import { Canvas, createCanvas } from 'canvas'; import { IGraphicAsset } from '../../core'; import { ActiveActionData, IActionDefinition, IActiveActionData } from './actions'; import { AssetAliasCollection } from './alias'; import { IAnimationLayerData, IAvatarDataContainer, ISpriteDataContainer } from './animation'; import { AvatarFigureContainer } from './AvatarFigureContainer'; import { AvatarStructure } from './AvatarStructure'; import { AvatarImageCache } from './cache'; import { EffectAssetDownloadManager } from './EffectAssetDownloadManager'; import { AvatarAction, AvatarDirectionAngle, AvatarScaleType, AvatarSetType } from './enum'; import { IAvatarFigureContainer } from './IAvatarFigureContainer'; import { IAvatarImage } from './IAvatarImage'; import { IPartColor } from './structure'; export class AvatarImage implements IAvatarImage { private static CHANNELS_EQUAL: string = 'CHANNELS_EQUAL'; private static CHANNELS_UNIQUE: string = 'CHANNELS_UNIQUE'; private static CHANNELS_RED: string = 'CHANNELS_RED'; private static CHANNELS_GREEN: string = 'CHANNELS_GREEN'; private static CHANNELS_BLUE: string = 'CHANNELS_BLUE'; private static CHANNELS_DESATURATED: string = 'CHANNELS_DESATURATED'; private static DEFAULT_ACTION: string = 'Default'; private static DEFAULT_DIRECTION: number = 2; private static DEFAULT_AVATAR_SET: string = AvatarSetType.FULL; protected _structure: AvatarStructure; protected _scale: string; protected _mainDirection: number; protected _headDirection: number; protected _mainAction: IActiveActionData; protected _disposed: boolean; protected _canvasOffsets: number[]; protected _assets: AssetAliasCollection; protected _cache: AvatarImageCache; protected _figure: AvatarFigureContainer; protected _avatarSpriteData: IAvatarDataContainer; protected _actions: ActiveActionData[]; private _defaultAction: IActiveActionData; private _frameCounter: number = 0; private _directionOffset: number = 0; private _sprites: ISpriteDataContainer[]; private _isAnimating: boolean = false; private _animationHasResetOnToggle: boolean = false; private _actionsSorted: boolean = false; private _sortedActions: IActiveActionData[]; private _lastActionsString: string; private _currentActionsString: string; private _effectIdInUse: number = -1; private _animationFrameCount: number; private _cachedBodyParts: string[]; private _cachedBodyPartsDirection: number = -1; private _cachedBodyPartsGeometryType: string = null; private _cachedBodyPartsAvatarSet: string = null; private _effectManager: EffectAssetDownloadManager; constructor(k: AvatarStructure, _arg_2: AssetAliasCollection, _arg_3: AvatarFigureContainer, _arg_4: string, _arg_5: EffectAssetDownloadManager) { this._canvasOffsets = []; this._actions = []; this._cachedBodyParts = []; this._disposed = false; this._effectManager = _arg_5; this._structure = k; this._assets = _arg_2; this._scale = _arg_4; if(this._scale == null) { this._scale = AvatarScaleType.LARGE; } if(_arg_3 == null) { _arg_3 = new AvatarFigureContainer(''); } this._figure = _arg_3; this._cache = new AvatarImageCache(this._structure, this, this._assets, this._scale); this.setDirection(AvatarImage.DEFAULT_AVATAR_SET, AvatarImage.DEFAULT_DIRECTION); this._actions = []; this._defaultAction = new ActiveActionData(AvatarAction.POSTURE_STAND); this._defaultAction.definition = this._structure.getActionDefinition(AvatarImage.DEFAULT_ACTION); this.resetActions(); this._animationFrameCount = 0; } public async dispose(): Promise { if(this._disposed) return; this._structure = null; this._assets = null; this._mainAction = null; this._figure = null; this._avatarSpriteData = null; this._actions = null; if(this._cache) { this._cache.dispose(); this._cache = null; } this._canvasOffsets = null; this._disposed = true; } public get disposed(): boolean { return this._disposed; } public getFigure(): IAvatarFigureContainer { return this._figure; } public getScale(): string { return this._scale; } public getPartColor(k: string): IPartColor { return this._structure.getPartColor(this._figure, k); } public setDirection(k: string, _arg_2: number): void { _arg_2 = (_arg_2 + this._directionOffset); if(_arg_2 < AvatarDirectionAngle.MIN_DIRECTION) { _arg_2 = (AvatarDirectionAngle.MAX_DIRECTION + (_arg_2 + 1)); } if(_arg_2 > AvatarDirectionAngle.MAX_DIRECTION) { _arg_2 = (_arg_2 - (AvatarDirectionAngle.MAX_DIRECTION + 1)); } if(this._structure.isMainAvatarSet(k)) { this._mainDirection = _arg_2; } if((k === AvatarSetType.HEAD) || (k === AvatarSetType.FULL)) { if((k === AvatarSetType.HEAD) && (this.isHeadTurnPreventedByAction())) { _arg_2 = this._mainDirection; } this._headDirection = _arg_2; } this._cache.setDirection(k, _arg_2); } public setDirectionAngle(k: string, _arg_2: number): void { this.setDirection(k, Math.floor(_arg_2 / 45)); } public getSprites(): ISpriteDataContainer[] { return this._sprites; } public getCanvasOffsets(): number[] { return this._canvasOffsets; } public getLayerData(k: ISpriteDataContainer): IAnimationLayerData { return this._structure.getBodyPartData(, this._frameCounter,; } public updateAnimationByFrames(k: number = 1): void { this._frameCounter += k; } public resetAnimationFrameCounter(): void { this._frameCounter = 0; } private getFullImageCacheKey(): string { if(((this._sortedActions.length == 1) && (this._mainDirection == this._headDirection))) { return (this._mainDirection + this._currentActionsString) + (this._frameCounter % 4); } if(this._sortedActions.length == 2) { for(const k of this._sortedActions) { if(((k.actionType == 'fx') && ((((k.actionParameter == '33') || (k.actionParameter == '34')) || (k.actionParameter == '35')) || (k.actionParameter == '36')))) { return (this._mainDirection + this._currentActionsString) + 0; } if(((k.actionType == 'fx') && ((k.actionParameter == '38') || (k.actionParameter == '39')))) { return (((this._mainDirection + '_') + this._headDirection) + this._currentActionsString) + (this._frameCounter % 11); } if((k.actionType === 'dance') && ((k.actionParameter === '1') || (k.actionParameter === '2') || (k.actionParameter === '3') || (k.actionParameter === '4'))) { let frame = (this._frameCounter % 8); if((k.actionParameter === '3')) frame = (this._frameCounter % 10); if((k.actionParameter === '4')) frame = (this._frameCounter % 16); return (((this._mainDirection + k.actionType) + k.actionParameter) + frame); } } } return null; } private getBodyParts(k: string, _arg_2: string, _arg_3: number): string[] { if((((!(_arg_3 == this._cachedBodyPartsDirection)) || (!(_arg_2 == this._cachedBodyPartsGeometryType))) || (!(k == this._cachedBodyPartsAvatarSet)))) { this._cachedBodyPartsDirection = _arg_3; this._cachedBodyPartsGeometryType = _arg_2; this._cachedBodyPartsAvatarSet = k; this._cachedBodyParts = this._structure.getBodyParts(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); } return this._cachedBodyParts; } public getAvatarPartsForCamera(k: string): void { let _local_4: string; if(this._mainAction == null) { return; } const _local_2 = this._structure.getCanvas(this._scale, this._mainAction.definition.geometryType); if(_local_2 == null) { return; } const _local_3 = this.getBodyParts(k, this._mainAction.definition.geometryType, this._mainDirection); let _local_6 = (_local_3.length - 1); while(_local_6 >= 0) { _local_4 = _local_3[_local_6]; const _local_5 = this._cache.getImageContainer(_local_4, this._frameCounter); _local_6--; } } public async getImage(setType: string, hightlight: boolean, scale: number = 1): Promise { if(!this._mainAction) return null; if(!this._actionsSorted) await this.endActionAppends(); const avatarCanvas = this._structure.getCanvas(this._scale, this._mainAction.definition.geometryType); if(!avatarCanvas) return null; const bodyParts = this.getBodyParts(setType, this._mainAction.definition.geometryType, this._mainDirection); const canvas = createCanvas(avatarCanvas.width, avatarCanvas.height); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); let partCount = (bodyParts.length - 1); while(partCount >= 0) { const set = bodyParts[partCount]; const part = this._cache.getImageContainer(set, this._frameCounter); if(part) { const partCacheContainer = part.image; if(!partCacheContainer) return null; const point = part.regPoint.clone(); if(point) { point.x += avatarCanvas.offset.x; point.y += avatarCanvas.offset.y; point.x += avatarCanvas.regPoint.x; point.y += avatarCanvas.regPoint.y;; ctx.scale(scale, 1); ctx.drawImage(part.image, point.x, point.y, part.image.width, part.image.height); ctx.restore(); } } partCount--; } //CanvasUtilities.cropTransparentPixels(canvas); //if(this._avatarSpriteData && this._avatarSpriteData.paletteIsGrayscale) this.convertToGrayscale(container); return canvas; } // public applyPalette(texture: RenderTexture, reds: number[] = [], greens: number[] = [], blues: number[] = []): RenderTexture // { // const textureCanvas = Nitro.instance.renderer.extract.canvas(texture); // const textureCtx = textureCanvas.getContext('2d'); // const textureImageData = textureCtx.getImageData(0, 0, textureCanvas.width, textureCanvas.height); // const data =; // for(const i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) // { // let paletteColor = this._palette[data[ i + 1 ]]; // if(paletteColor === undefined) paletteColor = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; // data[ i ] = paletteColor[0]; // data[ i + 1 ] = paletteColor[1]; // data[ i + 2 ] = paletteColor[2]; // } // textureCtx.putImageData(textureImageData, 0, 0); // return Texture.from(textureCanvas); // } public getAsset(k: string): IGraphicAsset { return this._assets.getAsset(k); } public getDirection(): number { return this._mainDirection; } public initActionAppends(): void { this._actions = []; this._actionsSorted = false; this._currentActionsString = ''; } public async endActionAppends(): Promise { let k:ActiveActionData; if(!this.sortActions()) return; for(const k of this._sortedActions) { if(k.actionType === AvatarAction.EFFECT) { if(!this._effectManager.isAvatarEffectReady(parseInt(k.actionParameter))) await this._effectManager.downloadAvatarEffect(parseInt(k.actionParameter)); } } this.resetActions(); this.setActionsToParts(); } public appendAction(k: string, ..._args: any[]): boolean { let _local_3 = ''; this._actionsSorted = false; if(_args && (_args.length > 0)) _local_3 = _args[0]; if((_local_3 !== undefined) && (_local_3 !== null)) _local_3 = _local_3.toString(); switch(k) { case AvatarAction.POSTURE: switch(_local_3) { case AvatarAction.POSTURE_LAY: case AvatarAction.POSTURE_WALK: case AvatarAction.POSTURE_STAND: case AvatarAction.POSTURE_SWIM: case AvatarAction.POSTURE_FLOAT: case AvatarAction.POSTURE_SIT: case AvatarAction.SNOWWAR_RUN: case AvatarAction.SNOWWAR_DIE_FRONT: case AvatarAction.SNOWWAR_DIE_BACK: case AvatarAction.SNOWWAR_PICK: case AvatarAction.SNOWWAR_THROW: if((_local_3 === AvatarAction.POSTURE_LAY) || (_local_3 === AvatarAction.POSTURE_LAY) || (_local_3 === AvatarAction.POSTURE_LAY)) { if(_local_3 === AvatarAction.POSTURE_LAY) { if(this._mainDirection == 0) { this.setDirection(AvatarSetType.FULL, 4); } else { this.setDirection(AvatarSetType.FULL, 2); } } } this.addActionData(_local_3); break; } break; case AvatarAction.GESTURE: switch(_local_3) { case AvatarAction.GESTURE_AGGRAVATED: case AvatarAction.GESTURE_SAD: case AvatarAction.GESTURE_SMILE: case AvatarAction.GESTURE_SURPRISED: this.addActionData(_local_3); break; } break; case AvatarAction.EFFECT: case AvatarAction.DANCE: case AvatarAction.TALK: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_WAVE: case AvatarAction.SLEEP: case AvatarAction.SIGN: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_RESPECT: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_BLOW_A_KISS: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_LAUGH: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_CRY: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_IDLE: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_SNOWBOARD_OLLIE: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_SNOWBORD_360: case AvatarAction.EXPRESSION_RIDE_JUMP: this.addActionData(k, _local_3); break; case AvatarAction.CARRY_OBJECT: case AvatarAction.USE_OBJECT: { const _local_4 = this._structure.getActionDefinitionWithState(k); if(_local_4) _local_3 = _local_4.getParameterValue(_local_3); this.addActionData(k, _local_3); break; } } return true; } protected addActionData(k: string, _arg_2: string=''): void { let _local_3:ActiveActionData; if(!this._actions) this._actions = []; let _local_4 = 0; while(_local_4 < this._actions.length) { _local_3 = this._actions[_local_4]; if(((_local_3.actionType == k) && (_local_3.actionParameter == _arg_2))) { return; } _local_4++; } this._actions.push(new ActiveActionData(k, _arg_2, this._frameCounter)); } public isAnimating(): boolean { return (this._isAnimating) || (this._animationFrameCount > 1); } private resetActions(): boolean { this._animationHasResetOnToggle = false; this._isAnimating = false; this._sprites = []; this._avatarSpriteData = null; this._directionOffset = 0; this._structure.removeDynamicItems(this); this._mainAction = this._defaultAction; this._mainAction.definition = this._defaultAction.definition; this.resetBodyPartCache(this._defaultAction); return true; } private isHeadTurnPreventedByAction(): boolean { let _local_2: IActionDefinition; let _local_3: ActiveActionData; let k: boolean; if(this._sortedActions == null) { return false; } for(const _local_3 of this._sortedActions) { _local_2 = this._structure.getActionDefinitionWithState(_local_3.actionType); if(((!(_local_2 == null)) && (_local_2.getPreventHeadTurn(_local_3.actionParameter)))) { k = true; } } return k; } private sortActions(): boolean { let _local_2: boolean; let _local_3: boolean; let _local_4:ActiveActionData; let _local_5: number; let k: boolean; this._currentActionsString = ''; this._sortedActions = this._structure.sortActions(this._actions); this._animationFrameCount = this._structure.maxFrames(this._sortedActions); if(!this._sortedActions) { this._canvasOffsets = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; if(this._lastActionsString !== '') { k = true; this._lastActionsString = ''; } } else { this._canvasOffsets = this._structure.getCanvasOffsets(this._sortedActions, this._scale, this._mainDirection); for(const _local_4 of this._sortedActions) { this._currentActionsString = (this._currentActionsString + (_local_4.actionType + _local_4.actionParameter)); if(_local_4.actionType === AvatarAction.EFFECT) { const _local_5 = parseInt(_local_4.actionParameter); if(this._effectIdInUse !== _local_5) _local_2 = true; this._effectIdInUse = _local_5; _local_3 = true; } } if(!_local_3) { if(this._effectIdInUse > -1) _local_2 = true; this._effectIdInUse = -1; } if(_local_2) this._cache.disposeInactiveActions(0); if(this._lastActionsString != this._currentActionsString) { k = true; this._lastActionsString = this._currentActionsString; } } this._actionsSorted = true; return k; } private setActionsToParts(): void { if(!this._sortedActions == null) return; const _local_3: number =; const _local_4: string[] = []; for(const k of this._sortedActions) _local_4.push(k.actionType); for(const k of this._sortedActions) { if((k && k.definition) && k.definition.isAnimation) { const _local_2 = this._structure.getAnimation(((k.definition.state + '.') + k.actionParameter)); if(_local_2 && _local_2.hasOverriddenActions()) { const _local_5 = _local_2.overriddenActionNames(); if(_local_5) { for(const _local_6 of _local_5) { if(_local_4.indexOf(_local_6) >= 0) k.overridingAction = _local_2.overridingAction(_local_6); } } } if(_local_2 && _local_2.resetOnToggle) { this._animationHasResetOnToggle = true; } } } for(const k of this._sortedActions) { if(!((!(k)) || (!(k.definition)))) { if(k.definition.isAnimation && (k.actionParameter === '')) k.actionParameter = '1'; this.setActionToParts(k, _local_3); if(k.definition.isAnimation) { this._isAnimating = k.definition.isAnimated(k.actionParameter); const _local_2 = this._structure.getAnimation(((k.definition.state + '.') + k.actionParameter)); if(_local_2) { this._sprites = this._sprites.concat(_local_2.spriteData); if(_local_2.hasDirectionData()) this._directionOffset = _local_2.directionData.offset; if(_local_2.hasAvatarData()) this._avatarSpriteData = _local_2.avatarData; } } } } } private setActionToParts(k: IActiveActionData, _arg_2: number): void { if(((k == null) || (k.definition == null))) { return; } if(k.definition.assetPartDefinition == '') { return; } if(k.definition.isMain) { this._mainAction = k; this._cache.setGeometryType(k.definition.geometryType); } this._cache.setAction(k, _arg_2); } private resetBodyPartCache(k: IActiveActionData): void { if(!k) return; if(k.definition.assetPartDefinition === '') return; if(k.definition.isMain) { this._mainAction = k; this._cache.setGeometryType(k.definition.geometryType); } this._cache.resetBodyPartCache(k); } public get avatarSpriteData(): IAvatarDataContainer { return this._avatarSpriteData; } // private convertToGrayscale(container: Canvas, channel: string = 'CHANNELS_EQUAL'): Canvas // { // let _local_3 = 0.33; // let _local_4 = 0.33; // let _local_5 = 0.33; // const _local_6 = 1; // switch(channel) // { // case AvatarImage.CHANNELS_UNIQUE: // _local_3 = 0.3; // _local_4 = 0.59; // _local_5 = 0.11; // break; // case AvatarImage.CHANNELS_RED: // _local_3 = 1; // _local_4 = 0; // _local_5 = 0; // break; // case AvatarImage.CHANNELS_GREEN: // _local_3 = 0; // _local_4 = 1; // _local_5 = 0; // break; // case AvatarImage.CHANNELS_BLUE: // _local_3 = 0; // _local_4 = 0; // _local_5 = 1; // break; // case AvatarImage.CHANNELS_DESATURATED: // _local_3 = 0.3086; // _local_4 = 0.6094; // _local_5 = 0.082; // break; // } // const colorFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter(); // colorFilter.matrix = [_local_3, _local_4, _local_5, 0, 0, _local_3, _local_4, _local_5, 0, 0, _local_3, _local_4, _local_5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; // container.filters = [ colorFilter ]; // return container; // } public isPlaceholder(): boolean { return false; } public forceActionUpdate(): void { this._lastActionsString = ''; } public get animationHasResetOnToggle(): boolean { return this._animationHasResetOnToggle; } public get mainAction(): string { return this._mainAction.actionType; } }