
63 lines
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export class ColorUtils
public static makeColorHex(color: string): string
return ('#' + color);
public static makeColorNumberHex(color: number): string
let val = color.toString(16);
if(val.length < 6)
const diff = 6 - val.length;
for(let i = 0; i < diff; i++)
val = '0' + val;
return ( '#' + val);
public static convertFromHex(color: string): number
return parseInt(color.replace('#', ''), 16);
public static uintHexColor(color: number): string
const realColor = color >>>0;
return ColorUtils.makeColorHex(realColor.toString(16).substring(2));
* Converts an integer format into an array of 8-bit values
* @param {number} value value in integer format
* @returns {Array} 8-bit values
public static int_to_8BitVals(value: number): [number, number, number, number]
const val1 = ((value >> 24) & 0xFF)
const val2 = ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
const val3 = ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
const val4 = (value & 0xFF);
return [ val1, val2, val3, val4 ];
* Combines 4 8-bit values into a 32-bit integer. Values are combined in
* in the order of the parameters
* @param val1
* @param val2
* @param val3
* @param val4
* @returns 32-bit integer of combined values
public static eight_bitVals_to_int(val1: number, val2: number, val3: number, val4: number): number
return (((val1) << 24) + ((val2) << 16) + ((val3) << 8) + (val4| 0));