import { AdvancedMap, IAssetAnimation, IAssetManager, Point } from '../../core'; import { ActionDefinition, AvatarActionManager, IActionDefinition, IActiveActionData } from './actions'; import { Animation, AnimationManager, AvatarAnimationLayerData } from './animation'; import { AvatarImagePartContainer } from './AvatarImagePartContainer'; import { AvatarRenderManager } from './AvatarRenderManager'; import { AvatarDirectionAngle } from './enum'; import { AvatarModelGeometry } from './geometry'; import { IAvatarFigureContainer } from './IAvatarFigureContainer'; import { IAvatarImage } from './IAvatarImage'; import { IAvatarRenderManager } from './IAvatarRenderManager'; import { IFigureData } from './interfaces'; import { AnimationAction, AvatarAnimationData, AvatarAnimationFrame, AvatarCanvas, FigureSetData, IFigurePartSet, IPartColor, IStructureData, PartSetsData } from './structure'; export class AvatarStructure { private _renderManager: AvatarRenderManager; private _geometry: AvatarModelGeometry; private _figureData: FigureSetData; private _partSetsData: PartSetsData; private _animationData: AvatarAnimationData; private _animationManager: AnimationManager; private _mandatorySetTypeIds: { [index: string]: { [index: number]: string[] } }; private _actionManager: AvatarActionManager; private _defaultAction: IActionDefinition; constructor(renderManager: AvatarRenderManager) { this._renderManager = renderManager; this._geometry = null; this._figureData = new FigureSetData(); this._partSetsData = new PartSetsData(); this._animationData = new AvatarAnimationData(); this._animationManager = new AnimationManager(); this._mandatorySetTypeIds = {}; this._actionManager = null; this._defaultAction = null; } public init(): void { } public dispose(): void { this._renderManager = null; this._figureData = null; this._partSetsData = null; this._animationData = null; this._mandatorySetTypeIds = null; } public initGeometry(k: any): void { if(!k) return; this._geometry = new AvatarModelGeometry(k); } public initActions(actions: any): void { this._actionManager = new AvatarActionManager(actions); this._defaultAction = this._actionManager.getDefaultAction(); } public updateActions(data: any): void { this._actionManager.updateActions(data); this._defaultAction = this._actionManager.getDefaultAction(); } public initPartSets(k: any): boolean { if(!k) return false; if(this._partSetsData.parse(k)) { this._partSetsData.getPartDefinition('ri').appendToFigure = true; this._partSetsData.getPartDefinition('li').appendToFigure = true; return true; } return false; } public initAnimation(k: any): boolean { if(!k) return false; return this._animationData.parse(k); } public initFigureData(k: IFigureData): boolean { if(!k) return false; return this._figureData.parse(k); } public injectFigureData(data: IFigureData): void { this._figureData.injectJSON(data); } public registerAnimations(k: IAssetManager, _arg_2: string = 'fx', _arg_3: number = 200): void { let index = 0; while(index < _arg_3) { const collection = k.getCollection((_arg_2 + index)); if(collection) { const animationData =; this._animationManager.registerAnimation(this, animationData.animations); } index++; } } public registerAnimation(data: { [index: string]: IAssetAnimation }): void { this._animationManager.registerAnimation(this, data); } public getPartColor(k: IAvatarFigureContainer, _arg_2: string, _arg_3: number = 0): IPartColor { const _local_4 = k.getPartColorIds(_arg_2); if((!(_local_4)) || (_local_4.length < _arg_3)) return null; const _local_5 = this._figureData.getSetType(_arg_2); if(_local_5 == null) return null; const _local_6 = this._figureData.getPalette(_local_5.paletteID); if(!_local_6) return null; return _local_6.getColor(_local_4[_arg_3]); } public getBodyPartData(animation: string, frameCount: number, spriteId: string): AvatarAnimationLayerData { return this._animationManager.getLayerData(animation, frameCount, spriteId) as AvatarAnimationLayerData; } public getAnimation(k: string): Animation { return this._animationManager.getAnimation(k) as Animation; } public getActionDefinition(k: string): ActionDefinition { return this._actionManager.getActionDefinition(k); } public getActionDefinitionWithState(k: string): ActionDefinition { return this._actionManager.getActionDefinitionWithState(k); } public isMainAvatarSet(k: string): boolean { return this._geometry.isMainAvatarSet(k); } public sortActions(k: IActiveActionData[]): IActiveActionData[] { return this._actionManager.sortActions(k); } public maxFrames(k: IActiveActionData[]): number { let _local_2 = 0; for(const _local_3 of k) { _local_2 = Math.max(_local_2, this._animationData.getFrameCount(_local_3.definition)); } return _local_2; } public getMandatorySetTypeIds(k: string, _arg_2: number): string[] { if(!this._mandatorySetTypeIds[k]) { this._mandatorySetTypeIds[k] = []; } if(this._mandatorySetTypeIds[k][_arg_2]) { return this._mandatorySetTypeIds[k][_arg_2]; } this._mandatorySetTypeIds[k][_arg_2] = this._figureData.getMandatorySetTypeIds(k, _arg_2); return this._mandatorySetTypeIds[k][_arg_2]; } public getDefaultPartSet(k: string, _arg_2: string): IFigurePartSet { return this._figureData.getDefaultPartSet(k, _arg_2); } public getCanvasOffsets(k: IActiveActionData[], _arg_2: string, _arg_3: number): number[] { return this._actionManager.getCanvasOffsets(k, _arg_2, _arg_3); } public getCanvas(k: string, _arg_2: string): AvatarCanvas { return this._geometry.getCanvas(k, _arg_2); } public removeDynamicItems(k: IAvatarImage): void { this._geometry.removeDynamicItems(k); } public getActiveBodyPartIds(k: IActiveActionData, _arg_2: IAvatarImage): string[] { let _local_3: string[] = []; const _local_4: string[] = []; const _local_5 = k.definition.geometryType; if(k.definition.isAnimation) { const _local_7 = ((k.definition.state + '.') + k.actionParameter); const _local_8 = this._animationManager.getAnimation(_local_7); if(_local_8) { _local_3 = _local_8.getAnimatedBodyPartIds(0, k.overridingAction); if(_local_8.hasAddData()) { const _local_11 = { id: '', x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, radius: 0.01, nx: 0, ny: 0, nz: -1, double: 1 }; const _local_12 = { setType: '' }; for(const _local_13 of _local_8.addData) { const _local_6 = this._geometry.getBodyPart(_local_5, _local_13.align); if(_local_6) { =; _local_6.addPart(_local_11, _arg_2); _local_12.setType =; const _local_10 = this._partSetsData.addPartDefinition(_local_12); _local_10.appendToFigure = true; if(_local_13.base === '') _local_10.staticId = 1; if(_local_4.indexOf( === -1) _local_4.push(; } } } } for(const _local_9 of _local_3) { const _local_6 = this._geometry.getBodyPart(_local_5, _local_9); if(_local_6 && (_local_4.indexOf( === -1)) _local_4.push(; } } else { _local_3 = this._partSetsData.getActiveParts(k.definition); for(const _local_14 of _local_3) { const _local_6 = this._geometry.getBodyPartOfItem(_local_5, _local_14, _arg_2); if(_local_6 && (_local_4.indexOf( === -1)) _local_4.push(; } } return _local_4; } public getBodyPartsUnordered(k: string): string[] { return this._geometry.getBodyPartIdsInAvatarSet(k); } public getBodyParts(k: string, _arg_2: string, _arg_3: number): string[] { const _local_4 = AvatarDirectionAngle.DIRECTION_TO_ANGLE[_arg_3]; return this._geometry.getBodyPartsAtAngle(k, _local_4, _arg_2); } public getFrameBodyPartOffset(k:IActiveActionData, _arg_2: number, _arg_3: number, _arg_4: string): Point { const _local_5 = this._animationData.getAction(k.definition); if(_local_5) return _local_5.getFrameBodyPartOffset(_arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4); return AnimationAction.DEFAULT_OFFSET; } public getParts(k: string, _arg_2:IAvatarFigureContainer, _arg_3:IActiveActionData, _arg_4: string, _arg_5: number, removes: string[], _arg_7: IAvatarImage, _arg_8: AdvancedMap = null): AvatarImagePartContainer[] { const _local_10: Animation = null; let _local_34: IActionDefinition = null; let _local_20: AvatarAnimationFrame[] = []; let _local_36:IPartColor = null; if(!_arg_3 == null) return []; const _local_9 = this._partSetsData.getActiveParts(_arg_3.definition); const _local_11: AvatarImagePartContainer[] = []; let _local_14: any[] = [ 0 ]; const _local_15 = this._animationData.getAction(_arg_3.definition); if(_arg_3.definition.isAnimation) { const _local_24 = ((_arg_3.definition.state + '.') + _arg_3.actionParameter); const _local_10 = this._animationManager.getAnimation(_local_24); if(_local_10) { _local_14 = this.getPopulatedArray(_local_10.frameCount(_arg_3.overridingAction)); for(const _local_25 of _local_10.getAnimatedBodyPartIds(0, _arg_3.overridingAction)) { if(_local_25 === k) { const _local_26 = this._geometry.getBodyPart(_arg_4, _local_25); if(_local_26) { for(const _local_27 of _local_26.getDynamicParts(_arg_7)) { _local_9.push(; } } } } } } const _local_16 = this._geometry.getParts(_arg_4, k, _arg_5, _local_9, _arg_7); const _local_21 = _arg_2.getPartTypeIds(); for(const _local_17 of _local_21) { if(_arg_8) { if(_arg_8.getValue(_local_17)) continue; } const _local_28 = _arg_2.getPartSetId(_local_17); const _local_29 = _arg_2.getPartColorIds(_local_17); const _local_30 = this._figureData.getSetType(_local_17); if(_local_30) { const _local_31 = this._figureData.getPalette(_local_30.paletteID); if(_local_31) { const _local_32 = _local_30.getPartSet(_local_28); if(_local_32) { removes = removes.concat(_local_32.hiddenLayers); for(const _local_33 of { if(_local_16.indexOf(_local_33.type) > -1) { if(_local_15) { const _local_19 = _local_15.getPart(_local_33.type); if(_local_19) { _local_20 = _local_19.frames; } else { _local_20 = _local_14; } } else { _local_20 = _local_14; } _local_34 = _arg_3.definition; if(_local_9.indexOf(_local_33.type) === -1) _local_34 = this._defaultAction; const _local_13 = this._partSetsData.getPartDefinition(_local_33.type); let _local_35 = (!_local_13) ? _local_33.type : _local_13.flippedSetType; if(!_local_35 || (_local_35 === '')) _local_35 = _local_33.type; if(_local_29 && (_local_29.length > (_local_33.colorLayerIndex - 1))) { _local_36 = _local_31.getColor(_local_29[(_local_33.colorLayerIndex - 1)]); } const _local_37 = (_local_33.colorLayerIndex > 0); const _local_18 = new AvatarImagePartContainer(k, _local_33.type,, _local_36, _local_20, _local_34, _local_37, _local_33.paletteMap, _local_35); _local_11.push(_local_18); } } } } } } const _local_22: AvatarImagePartContainer[] = []; for(const _local_12 of _local_16) { let _local_39: IPartColor = null; let _local_38 = false; const _local_40 = ((_arg_8) && (_arg_8.getValue(_local_12))); for(const _local_23 of _local_11) { if(_local_23.partType === _local_12) { if(_local_40) { _local_39 = _local_23.color; } else { _local_38 = true; if(removes.indexOf(_local_12) === -1) _local_22.push(_local_23); } } } if(!_local_38) { if(_local_40) { const _local_41 = _arg_8.getValue(_local_12); let _local_42 = 0; let _local_43 = 0; while(_local_43 < _local_41.length) { _local_42 = (_local_42 + _local_41.charCodeAt(_local_43)); _local_43++; } if(_local_15) { const _local_19 = _local_15.getPart(_local_12); if(_local_19) { _local_20 = _local_19.frames; } else { _local_20 = _local_14; } } else { _local_20 = _local_14; } const _local_18 = new AvatarImagePartContainer(k, _local_12, _local_41, _local_39, _local_20, _arg_3.definition, (!(_local_39 == null)), -1, _local_12, false, 1); _local_22.push(_local_18); } else { if(_local_9.indexOf(_local_12) > -1) { const _local_44 = this._geometry.getBodyPartOfItem(_arg_4, _local_12, _arg_7); if(k !== { // } else { const _local_13 = this._partSetsData.getPartDefinition(_local_12); let _local_45 = false; let _local_46 = 1; if(_local_13.appendToFigure) { let _local_47 = '1'; if(_arg_3.actionParameter !== '') { _local_47 = _arg_3.actionParameter; } if(_local_13.hasStaticId()) { _local_47 = _local_13.staticId.toString(); } if(_local_10 != null) { const _local_48 = _local_10.getAddData(_local_12); if(_local_48) { _local_45 = _local_48.isBlended; _local_46 = _local_48.blend; } } if(_local_15) { const _local_19 = _local_15.getPart(_local_12); if(_local_19) { _local_20 = _local_19.frames; } else { _local_20 = _local_14; } } else { _local_20 = _local_14; } const _local_18 = new AvatarImagePartContainer(k, _local_12, _local_47, null, _local_20, _arg_3.definition, false, -1, _local_12, _local_45, _local_46); _local_22.push(_local_18); } } } } } } return _local_22; } private getPopulatedArray(k: number): number[] { const _local_2: number[] = []; let index = 0; while(index < k) { _local_2.push(index); index++; } return _local_2; } public getItemIds(): string[] { if(this._actionManager) { const k = this._actionManager.getActionDefinition('CarryItem').params; const _local_2 = []; for(const _local_3 of k.getValues()) _local_2.push(_local_3); return _local_2; } return []; } public get renderManager(): IAvatarRenderManager { return this._renderManager; } public get figureData(): IStructureData { return this._figureData; } public get partData(): PartSetsData { return this._partSetsData; } public get animationManager(): AnimationManager { return this._animationManager; } }