
229 lines
4.8 KiB

import { PetCustomPart } from './PetCustomPart';
export class PetFigureData
private _typeId: number;
private _paletteId: number;
private _color: number;
private _headOnly: boolean;
private _customParts: PetCustomPart[];
private _customLayerIds: number[];
private _customPartIds: number[];
private _customPaletteIds: number[];
constructor(k: string)
this._typeId = this.getTypeId(k);
this._paletteId = this.getPaletteId(k);
this._color = this.getColor(k);
this._headOnly = this.getHeadOnly(k);
const _local_2 = this.getCustomData(k);
this._customLayerIds = this.getCustomLayerIds(_local_2);
this._customPartIds = this.getCustomPartIds(_local_2);
this._customPaletteIds = this.getCustomPaletteIds(_local_2);
this._customParts = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < this._customLayerIds.length)
this._customParts.push(new PetCustomPart(this._customLayerIds[i], this._customPartIds[i], this._customPaletteIds[i]));
public get typeId(): number
return this._typeId;
public get paletteId(): number
return this._paletteId;
public get color(): number
return this._color;
public get customLayerIds(): number[]
return this._customLayerIds;
public get customPartIds(): number[]
return this._customPartIds;
public get customPaletteIds(): number[]
return this._customPaletteIds;
public get customParts(): PetCustomPart[]
return this._customParts;
public getCustomPart(k: number): PetCustomPart
for(const _local_2 of this._customParts)
if(_local_2.layerId === k) return _local_2;
return null;
public get hasCustomParts(): boolean
return (!(this._customLayerIds == null)) && (this._customLayerIds.length > 0);
public get headOnly(): boolean
return this._headOnly;
public get figureString(): string
let figure = ((((this.typeId + ' ') + this.paletteId) + ' ') + this.color.toString(16));
figure = (figure + (' ' + this.customParts.length));
for(const _local_2 of this.customParts)
figure = (figure + (((((' ' + _local_2.layerId) + ' ') + _local_2.partId) + ' ') + _local_2.paletteId));
return figure;
private getCustomData(k: string): string[]
let _local_2: string[] = [];
const _local_3 = k.split(' ');
const _local_4 = ((this._headOnly) ? 1 : 0);
const _local_5 = (4 + _local_4);
if(_local_3.length > _local_5)
const _local_6 = (3 + _local_4);
const _local_7 = parseInt(_local_3[_local_6]);
_local_2 = _local_3.slice(_local_5, (_local_5 + (_local_7 * 3)));
return _local_2;
private getCustomLayerIds(data: string[]): number[]
const layerIds: number[] = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < data.length)
layerIds.push(parseInt(data[(i + 0)]));
i = (i + 3);
return layerIds;
private getCustomPartIds(data: string[]): number[]
const partIds: number[] = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < data.length)
partIds.push(parseInt(data[(i + 1)]));
i = (i + 3);
return partIds;
private getCustomPaletteIds(data: string[]): number[]
const paletteIds: number[] = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < data.length)
paletteIds.push(parseInt(data[(i + 2)]));
i = (i + 3);
return paletteIds;
private getTypeId(data: string): number
const parts = data.split(' ');
if(parts.length >= 1) return parseInt(parts[0]);
return 0;
private getPaletteId(data: string): number
const parts = data.split(' ');
if(parts.length >= 2) return parseInt(parts[1]);
return 0;
private getColor(data: string): number
const parts = data.split(' ');
if(parts.length >= 3) return parseInt(parts[2], 16);
return 0xFFFFFF;
private getHeadOnly(data: string): boolean
const parts = data.split(' ');
if(parts.length >= 4) return parts[3] === 'head';
return false;