBuffer), rawBuffer); + case 0x5a: { // LZMA compressed + const lzmaProperties = compressedBuffer.slice(4, 9); + compressedBuffer = compressedBuffer.slice(9); + + const inputStream = new Stream(); + + let inputPos = 0; + + //@ts-ignore + inputStream.readByte = () => + { + return inputPos >= compressedBuffer.length ? -1 : compressedBuffer[inputPos++]; + }; + + const outputStream = new Stream(); + + let outputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(16384); + let outputPos = 0; + + //@ts-ignore + outputStream.writeByte = (_byte: number) => + { + if(outputPos >= outputBuffer.length) + { + const newBuffer = Buffer.alloc(outputBuffer.length * 2); + + outputBuffer.copy(newBuffer); + outputBuffer = newBuffer; + } + + outputBuffer[outputPos++] = _byte; + + return true; + }; + + //@ts-ignore + outputStream.getBuffer = () => + { + // trim buffer + if(outputPos !== outputBuffer.length) + { + const newBuffer = Buffer.alloc(outputPos); + outputBuffer.copy(newBuffer, 0, 0, outputPos); + outputBuffer = newBuffer; + } + + return outputBuffer; + }; + + lzma.decompress(lzmaProperties, inputStream, outputStream, -1); + + //@ts-ignore + const buffer = Buffer.concat([ rawBuffer.slice(0, 8), outputStream.getBuffer() ]); + + if(!Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) return null; + + return ReadSWFBuff(new SWFBuffer(buffer), rawBuffer); + } + } + + return null; +}; diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWF.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWF.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed97c88 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWF.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { ISWFFileAttributes } from './ISWFFileAttributes'; +import { ISWFFileLength } from './ISWFFileLength'; +import { ISWFFrameSize } from './ISWFFrameSize'; +import { ISWFTag } from './ISWFTag'; + +export interface ISWF +{ + version?: number; + fileLength?: ISWFFileLength; + frameSize?: ISWFFrameSize; + frameRate?: number; + frameCount?: number; + backgroundColor?: string; + fileAttributes?: Partial; + metadata?: string; + protect?: string; + tags?: Partial[]; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFFileAttributes.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFFileAttributes.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a396f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFFileAttributes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +export interface ISWFFileAttributes +{ + useNetwork: boolean, + as3: boolean, + hasMetaData: boolean, + useGPU: boolean, + useDirectBit: boolean +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFFileLength.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFFileLength.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac51b9f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFFileLength.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export interface ISWFFileLength +{ + compressed: number; + uncompressed: number; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFFrameSize.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFFrameSize.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad43e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFFrameSize.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +export interface ISWFFrameSize +{ + x: number; + y: number; + width: number; + height: number; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTag.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTag.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7ff7ef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTag.ts @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +import { ISWFTagAsset } from './ISWFTagAsset'; +import { ISWFTagHeader } from './ISWFTagHeader'; +import { ISWFTagLabel } from './ISWFTagLabel'; +import { ISWFTagScene } from './ISWFTagScene'; +import { ISWFTagSplitter } from './ISWFTagSplitter'; +import { ISWFTagSymbol } from './ISWFTagSymbol'; + +export interface ISWFTag +{ + header: ISWFTagHeader; + useNetwork: boolean; + as3: boolean; + hasMetaData: boolean; + useGPU: boolean; + useDirectBit: boolean; + metadata: string; + RGB: [ number, number, number ]; + sceneCount: number; + scenes: ISWFTagScene[]; + frameLabelCount: number; + labels: ISWFTagLabel[]; + name: string; + anchor: number; + SpriteID: number; + FrameCount: number; + ControlTags: Partial[]; + count: number; + assets: ISWFTagAsset[]; + url: string; + characterId: number; + bitmapFormat: number; + bitmapWidth: number; + bitmapHeight: number; + bitmapColorTableSize: number; + zlibBitmapData: Buffer; + deblockParam: number; + imgData: Buffer; + bitmapAlphaData: Buffer; + jpegData: Buffer; + data: Buffer; + splitter: ISWFTagSplitter; + depth: number; + tabIndex: number; + password: string; + maxRecursionDepth: number; + scriptTimeoutSeconds: number; + numSymbols: number; + symbols: ISWFTagSymbol[]; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTagAsset.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagAsset.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de5be06 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagAsset.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export interface ISWFTagAsset +{ + id: number; + name: string; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTagHeader.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagHeader.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba6d6b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagHeader.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export interface ISWFTagHeader +{ + code: number; + length: number; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTagLabel.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagLabel.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b2f2e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagLabel.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export interface ISWFTagLabel +{ + frameNum: number; + frameLabel: string; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTagScene.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagScene.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fa49f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagScene.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export interface ISWFTagScene +{ + offset: number; + name: string; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTagSplitter.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagSplitter.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03f30f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagSplitter.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +export interface ISWFTagSplitter +{ + x: number; + y: number; + width: number; + height: number; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/ISWFTagSymbol.ts b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagSymbol.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72f7a1d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/ISWFTagSymbol.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +export interface ISWFTagSymbol +{ + id: number; + name: string; +} diff --git a/src/swf/common/index.ts b/src/swf/common/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c61164d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/common/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +export * from './ISWF'; +export * from './ISWFFileAttributes'; +export * from './ISWFFileLength'; +export * from './ISWFFrameSize'; +export * from './ISWFTag'; +export * from './ISWFTagAsset'; +export * from './ISWFTagHeader'; +export * from './ISWFTagLabel'; +export * from './ISWFTagScene'; +export * from './ISWFTagSplitter'; +export * from './ISWFTagSymbol'; diff --git a/src/swf/index.ts b/src/swf/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da1aa20 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +export * from './common'; +export * from './ConcatSWFHeader'; +export * from './GenerateNitroBundleFromSwf'; +export * from './GenerateSpritesheet'; +export * from './HabboAssetSWF'; +export * from './PackImages'; +export * from './ReadImagesDefineBitsLossless'; +export * from './ReadImagesJPEG3or4'; +export * from './ReadSWF'; +export * from './ReadSWFBuffer'; +export * from './ReadSWFTags'; +export * from './RecognizeImageHeader'; +export * from './SWFBuffer'; +export * from './SWFDownloader'; +export * from './SWFTags'; +export * from './SWFUtilities'; +export * from './tags'; +export * from './UncompressSWF'; diff --git a/src/swf/tags/CharacterTag.ts b/src/swf/tags/CharacterTag.ts index 2f44f53..3f8d35d 100644 --- a/src/swf/tags/CharacterTag.ts +++ b/src/swf/tags/CharacterTag.ts @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ export abstract class CharacterTag { private _className: string = ''; - private _characterId: number = -1; + + constructor( + protected _characterId: number = 1 + ) + {} public get className(): string { diff --git a/src/swf/tags/ImageTag.ts b/src/swf/tags/ImageTag.ts index 422cec1..b8e09b1 100644 --- a/src/swf/tags/ImageTag.ts +++ b/src/swf/tags/ImageTag.ts @@ -3,27 +3,16 @@ import { ITag } from './ITag'; export class ImageTag extends CharacterTag implements ITag { - private readonly _code: number; - private readonly _characterID: number; - private readonly _imgType: string; - private readonly _imgData: Buffer; - - private readonly _bitmapWidth: number; - private readonly _bitmapHeight: number; - - constructor(image: { code: number, characterID: number, imgType: string, imgData: Buffer, bitmapWidth: number, bitmapHeight: number }) + constructor( + protected _characterId: number, + private _code: number, + private _imgType: string, + private _imgData: Buffer, + private _imgWidth: number = 0, + private _imgHeight: number = 0 + ) { - super(); - - this._code = image.code; - this._characterID = image.characterID; - this._imgType = image.imgType; - this._imgData = image.imgData; - - this.characterId = this._characterID; - - this._bitmapWidth = image.bitmapWidth; - this._bitmapHeight = image.bitmapHeight; + super(_characterId); } public get code(): number @@ -31,11 +20,6 @@ export class ImageTag extends CharacterTag implements ITag return this._code; } - public get characterID(): number - { - return this._characterID; - } - public get imgType(): string { return this._imgType; @@ -46,13 +30,13 @@ export class ImageTag extends CharacterTag implements ITag return this._imgData; } - public get bitmapWidth(): number + public get imgWidth(): number { - return this._bitmapWidth; + return this._imgWidth; } - public get bitmapHeight(): number + public get imgHeight(): number { - return this._bitmapHeight; + return this._imgHeight; } } diff --git a/src/swf/tags/index.ts b/src/swf/tags/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cb05c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/swf/tags/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +export * from './CharacterTag'; +export * from './DefineBinaryDataTag'; +export * from './ImageTag'; +export * from './ISymbolClass'; +export * from './ITag'; +export * from './SymbolClassTag'; diff --git a/src/utils/File.ts b/src/utils/File.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5ff7c3a..0000000 --- a/src/utils/File.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -import { existsSync, lstatSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, RmOptions, rmSync } from 'fs'; - -export class File -{ - private readonly _path: string; - - constructor(path: string) - { - this._path = path; - } - - public exists(): boolean - { - return existsSync(this._path); - } - - public mkdirs(): void - { - return mkdirSync(this._path); - } - - public list(): string[] - { - const test = readdirSync(this._path); - - return test; - } - - public isDirectory(): boolean - { - return this.exists() && lstatSync(this._path).isDirectory(); - } - - public rmdir(options: RmOptions): void - { - return rmSync(this._path, options); - } - - public get path(): string - { - return this._path; - } -} diff --git a/src/utils/Logger.ts b/src/utils/Logger.ts deleted file mode 100644 index b185fe3..0000000 --- a/src/utils/Logger.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -import { WriteStream } from 'fs'; -import { singleton } from 'tsyringe'; - -@singleton() -export class Logger -{ - private _fileName: string = `error-${ Date.now() }.log`; - private _writeStream: WriteStream = null; - - constructor() - { - - } - - public logError(message: string): void - { - // - } -} diff --git a/src/utils/NitroBundle.ts b/src/utils/NitroBundle.ts deleted file mode 100644 index a81c84d..0000000 --- a/src/utils/NitroBundle.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -import * as ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer'; -import { promisify } from 'util'; -import * as zlib from 'zlib'; - -const gzip = promisify(zlib.gzip); - -export class NitroBundle -{ - private readonly _files: Map; - - constructor() - { - this._files = new Map(); - } - - addFile(name: string, data: Buffer) - { - this._files.set(name, data); - } - - async toBufferAsync() - { - const buffer = new ByteBuffer(); - - buffer.writeUint16(this._files.size); - - const iterator = this._files.entries(); - let result: IteratorResult<[string, Buffer]> = iterator.next(); - while(!result.done) - { - const fileName = result.value[0]; - const file = result.value[1]; - - buffer.writeUint16(fileName.length); - buffer.writeString(fileName); - - const compressed = await gzip(file); - buffer.writeUint32(compressed.length); - buffer.append(compressed); - - result = iterator.next(); - } - - return buffer.flip().toBuffer(); - } -} diff --git a/src/utils/SwfReader.ts b/src/utils/SwfReader.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9c1d795..0000000 --- a/src/utils/SwfReader.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ -import {writeFileSync} from "fs"; - -const SWFReader = require('../swf-reader/index.js'); - -const _encoder = require('png-stream/encoder'); - -const _encoder2 = _interopRequireDefault(_encoder); - -const _zlib = require('zlib'); - -const _zlib2 = _interopRequireDefault(_zlib); - -const _streamToArray = require('stream-to-array'); - -const _streamToArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(_streamToArray); - -const _stream = require('stream'); - -const _stream2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stream); - -const _decoder = require('jpg-stream/decoder'); - -const _decoder2 = _interopRequireDefault(_decoder); - -function _interopRequireDefault(obj: any) -{ - return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; -} - -const _concatFrames = require('concat-frames'); - -const _concatFrames2 = _interopRequireDefault(_concatFrames); - -const _slicedToArray = function () -{ - function sliceIterator(arr: any, i: any) - { - const _arr = []; - let _n = true; - let _d = false; - let _e = undefined; - try - { - for(var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) - { - _arr.push(_s.value); - if(i && _arr.length === i) break; - } - } - catch (err) - { - _d = true; - _e = err; - } - finally - { - try - { - if(!_n && _i['return']) _i['return'](); - } - finally - { - if(_d) throw _e; - } - } - return _arr; - } - - return function (arr: any, i: any) - { - if(Array.isArray(arr)) - { - return arr; - } - else if(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) - { - return sliceIterator(arr, i); - } - else - { - throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'); - } - }; -}(); - -export function readSwfAsync(data: string | Buffer): Promise -{ - return new Promise(((resolve, reject) => - { - SWFReader.read(data, function (err: Error, swf: any) - { - if(err) - { - reject(err); - } - resolve(swf); - }); - })); -} - -const pngMagic = Buffer.from('0x89 0x50 0x4E 0x47 0x0D 0x0A 0x1A 0x0A'.split(' ').map(Number)); -const gifMagic = Buffer.from('0x47 0x49 0x46 0x38 0x39 0x61'.split(' ').map(Number)); -const jpegMagic = Buffer.from('0xFF 0xD8'.split(' ').map(Number)); -const recognizeHeader = function recognizeHeader(buffer: Buffer) -{ - if(pngMagic.equals(buffer.slice(0, pngMagic.length))) return 'png'; - if(gifMagic.equals(buffer.slice(0, gifMagic.length))) return 'gif'; - if(jpegMagic.equals(buffer.slice(0, jpegMagic.length))) return 'jpeg'; - - throw new Error('unknown format: ' + buffer.slice(0, 8)); -}; - -export async function readImagesJPEG3or4(code: number, tagData: any): Promise -{ - const characterId = tagData.characterId, - imageData = tagData.imageData; - - const imgType = recognizeHeader(imageData); - if(imgType !== 'jpeg') - { - return { - code: code, - characterId: characterId, - imgType: imgType, - imgData: imageData - }; - } - - const bitmapAlphaData = tagData.bitmapAlphaData; - - return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) - { - const enc = new _encoder2.default(undefined, undefined, { colorSpace: 'rgba' }); - _zlib2.default.unzip(bitmapAlphaData, function (err: any, alphaBufPre: any) - { - // INVARIANT: alphaBuf is either null or a non-empty buffer - let alphaBuf: any = null; - if(err) - { - /* - Due to a bug present in node zlib (https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/17041) - unzipping an empty buffer can raise "unexpected end of file" error. - We fix this here so that our impl does not depend on the version of node - being used. - Theoretically every zlib.unzip call needs to be guarded, but for this package, - other two zlib.unzip call happens at sites that an empty uncompressed Buffer - does not make sense. So I think the current fix is good enough. - */ - if(bitmapAlphaData && bitmapAlphaData.length > 0) - { - return reject(new Error(err)); - } - // leaving alphaBuf as null - } - else - { - // ensure alphaBuf is only assigned an non-empty Buffer - if(alphaBufPre.length > 0) alphaBuf = alphaBufPre; - } - const bufferStream = new _stream2.default.PassThrough(); - bufferStream.end(imageData); - bufferStream.pipe(new _decoder2.default()).pipe((_concatFrames2.default)(function (_ref: any) - { - const _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 1), - frame = _ref2[0]; - - const input = frame.pixels; - const pCount = frame.width * frame.height; - const output = Buffer.alloc(pCount * 4); - if(alphaBuf !== null && alphaBuf.length !== pCount) - { - console.error('expect alphaBuf to have size ' + pCount + ' while getting ' + alphaBuf.length); - } - const getAlphaBuf = alphaBuf === null ? function (_ignored: any) - { - return 0xff; - } : function (i: any) - { - return alphaBuf[i]; - }; - - for(let i = 0; i < pCount; ++i) - { - output[4 * i] = input[3 * i]; - output[4 * i + 1] = input[3 * i + 1]; - output[4 * i + 2] = input[3 * i + 2]; - output[4 * i + 3] = getAlphaBuf(i); - } - enc.format.width = frame.width; - enc.format.height = frame.height; - enc.end(output); - })); - }); - (_streamToArray2.default)(enc).then(function (parts: any) - { - const buffers = parts.map(function (part: any) - { - return Buffer.isBuffer(part) ? part : Buffer.from(part); - }); - resolve({ - code: code, - characterId: characterId, - imgType: 'png', - imgData: Buffer.concat(buffers) - }); - }); - }); -} - -export interface ImageTagData { - code: number, - characterId: number, - imgType: string, - imgData: Buffer, - bitmapWidth: number, - bitmapHeight: number -} - -export function readImagesDefineBitsLossless(tag: any) -{ - const characterId = tag.characterId, - bitmapFormat = tag.bitmapFormat, - bitmapWidth = tag.bitmapWidth, - bitmapHeight = tag.bitmapHeight, - bitmapColorTableSize = tag.bitmapColorTableSize, - zlibBitmapData = tag.zlibBitmapData; - - - return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) - { - const enc = new _encoder2.default(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, { colorSpace: 'rgba' }); - - _zlib2.default.unzip(zlibBitmapData, function (err: any, dataBuf: any) - { - if(err) - { - return reject(new Error(err)); - } - const output = Buffer.alloc(bitmapWidth * bitmapHeight * 4); - let index = 0; - let ptr = 0; - if(bitmapFormat === 5) - { - // 32-bit ARGB image - for(let y = 0; y < bitmapHeight; ++y) - { - for(let x = 0; x < bitmapWidth; ++x) - { - const alpha = dataBuf[ptr]; - output[index] = dataBuf[ptr + 1] * (255 / alpha); - output[index + 1] = dataBuf[ptr + 2] * (255 / alpha); - output[index + 2] = dataBuf[ptr + 3] * (255 / alpha); - output[index + 3] = alpha; - index += 4; - ptr += 4; - } - } - } - else if(bitmapFormat === 3) - { - // 8-bit colormapped image - const colorMap = []; - for(let i = 0; i < bitmapColorTableSize + 1; ++i) - { - colorMap.push([dataBuf[ptr], dataBuf[ptr + 1], dataBuf[ptr + 2], dataBuf[ptr + 3]]); - ptr += 4; - } - for(let _y2 = 0; _y2 < bitmapHeight; ++_y2) - { - for(let _x2 = 0; _x2 < bitmapWidth; ++_x2) - { - const idx = dataBuf[ptr]; - const color = idx < colorMap.length ? colorMap[idx] : [0, 0, 0, 0]; - output[index] = color[0]; - output[index + 1] = color[1]; - output[index + 2] = color[2]; - output[index + 3] = color[3]; - ptr += 1; - index += 4; - } - // skip padding - ptr += (4 - bitmapWidth % 4) % 4; - } - } - else - { - return reject(new Error('unhandled bitmapFormat: ' + bitmapFormat)); - } - enc.end(output); - }); - - (_streamToArray2.default)(enc).then(function (parts: any) - { - const buffers = parts.map(function (part: any) - { - return Buffer.isBuffer(part) ? part : Buffer.from(part); - }); - resolve({ - code: 36, - characterId: characterId, - imgType: 'png', - imgData: Buffer.concat(buffers), - bitmapWidth: bitmapWidth, - bitmapHeight: bitmapHeight - }); - }); - }).catch(function (e) - { - console.error(e); - }); -} diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json index 5373a57..41b76b2 100644 --- a/tsconfig.json +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", - "declaration": true, + "declaration": false, "noImplicitAny": false, "noUnusedLocals": false, "removeComments": true, @@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ "target": "es6", "sourceMap": false, "allowJs": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, "baseUrl": "./src", "outDir": "./dist" }, "include": [ - "src/configuration.json", - "src/**/*" + "src/**/*", + "node_modules/wrappy/swf" ], "exclude": [ "node_modules", diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..112e7cf --- /dev/null +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -0,0 +1,2120 @@ +# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. 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