
1700 lines
52 KiB

import { Point } from '@pixi/math';
import { IVector3D, Vector3d } from '../../../api';
import { RoomFloorHole } from './RoomFloorHole';
import { RoomMapData } from './RoomMapData';
import { RoomPlaneData } from './RoomPlaneData';
import { RoomWallData } from './RoomWallData';
export class RoomPlaneParser
private static FLOOR_THICKNESS: number = 0.25;
private static WALL_THICKNESS: number = 0.25;
private static MAX_WALL_ADDITIONAL_HEIGHT: number = 20;
public static TILE_BLOCKED: number = -110;
public static TILE_HOLE: number = -100;
private _tileMatrix: number[][];
private _tileMatrixOriginal: number[][];
private _width: number = 0;
private _height: number = 0;
private _minX: number = 0;
private _maxX: number = 0;
private _minY: number = 0;
private _maxY: number = 0;
private _planes: RoomPlaneData[];
private _wallHeight: number;
private _wallThicknessMultiplier: number;
private _floorThicknessMultiplier: number;
private _fixedWallHeight: number = -1;
private _floorHeight: number = 0;
private _floorHoles: Map<number, RoomFloorHole>;
private _floorHoleMatrix: boolean[][];
private _restrictsDragging: boolean;
private _restrictsScaling: boolean = false;
private _restrictedScale: number = 1;
this._tileMatrix = [];
this._tileMatrixOriginal = [];
this._planes = [];
this._floorHoleMatrix = [];
this._wallHeight = 3.6;
this._wallThicknessMultiplier = 1;
this._floorThicknessMultiplier = 1;
this._floorHoles = new Map();
private static getFloorHeight(matricies: number[][]): number
const length = matricies.length;
if(!length) return 0;
let tileHeight = 0;
let i = 0;
while(i < length)
const matrix = matricies[i];
let j = 0;
while(j < matrix.length)
const height = matrix[j];
if(height > tileHeight) tileHeight = height;
return tileHeight;
private static findEntranceTile(matricies: number[][]): Point
if(!matricies) return null;
const length = matricies.length;
if(!length) return null;
const _local_6: number[] = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < length)
const matrix = matricies[i];
if(!matrix || !matrix.length) return null;
let j = 0;
while(j < matrix.length)
if(matrix[j] >= 0)
if(_local_6.length < (i + 1)) _local_6.push((matrix.length + 1));
i = 1;
while(i < (_local_6.length - 1))
if(((Math.trunc(_local_6[i]) <= (Math.trunc(_local_6[(i - 1)]) - 1)) && (Math.trunc(_local_6[i]) <= (Math.trunc(_local_6[(i + 1)]) - 1)))) return new Point(Math.trunc((_local_6[i]) | 0), i);
return null;
private static expandFloorTiles(k: number[][]): number[][]
let _local_5: number;
let _local_6: number;
let _local_7: number;
let _local_8: number;
let _local_10: number;
let _local_11: number;
let _local_12: number;
let _local_13: number;
let _local_14: number;
let _local_15: number;
let _local_16: number;
let _local_17: number;
const _local_2 = k.length;
const _local_3: number = k[0].length;
const _local_4: number[][] = [];
_local_6 = 0;
while(_local_6 < (_local_2 * 4))
_local_4[_local_6] = [];
let _local_9 = 0;
_local_6 = 0;
while(_local_6 < _local_2)
_local_10 = 0;
_local_5 = 0;
while(_local_5 < _local_3)
_local_11 = k[_local_6][_local_5];
if(((_local_11 < 0) || (_local_11 <= 0xFF)))
_local_8 = 0;
while(_local_8 < 4)
_local_7 = 0;
while(_local_7 < 4)
if(_local_4[(_local_9 + _local_8)] === undefined) _local_4[(_local_9 + _local_8)] = [];
_local_4[(_local_9 + _local_8)][(_local_10 + _local_7)] = ((_local_11 < 0) ? _local_11 : (_local_11 * 4));
_local_12 = ((_local_11 & 0xFF) * 4);
_local_13 = (_local_12 + (((_local_11 >> 11) & 0x01) * 3));
_local_14 = (_local_12 + (((_local_11 >> 10) & 0x01) * 3));
_local_15 = (_local_12 + (((_local_11 >> 9) & 0x01) * 3));
_local_16 = (_local_12 + (((_local_11 >> 8) & 0x01) * 3));
_local_7 = 0;
while(_local_7 < 3)
_local_17 = (_local_7 + 1);
_local_4[_local_9][(_local_10 + _local_7)] = (((_local_13 * (3 - _local_7)) + (_local_14 * _local_7)) / 3);
_local_4[(_local_9 + 3)][(_local_10 + _local_17)] = (((_local_15 * (3 - _local_17)) + (_local_16 * _local_17)) / 3);
_local_4[(_local_9 + _local_17)][_local_10] = (((_local_13 * (3 - _local_17)) + (_local_15 * _local_17)) / 3);
_local_4[(_local_9 + _local_7)][(_local_10 + 3)] = (((_local_14 * (3 - _local_7)) + (_local_16 * _local_7)) / 3);
_local_4[(_local_9 + 1)][(_local_10 + 1)] = ((_local_13 > _local_12) ? (_local_12 + 2) : (_local_12 + 1));
_local_4[(_local_9 + 1)][(_local_10 + 2)] = ((_local_14 > _local_12) ? (_local_12 + 2) : (_local_12 + 1));
_local_4[(_local_9 + 2)][(_local_10 + 1)] = ((_local_15 > _local_12) ? (_local_12 + 2) : (_local_12 + 1));
_local_4[(_local_9 + 2)][(_local_10 + 2)] = ((_local_16 > _local_12) ? (_local_12 + 2) : (_local_12 + 1));
_local_10 = (_local_10 + 4);
_local_9 = (_local_9 + 4);
return _local_4;
private static addTileTypes(k: number[][]): void
let _local_4: number;
let _local_5: number;
let _local_6: number;
let _local_7: number;
let _local_8: number;
let _local_9: number;
let _local_10: number;
let _local_11: number;
let _local_12: number;
let _local_13: number;
let _local_14: number;
let _local_15: number;
let _local_16: number;
let _local_17: number;
const _local_2: number = (k.length - 1);
const _local_3: number = (k[0].length - 1);
_local_5 = 1;
while(_local_5 < _local_2)
_local_4 = 1;
while(_local_4 < _local_3)
_local_6 = k[_local_5][_local_4];
if(_local_6 < 0)
_local_7 = (k[(_local_5 - 1)][(_local_4 - 1)] & 0xFF);
_local_8 = (k[(_local_5 - 1)][_local_4] & 0xFF);
_local_9 = (k[(_local_5 - 1)][(_local_4 + 1)] & 0xFF);
_local_10 = (k[_local_5][(_local_4 - 1)] & 0xFF);
_local_11 = (k[_local_5][(_local_4 + 1)] & 0xFF);
_local_12 = (k[(_local_5 + 1)][(_local_4 - 1)] & 0xFF);
_local_13 = (k[(_local_5 + 1)][_local_4] & 0xFF);
_local_14 = (k[(_local_5 + 1)][(_local_4 + 1)] & 0xFF);
_local_15 = (_local_6 + 1);
_local_16 = (_local_6 - 1);
_local_17 = (((((((_local_7 == _local_15) || (_local_8 == _local_15)) || (_local_10 == _local_15)) ? 8 : 0) | ((((_local_9 == _local_15) || (_local_8 == _local_15)) || (_local_11 == _local_15)) ? 4 : 0)) | ((((_local_12 == _local_15) || (_local_13 == _local_15)) || (_local_10 == _local_15)) ? 2 : 0)) | ((((_local_14 == _local_15) || (_local_13 == _local_15)) || (_local_11 == _local_15)) ? 1 : 0));
if(_local_17 == 15)
_local_17 = 0;
k[_local_5][_local_4] = (_local_6 | (_local_17 << 8));
private static unpadHeightMap(k: number[][]): void
for(const _local_2 of k)
private static padHeightMap(k: number[][]): void
const _local_2: number[] = [];
const _local_3: number[] = [];
for(const _local_4 of k)
for(const _local_5 of k[0])
public get minX(): number
return this._minX;
public get maxX(): number
return this._maxX;
public get minY(): number
return this._minY;
public get maxY(): number
return this._maxY;
public get tileMapWidth(): number
return this._width;
public get tileMapHeight(): number
return this._height;
public get planeCount(): number
return this._planes.length;
public get floorHeight(): number
if(this._fixedWallHeight != -1)
return this._fixedWallHeight;
return this._floorHeight;
public get wallHeight(): number
if(this._fixedWallHeight != -1)
return this._fixedWallHeight + 3.6;
return this._wallHeight;
public set wallHeight(k: number)
if(k < 0)
k = 0;
this._wallHeight = k;
public get wallThicknessMultiplier(): number
return this._wallThicknessMultiplier;
public set wallThicknessMultiplier(k: number)
if(k < 0)
k = 0;
this._wallThicknessMultiplier = k;
public get floorThicknessMultiplier(): number
return this._floorThicknessMultiplier;
public set floorThicknessMultiplier(k: number)
if(k < 0)
k = 0;
this._floorThicknessMultiplier = k;
public dispose(): void
this._planes = null;
this._tileMatrix = null;
this._tileMatrixOriginal = null;
this._floorHoleMatrix = null;
if(this._floorHoles != null)
this._floorHoles = null;
public reset(): void
this._planes = [];
this._tileMatrix = [];
this._tileMatrixOriginal = [];
this._width = 0;
this._height = 0;
this._minX = 0;
this._maxX = 0;
this._minY = 0;
this._maxY = 0;
this._floorHeight = 0;
this._floorHoleMatrix = [];
public initializeTileMap(width: number, height: number): boolean
if(width < 0) width = 0;
if(height < 0) height = 0;
this._tileMatrix = [];
this._tileMatrixOriginal = [];
this._floorHoleMatrix = [];
let y = 0;
while(y < height)
const tileMatrix = [];
const tileMatrixOriginal = [];
const floorHoleMatrix = [];
let x = 0;
while(x < width)
tileMatrix[x] = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
tileMatrixOriginal[x] = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
floorHoleMatrix[x] = false;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
this._minX = this._width;
this._maxX = -1;
this._minY = this._height;
this._maxY = -1;
return true;
public setTileHeight(k: number, _arg_2: number, _arg_3: number): boolean
let _local_4: number[];
let _local_5: boolean;
let _local_6: number;
let _local_7: boolean;
let _local_8: number;
if(((((k >= 0) && (k < this._width)) && (_arg_2 >= 0)) && (_arg_2 < this._height)))
_local_4 = this._tileMatrix[_arg_2];
_local_4[k] = _arg_3;
if(_arg_3 >= 0)
if(k < this._minX)
this._minX = k;
if(k > this._maxX)
this._maxX = k;
if(_arg_2 < this._minY)
this._minY = _arg_2;
if(_arg_2 > this._maxY)
this._maxY = _arg_2;
if(((k == this._minX) || (k == this._maxX)))
_local_5 = false;
_local_6 = this._minY;
while(_local_6 < this._maxY)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal(k, _local_6) >= 0)
_local_5 = true;
if(k == this._minX)
if(k == this._maxX)
if(((_arg_2 == this._minY) || (_arg_2 == this._maxY)))
_local_7 = false;
_local_8 = this._minX;
while(_local_8 < this._maxX)
if(this.getTileHeight(_local_8, _arg_2) >= 0)
_local_7 = true;
if(_arg_2 == this._minY)
if(_arg_2 == this._maxY)
return true;
return false;
public getTileHeight(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((((k < 0) || (k >= this._width)) || (_arg_2 < 0)) || (_arg_2 >= this._height)))
return RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
const _local_3 = this._tileMatrix[_arg_2];
if(_local_3[k] === undefined) return 0;
return Math.abs(_local_3[k]);
private getTileHeightOriginal(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((((k < 0) || (k >= this._width)) || (_arg_2 < 0)) || (_arg_2 >= this._height)))
return RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
return RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE;
const _local_3 = this._tileMatrixOriginal[_arg_2];
return _local_3[k];
private getTileHeightInternal(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((((k < 0) || (k >= this._width)) || (_arg_2 < 0)) || (_arg_2 >= this._height)))
return RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
const _local_3 = this._tileMatrix[_arg_2];
return _local_3[k];
public initializeFromTileData(k: number = -1): boolean
let _local_2: number;
let _local_3: number;
this._fixedWallHeight = k;
_local_3 = 0;
while(_local_3 < this._height)
_local_2 = 0;
while(_local_2 < this._width)
if(this._tileMatrixOriginal[_local_3] === undefined) this._tileMatrixOriginal[_local_3] = [];
this._tileMatrixOriginal[_local_3][_local_2] = this._tileMatrix[_local_3][_local_2];
const _local_4: Point = RoomPlaneParser.findEntranceTile(this._tileMatrix);
_local_3 = 0;
while(_local_3 < this._height)
_local_2 = 0;
while(_local_2 < this._width)
if(this._floorHoleMatrix[_local_3] === undefined) this._floorHoleMatrix[_local_3] = [];
this.setTileHeight(_local_2, _local_3, RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE);
return this.initialize(_local_4);
private initialize(k: Point): boolean
let _local_2 = 0;
if(k != null)
_local_2 = this.getTileHeight(k.x, k.y);
this.setTileHeight(k.x, k.y, RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED);
this._floorHeight = RoomPlaneParser.getFloorHeight(this._tileMatrix);
const _local_3: number[][] = [];
for(const _local_4 of this._tileMatrix) _local_3.push(_local_4.concat());
const _local_5 = RoomPlaneParser.expandFloorTiles(_local_3);
if(k != null)
this.setTileHeight(k.x, k.y, _local_2);
this.addFloor(new Vector3d((k.x + 0.5), (k.y + 0.5), _local_2), new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, -1, 0), false, false, false, false);
return true;
private generateWallData(k: Point, _arg_2: boolean): RoomWallData
let _local_8: boolean;
let _local_9: boolean;
let _local_10: number;
let _local_11: Point;
let _local_12: number;
const _local_3: RoomWallData = new RoomWallData();
const _local_4: Function[] = [this.extractTopWall.bind(this), this.extractRightWall.bind(this), this.extractBottomWall.bind(this), this.extractLeftWall.bind(this)];
let _local_5 = 0;
let _local_6: Point = new Point(k.x, k.y);
let _local_7 = 0;
while(_local_7++ < 1000)
_local_8 = false;
_local_9 = false;
_local_10 = _local_5;
if(((((_local_6.x < this.minX) || (_local_6.x > this.maxX)) || (_local_6.y < this.minY)) || (_local_6.y > this.maxY)))
_local_8 = true;
_local_11 = _local_4[_local_5](_local_6, _arg_2);
if(_local_11 == null)
return null;
_local_12 = (Math.abs((_local_11.x - _local_6.x)) + Math.abs((_local_11.y - _local_6.y)));
if(((_local_6.x == _local_11.x) || (_local_6.y == _local_11.y)))
_local_5 = (((_local_5 - 1) + _local_4.length) % _local_4.length);
_local_12 = (_local_12 + 1);
_local_9 = true;
_local_5 = ((_local_5 + 1) % _local_4.length);
_local_3.addWall(_local_6, _local_10, _local_12, _local_8, _local_9);
if((((_local_11.x == k.x) && (_local_11.y == k.y)) && ((!(_local_11.x == _local_6.x)) || (!(_local_11.y == _local_6.y)))))
_local_6 = _local_11;
if(_local_3.count == 0)
return null;
return _local_3;
private hidePeninsulaWallChains(k: RoomWallData): void
let _local_5: number;
let _local_6: number;
let _local_7: boolean;
let _local_8: number;
let _local_2 = 0;
const _local_3: number = k.count;
while(_local_2 < _local_3)
const _local_4 = _local_2;
_local_5 = _local_2;
_local_6 = 0;
_local_7 = false;
while(((!(k.getBorder(_local_2))) && (_local_2 < _local_3)))
if(_local_6 > 0)
if(_local_6 > 1)
_local_7 = true;
_local_5 = _local_2;
_local_8 = _local_4;
while(_local_8 <= _local_5)
k.setHideWall(_local_8, true);
private updateWallsNextToHoles(k: RoomWallData): void
let _local_4: Point;
let _local_5: number;
let _local_6: number;
let _local_7: IVector3D;
let _local_8: IVector3D;
let _local_9: number;
let _local_10: number;
const _local_2: number = k.count;
let _local_3 = 0;
while(_local_3 < _local_2)
_local_4 = k.getCorner(_local_3);
_local_5 = k.getDirection(_local_3);
_local_6 = k.getLength(_local_3);
_local_7 = RoomWallData.WALL_DIRECTION_VECTORS[_local_5];
_local_8 = RoomWallData.WALL_NORMAL_VECTORS[_local_5];
_local_9 = 0;
_local_10 = 0;
while(_local_10 < _local_6)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal(((_local_4.x + (_local_10 * _local_7.x)) - _local_8.x), ((_local_4.y + (_local_10 * _local_7.y)) - _local_8.y)) == RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE)
if(((_local_10 > 0) && (_local_9 == 0)))
k.setLength(_local_3, _local_10);
if(_local_9 > 0)
k.moveCorner(_local_3, _local_9);
if(_local_9 == _local_6)
k.setHideWall(_local_3, true);
private resolveOriginalWallIndex(k: Point, _arg_2: Point, _arg_3: RoomWallData): number
let _local_10: Point;
let _local_11: Point;
let _local_12: number;
let _local_13: number;
let _local_14: number;
let _local_15: number;
const _local_4: number = Math.min(k.y, _arg_2.y);
const _local_5: number = Math.max(k.y, _arg_2.y);
const _local_6: number = Math.min(k.x, _arg_2.x);
const _local_7: number = Math.max(k.x, _arg_2.x);
const _local_8: number = _arg_3.count;
let _local_9 = 0;
while(_local_9 < _local_8)
_local_10 = _arg_3.getCorner(_local_9);
_local_11 = _arg_3.getEndPoint(_local_9);
if(k.x == _arg_2.x)
if(((_local_10.x == k.x) && (_local_11.x == k.x)))
_local_12 = Math.min(_local_10.y, _local_11.y);
_local_13 = Math.max(_local_10.y, _local_11.y);
if(((_local_12 <= _local_4) && (_local_5 <= _local_13)))
return _local_9;
if(k.y == _arg_2.y)
if(((_local_10.y == k.y) && (_local_11.y == k.y)))
_local_14 = Math.min(_local_10.x, _local_11.x);
_local_15 = Math.max(_local_10.x, _local_11.x);
if(((_local_14 <= _local_6) && (_local_7 <= _local_15)))
return _local_9;
return -1;
private hideOriginallyHiddenWalls(k: RoomWallData, _arg_2: RoomWallData): void
let _local_5: Point;
let _local_6: Point;
let _local_7: IVector3D;
let _local_8: number;
let _local_9: number;
const _local_3: number = k.count;
let _local_4 = 0;
while(_local_4 < _local_3)
_local_5 = k.getCorner(_local_4);
_local_6 = new Point(_local_5.x, _local_5.y);
_local_7 = RoomWallData.WALL_DIRECTION_VECTORS[k.getDirection(_local_4)];
_local_8 = k.getLength(_local_4);
_local_6.x = (_local_6.x + (_local_7.x * _local_8));
_local_6.y = (_local_6.y + (_local_7.y * _local_8));
_local_9 = this.resolveOriginalWallIndex(_local_5, _local_6, _arg_2);
if(_local_9 >= 0)
k.setHideWall(_local_4, true);
k.setHideWall(_local_4, true);
private checkWallHiding(k: RoomWallData, _arg_2: RoomWallData): void
this.hideOriginallyHiddenWalls(k, _arg_2);
private addWalls(k: RoomWallData, _arg_2: RoomWallData): void
const _local_3 = k.count;
const _local_4 = _arg_2.count;
let _local_7 = 0;
while(_local_7 < _local_3)
const _local_8 = k.getCorner(_local_7);
const _local_9 = k.getDirection(_local_7);
const _local_10 = k.getLength(_local_7);
const _local_11 = RoomWallData.WALL_DIRECTION_VECTORS[_local_9];
const _local_12 = RoomWallData.WALL_NORMAL_VECTORS[_local_9];
let _local_13 = -1;
let _local_14 = 0;
while(_local_14 < _local_10)
const _local_27 = this.getTileHeightInternal(((_local_8.x + (_local_14 * _local_11.x)) + _local_12.x), ((_local_8.y + (_local_14 * _local_11.y)) + _local_12.y));
if(((_local_27 >= 0) && ((_local_27 < _local_13) || (_local_13 < 0))))
_local_13 = _local_27;
const _local_15 = _local_13;
let _local_16 = new Vector3d(_local_8.x, _local_8.y, _local_15);
_local_16 = Vector3d.sum(_local_16, Vector3d.product(_local_12, 0.5));
_local_16 = Vector3d.sum(_local_16, Vector3d.product(_local_11, -0.5));
const _local_17 = ((this.wallHeight + Math.min(RoomPlaneParser.MAX_WALL_ADDITIONAL_HEIGHT, this.floorHeight)) - _local_13);
const _local_18 = Vector3d.product(_local_11, -(_local_10));
const _local_19 = new Vector3d(0, 0, _local_17);
_local_16 = Vector3d.dif(_local_16, _local_18);
const _local_20 = this.resolveOriginalWallIndex(_local_8, k.getEndPoint(_local_7), _arg_2);
let _local_5 = 0;
let _local_6 = 0;
if(_local_20 >= 0)
_local_5 = _arg_2.getDirection(((_local_20 + 1) % _local_4));
_local_6 = _arg_2.getDirection((((_local_20 - 1) + _local_4) % _local_4));
_local_5 = k.getDirection(((_local_7 + 1) % _local_3));
_local_6 = k.getDirection((((_local_7 - 1) + _local_3) % _local_3));
let _local_21 = null;
if((((_local_5 - _local_9) + 4) % 4) == 3)
_local_21 = RoomWallData.WALL_NORMAL_VECTORS[_local_5];
if((((_local_9 - _local_6) + 4) % 4) == 3)
_local_21 = RoomWallData.WALL_NORMAL_VECTORS[_local_6];
const _local_22 = k.getLeftTurn(_local_7);
const _local_23 = k.getLeftTurn((((_local_7 - 1) + _local_3) % _local_3));
const _local_24 = k.getHideWall(((_local_7 + 1) % _local_3));
const _local_25 = k.getManuallyLeftCut(_local_7);
const _local_26 = k.getManuallyRightCut(_local_7);
this.addWall(_local_16, _local_18, _local_19, _local_21, ((!(_local_23)) || (_local_25)), ((!(_local_22)) || (_local_26)), (!(_local_24)));
private createWallPlanes(): boolean
let _local_13: number;
let _local_14: number;
const k = this._tileMatrix;
if(k == null)
return false;
let _local_2: number;
let _local_3: number;
let _local_4: number[];
const _local_5: number = k.length;
let _local_6 = 0;
if(_local_5 == 0)
return false;
_local_2 = 0;
while(_local_2 < _local_5)
_local_4 = k[_local_2];
if(((_local_4 == null) || (_local_4.length == 0)))
return false;
if(_local_6 > 0)
_local_6 = Math.min(_local_6, _local_4.length);
_local_6 = _local_4.length;
const _local_7: number = Math.min(RoomPlaneParser.MAX_WALL_ADDITIONAL_HEIGHT, ((this._fixedWallHeight != -1) ? this._fixedWallHeight : RoomPlaneParser.getFloorHeight(k)));
const _local_8: number = this.minX;
let _local_9: number = this.minY;
_local_9 = this.minY;
while(_local_9 <= this.maxY)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal(_local_8, _local_9) > RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE)
if(_local_9 > this.maxY)
return false;
const _local_10: Point = new Point(_local_8, _local_9);
const _local_11: RoomWallData = this.generateWallData(_local_10, true);
const _local_12: RoomWallData = this.generateWallData(_local_10, false);
if(_local_11 != null)
_local_13 = _local_11.count;
_local_14 = _local_12.count;
this.checkWallHiding(_local_11, _local_12);
this.addWalls(_local_11, _local_12);
_local_3 = 0;
while(_local_3 < this.tileMapHeight)
_local_2 = 0;
while(_local_2 < this.tileMapWidth)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal(_local_2, _local_3) < 0)
this.setTileHeight(_local_2, _local_3, -(_local_7 + this.wallHeight));
return true;
private extractTopWall(k: Point, _arg_2: boolean): Point
if(k == null)
return null;
let _local_3 = 1;
let _local_4: number = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE;
_local_4 = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
while(_local_3 < 1000)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal((k.x + _local_3), k.y) > _local_4)
return new Point(((k.x + _local_3) - 1), k.y);
if(this.getTileHeightInternal((k.x + _local_3), (k.y + 1)) <= _local_4)
return new Point((k.x + _local_3), (k.y + 1));
return null;
private extractRightWall(k: Point, _arg_2: boolean): Point
if(k == null)
return null;
let _local_3 = 1;
let _local_4: number = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE;
_local_4 = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
while(_local_3 < 1000)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal(k.x, (k.y + _local_3)) > _local_4)
return new Point(k.x, (k.y + (_local_3 - 1)));
if(this.getTileHeightInternal((k.x - 1), (k.y + _local_3)) <= _local_4)
return new Point((k.x - 1), (k.y + _local_3));
return null;
private extractBottomWall(k: Point, _arg_2: boolean): Point
if(k == null)
return null;
let _local_3 = 1;
let _local_4: number = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE;
_local_4 = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
while(_local_3 < 1000)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal((k.x - _local_3), k.y) > _local_4)
return new Point((k.x - (_local_3 - 1)), k.y);
if(this.getTileHeightInternal((k.x - _local_3), (k.y - 1)) <= _local_4)
return new Point((k.x - _local_3), (k.y - 1));
return null;
private extractLeftWall(k: Point, _arg_2: boolean): Point
if(k == null)
return null;
let _local_3 = 1;
let _local_4: number = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_HOLE;
_local_4 = RoomPlaneParser.TILE_BLOCKED;
while(_local_3 < 1000)
if(this.getTileHeightInternal(k.x, (k.y - _local_3)) > _local_4)
return new Point(k.x, (k.y - (_local_3 - 1)));
if(this.getTileHeightInternal((k.x + 1), (k.y - _local_3)) <= _local_4)
return new Point((k.x + 1), (k.y - _local_3));
return null;
private addWall(k: IVector3D, _arg_2: IVector3D, _arg_3: IVector3D, _arg_4: IVector3D, _arg_5: boolean, _arg_6: boolean, _arg_7: boolean): void
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_WALL, k, _arg_2, _arg_3, [_arg_4]);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_LANDSCAPE, k, _arg_2, _arg_3, [_arg_4]);
const _local_8: number = (RoomPlaneParser.WALL_THICKNESS * this._wallThicknessMultiplier);
const _local_9: number = (RoomPlaneParser.FLOOR_THICKNESS * this._floorThicknessMultiplier);
const _local_10: Vector3d = Vector3d.crossProduct(_arg_2, _arg_3);
const _local_11: Vector3d = Vector3d.product(_local_10, ((1 / _local_10.length) * -(_local_8)));
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_WALL, Vector3d.sum(k, _arg_3), _arg_2, _local_11, [_local_10, _arg_4]);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_WALL, Vector3d.sum(Vector3d.sum(k, _arg_2), _arg_3), Vector3d.product(_arg_3, (-(_arg_3.length + _local_9) / _arg_3.length)), _local_11, [_local_10, _arg_4]);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_WALL, Vector3d.sum(k, Vector3d.product(_arg_3, (-(_local_9) / _arg_3.length))), Vector3d.product(_arg_3, ((_arg_3.length + _local_9) / _arg_3.length)), _local_11, [_local_10, _arg_4]);
const _local_12 = Vector3d.product(_arg_2, (_local_8 / _arg_2.length));
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_WALL, Vector3d.sum(Vector3d.sum(k, _arg_3), Vector3d.product(_local_12, -1)), _local_12, _local_11, [_local_10, _arg_2, _arg_4]);
private addFloor(k: IVector3D, _arg_2: IVector3D, _arg_3: IVector3D, _arg_4: boolean, _arg_5: boolean, _arg_6: boolean, _arg_7: boolean): void
let _local_9: number;
let _local_10: Vector3d;
let _local_11: Vector3d;
const _local_8: RoomPlaneData = this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_FLOOR, k, _arg_2, _arg_3);
if(_local_8 != null)
_local_9 = (RoomPlaneParser.FLOOR_THICKNESS * this._floorThicknessMultiplier);
_local_10 = new Vector3d(0, 0, _local_9);
_local_11 = Vector3d.dif(k, _local_10);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_FLOOR, _local_11, _arg_2, _local_10);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_FLOOR, Vector3d.sum(_local_11, Vector3d.sum(_arg_2, _arg_3)), Vector3d.product(_arg_2, -1), _local_10);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_FLOOR, Vector3d.sum(_local_11, _arg_3), Vector3d.product(_arg_3, -1), _local_10);
this.addPlane(RoomPlaneData.PLANE_FLOOR, Vector3d.sum(_local_11, _arg_2), _arg_3, _local_10);
public initializeFromMapData(data: RoomMapData): boolean
if(!data) return false;
const width = data.width;
const height = data.height;
const wallHeight = data.wallHeight;
const fixedWallsHeight = data.fixedWallsHeight;
this.initializeTileMap(width, height);
let y = 0;
while(y < data.tileMap.length)
const row = data.tileMap[y];
let x = 0;
while(x < row.length)
const column = row[x];
if(column) this.setTileHeight(x, y, column.height);
if(data.holeMap && data.holeMap.length)
let index = 0;
while(index < data.holeMap.length)
const hole = data.holeMap[index];
if(!hole) continue;
this.addFloorHole(, hole.x, hole.y, hole.width, hole.height);
this.wallHeight = wallHeight;
this.restrictsDragging = data.restrictsDragging;
this.restrictsScaling = data.restrictsScaling;
this.restrictedScale = data.restrictedScale;
return true;
private addPlane(k: number, _arg_2: IVector3D, _arg_3: IVector3D, _arg_4: IVector3D, _arg_5: IVector3D[] = null): RoomPlaneData
if(((_arg_3.length == 0) || (_arg_4.length == 0)))
return null;
const _local_6: RoomPlaneData = new RoomPlaneData(k, _arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4, _arg_5);
return _local_6;
public getMapData(): RoomMapData
const data = new RoomMapData();
data.width = this._width;
data.height = this._height;
data.wallHeight = this._wallHeight;
data.fixedWallsHeight = this._fixedWallHeight;
data.dimensions.minX = this.minX;
data.dimensions.maxX = this.maxX;
data.dimensions.minY = this.minY;
data.dimensions.maxY = this.maxY;
data.restrictsDragging = this.restrictsDragging;
data.restrictsScaling = this.restrictsScaling;
data.restrictedScale = this.restrictedScale;
let y = 0;
while(y < this._height)
const tileRow: { height: number }[] = [];
const tileMatrix = this._tileMatrixOriginal[y];
let x = 0;
while(x < this._width)
const tileHeight = tileMatrix[x];
tileRow.push({ height: tileHeight });
for(const [holeId, holeData] of this._floorHoles.entries())
if(!holeData) continue;
id: holeId,
x: holeData.x,
y: holeData.y,
width: holeData.width,
height: holeData.height
return data;
public getPlaneLocation(k: number): IVector3D
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return null;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return null;
return planeData.loc;
public getPlaneNormal(k: number): IVector3D
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return null;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return null;
return planeData.normal;
public getPlaneLeftSide(k: number): IVector3D
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return null;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return null;
return planeData.leftSide;
public getPlaneRightSide(k: number): IVector3D
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return null;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return null;
return planeData.rightSide;
public getPlaneNormalDirection(k: number): IVector3D
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return null;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return null;
return planeData.normalDirection;
public getPlaneSecondaryNormals(k: number): IVector3D[]
let _local_3: IVector3D[];
let _local_4: number;
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount)))
return null;
const _local_2: RoomPlaneData = (this._planes[k] as RoomPlaneData);
if(_local_2 != null)
_local_3 = [];
_local_4 = 0;
while(_local_4 < _local_2.secondaryNormalCount)
return _local_3;
return null;
public getPlaneType(k: number): number
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return RoomPlaneData.PLANE_UNDEFINED;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return RoomPlaneData.PLANE_UNDEFINED;
return planeData.type;
public getPlaneMaskCount(k: number): number
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return 0;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return 0;
return planeData.maskCount;
public getPlaneMaskLeftSideLoc(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return -1;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return -1;
return planeData.getMaskLeftSideLoc(_arg_2);
public getPlaneMaskRightSideLoc(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return -1;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return -1;
return planeData.getMaskRightSideLoc(_arg_2);
public getPlaneMaskLeftSideLength(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return -1;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return -1;
return planeData.getMaskLeftSideLength(_arg_2);
public getPlaneMaskRightSideLength(k: number, _arg_2: number): number
if(((k < 0) || (k >= this.planeCount))) return -1;
const planeData = this._planes[k];
if(!planeData) return -1;
return planeData.getMaskRightSideLength(_arg_2);
public addFloorHole(k: number, _arg_2: number, _arg_3: number, _arg_4: number, _arg_5: number): void
this._floorHoles.set(k, new RoomFloorHole(_arg_2, _arg_3, _arg_4, _arg_5));
public removeFloorHole(k: number): void
public resetFloorHoles(): void
private initializeHoleMap(): void
let k: number;
let _local_2: number;
let _local_3: boolean[];
let _local_5: RoomFloorHole;
let _local_6: number;
let _local_7: number;
let _local_8: number;
let _local_9: number;
_local_2 = 0;
while(_local_2 < this._height)
_local_3 = this._floorHoleMatrix[_local_2];
k = 0;
while(k < this._width)
_local_3[k] = false;
for(const _local_4 of this._floorHoles.values())
_local_5 = _local_4;
if(_local_5 != null)
_local_6 = _local_5.x;
_local_7 = ((_local_5.x + _local_5.width) - 1);
_local_8 = _local_5.y;
_local_9 = ((_local_5.y + _local_5.height) - 1);
_local_6 = ((_local_6 < 0) ? 0 : _local_6);
_local_7 = ((_local_7 >= this._width) ? (this._width - 1) : _local_7);
_local_8 = ((_local_8 < 0) ? 0 : _local_8);
_local_9 = ((_local_9 >= this._height) ? (this._height - 1) : _local_9);
_local_2 = _local_8;
while(_local_2 <= _local_9)
_local_3 = this._floorHoleMatrix[_local_2];
k = _local_6;
while(k <= _local_7)
_local_3[k] = true;
private extractPlanes(k: number[][]): void
let _local_7: number;
let _local_8: number;
let _local_9: number;
let _local_10: number;
let _local_11: boolean;
let _local_12: boolean;
let _local_13: boolean;
let _local_14: boolean;
let _local_15: number;
let _local_16: number;
let _local_17: boolean;
let _local_18: number;
let _local_19: number;
let _local_20: number;
let _local_21: number;
const _local_2 = k.length;
const _local_3: number = k[0].length;
const _local_4: boolean[][] = [];
let _local_5 = 0;
while(_local_5 < _local_2)
_local_4[_local_5] = [];
let _local_6 = 0;
while(_local_6 < _local_2)
_local_7 = 0;
while(_local_7 < _local_3)
_local_8 = k[_local_6][_local_7];
if(((_local_8 < 0) || (_local_4[_local_6][_local_7])))
_local_11 = ((_local_7 == 0) || (!(k[_local_6][(_local_7 - 1)] == _local_8)));
_local_12 = ((_local_6 == 0) || (!(k[(_local_6 - 1)][_local_7] == _local_8)));
_local_9 = (_local_7 + 1);
while(_local_9 < _local_3)
if((((!(k[_local_6][_local_9] == _local_8)) || (_local_4[_local_6][_local_9])) || ((_local_6 > 0) && ((k[(_local_6 - 1)][_local_9] == _local_8) == _local_12))))
_local_13 = ((_local_9 == _local_3) || (!(k[_local_6][_local_9] == _local_8)));
_local_17 = false;
_local_10 = (_local_6 + 1);
while(((_local_10 < _local_2) && (!(_local_17))))
_local_14 = (!(k[_local_10][_local_7] == _local_8));
_local_17 = (((_local_14) || ((_local_7 > 0) && ((k[_local_10][(_local_7 - 1)] == _local_8) == _local_11))) || ((_local_9 < _local_3) && ((k[_local_10][_local_9] == _local_8) == _local_13)));
_local_15 = _local_7;
while(_local_15 < _local_9)
if((k[_local_10][_local_15] == _local_8) == _local_14)
_local_17 = true;
_local_9 = _local_15;
_local_14 = ((_local_14) || (_local_10 == _local_2));
_local_13 = ((_local_9 == _local_3) || (!(k[_local_6][_local_9] == _local_8)));
_local_16 = _local_6;
while(_local_16 < _local_10)
_local_15 = _local_7;
while(_local_15 < _local_9)
_local_4[_local_16][_local_15] = true;
_local_18 = ((_local_7 / 4) - 0.5);
_local_19 = ((_local_6 / 4) - 0.5);
_local_20 = ((_local_9 - _local_7) / 4);
_local_21 = ((_local_10 - _local_6) / 4);
this.addFloor(new Vector3d((_local_18 + _local_20), (_local_19 + _local_21), (_local_8 / 4)), new Vector3d(-(_local_20), 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, -(_local_21), 0), _local_13, _local_11, _local_14, _local_12);
public get restrictsDragging(): boolean
return this._restrictsDragging;
public set restrictsDragging(flag: boolean)
this._restrictsDragging = flag;
public get restrictsScaling(): boolean
return this._restrictsScaling;
public set restrictsScaling(flag: boolean)
this._restrictsScaling = flag;
public get restrictedScale(): number
return this._restrictedScale;
public set restrictedScale(scale: number)
this._restrictedScale = scale;